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I Hate Cats

I was cooking when I heard a “ping” “ping” at my glass front door.  When I opened the door, my cat ran in. Then I saw a little kid, down the steps, (he was maybe twelve) with a fistful of rocks.

He was ready to throw another one.

I told him: “You needn’t be afraid of my cat.”

He said: “I’m not afraid!  I hate cats!!!”

“Why?” I asked.

He answered, “I just hate ‘em.”

“You would like them if you got to know one of them.”
I told him.

“I don’t want to like them”, he answered.

Fear can be wisdom.

Hatred never is.

Terry Ruby
Washington DC

Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović, 18. 06. 2001. in Belgrade

Mrzim mačke

Baš nešto kuvah kad čuh "ping, ping" na svojim prednjim staklenim vratima. Kad sam otvorio vrata, moja je mačka utrčala. Tada videh jednog malog, dole na stepenicama (beše mu oko dvanaest godina) sa šakom punom kamenja.

Bio je spreman da baci još jedan.

Rekao sam mu: "Nema potrebe da se plašiš moje mačke".

On reče: "Ne bojim se! Ja mrzim mačke!!!"

"Zašto?" - pitao sam.

Odgovorio je: "Eto tako, mrzim i'."

"Svidele bi ti se, ako bi bolje upoznao neku od njih", rekoh mu.

"Neću da mi se sviđaju", odgovori on.

Strah može biti mudrost.

Mržnja nikad.

Teri Rubi

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 18. 06. 2001. u Beogradu

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