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The Lotus Sutra

Chapter 5

The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs

The great sage, the World-Honored One, 
to heavenly and human beings, 
pronounces these words: 
I am the Thus Come One, 
most honored of two-legged beings. 
I appear in the world 
like a great cloud 
that showers moisture upon 
all the dry and withered living beings, 
os that all are able to escape suffering, 
gain the joy of peace and security, 
the joys of this world 
and the joy of nirvana. 
All you heavenly and human beings of this assembly, 
listen carefully and with one mind! 
All of you should gather around 
and observe the one of unexcelled honor. 
A am the World-Honored One, 
none can rival me. 
In order to bring peace and security to living beings 
I have appeared it the world 
and for the sake of this great assembly 
I preach the sweet dew of the pure Law. 
This Law is of a single flavor, 
that of emancipation, nirvana. 
With a single wonderful sound 
I expound and unfold its meaning; 
constantly for the sake of the Great Vehicle 
I create causes and conditions. 
I look upon all things 
as being universally equal, 
I have no mind to favor this or that, 
to love one or hate another. 
I am without limitation or hindrance. 
At all times, for all things 
I preach the Law equally; 
as I would for a single person, 
that same way I do for numerous persons, 
constantly I expound and preach the Law, 
never have I done anything else, 
coming, going, sitting, standing, 
never to the end growing weary or disheartened. 
I bring fullness and satisfaction to the world, 
like rain that spreads its moisture everywhere, 
Eminent and lowly, superior and inferior, 
observers of precepts, violators of precepts, 
those fully endowed with proper demeanor, 
those not fully endowed, 
those of correct views, of erroneous views, 
of keen capacity, of dull capacity— 
I cause the Dharma rain on all equally, 
never lax or neglectful. 
When all the various living beings 
hear my Law, 
they receive it according to their power, 
dwelling in their different environments. 
Some inhabit the realm of human and heavenly beings, 
of wheel-turning sage kings, 
Shakra, Brahma ane the other kings— 
these are the inferior medicinal herbs. 
Some understand the Law of no outflows, 
are able to attain nirvana, 
to acquire the six transcendental powers 
and gain in particular the three understandings, 
or live alone in mountain forests, 
constantly practicing meditation 
and gaining the enlightenment of pratyekabuddhas— 
these are the middling medicinal herbs. 
Still others seek the place of the World-Honored One, 
convinced that they can become Buddhas, 
putting forth diligent effort and practicing meditation— 
these are the superior medicinal herbs. 
Again there are sons of the Buddha 
who devote their minds solely to the Buddha way, 
constantly practicing mercy and compassion, 
certain of it and never doubting— 
these I call small trees. 
Those who abide in peace in their transcendental powers, 
turning the wheel of non-regression, 
saving innumerable millions 
of hundreds of thousands of living beings— 
bodhisattvas such as these 
I call large trees. 
The equality of the Buddha's preaching 
is like a rain of a single flavor, 
but depending upon the nature of the living being, 
the way in which it is received is not uniform, 
just as the various plants and trees 
each receive the moisture in a different manner. 
The Buddha employs this parable 
as an excellent means to open up and reveal the matter, 
using various kinds of words and phrases 
and expounding the single Law, 
but in terms of the Buddha wisdom 
this is no more than one drop of the ocean. 
I rain down the Dharma rain, 
filling the whole world, 
and this single-flavored Dharma 
is practiced by each according to the individual's power. 
It is like those thickets and groves, 
medicinal herbs and trees 
which, according to whether they are large or small, 
bit by bit grow lush and beautiful. 
The Law of the Buddhas 
is constantly of a single flavor, 
causing the many worlds 
to attain full satisfaction everywhere; 
by practicing gradually and stage by stage, 
all beings can gain the fruits of the way. 
The voice-hearers and pratyekabuddhas 
inhabit the mountain forests, 
dwelling in their final existence, 
hearing the Law and gaining its fruits— 
we may call them medicinal herbs 
that grow and mature each in its own way, 
if there are Bodhisattvas 
who are steadfast and firm in wisdom, 
who fully comprehend the threefold world 
and seek the supreme vehicle, 
these we call the small trees 
that achieve growth and maturity. 
Again there are those who dwell in meditation, 
who have gained the strength of transcendental powers, 
have heard of the emptiness of all phenomena, 
greatly rejoice in it in their minds 
and emit countless rays of light 
to save living beings— 
these we call large trees 
that have gained growth and maturity 
In this way, Kashyapa, 
the Law preached by the Buddha 
is comparable to a great cloud 
which, with a single-flavored rain, 
moistens human flowers
so that each is able to bear fruit. 
Kashyapa, you should understand 
that through various causes and conditions, 
various kinds of simile and parable, 
I open up and reveal the Buddha way. 
This is an expedient means I employ 
and the same is true of the other Buddhas. 
Now for you and the others 
I preach the utmost truth: 
none in the Multitude of voice-hearers 
has entered the stage of extinction. 
What you are practicing 
is the bodhisattva way, 
and as you gradually advance in practice and learning 
you are all certain to attain Buddhahood. 
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Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović, 23. 07. 2003. in the hot city of Belgrade
Source: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

Lotos sutra

Poglavlje 5

Parabola o lekovitom bilju

Veliki mudrac, Od Sveta Uvaženi,
nebeskim i ljudskim bićima,
izgovara ove reči:
Ja sam Takodošavši {Tatagata},
najuvaženiji od dvonogih bića.
Pojavljujem se u svetu
kao veliki oblak
koji obasipa vlagom
sva suva i svenula živa bića,
tako da sva ona mogu da izbegnu patnju,
steknu radost mira i sigurnosti,
radosti ovog sveta
i radost nirvane.
Svi vi nebeska i ljudska bića ovog skupa,
slušajte pažljivo i jednousmerenog uma!
Svi treba da se okupite
i osmotrite ovog nenadmašno cenjenog.
Ja sam Od Sveta Uvaženi,
niko se ne može nadmetati sa mnom.
Da donesem mir i sigurnost živim bićima
pojavio sam se u svetu
i za dobro ovog velikog skupa
propovedam slatku rosu čistog Zakona.
Taj Zakon je jedinstvene arome,
arome emancipacije, nirvane.
Jedinstvenim čudesnim glasom
izlažem i otkrivam njegovo značenje;
stalno za dobro Velikog Vozila
stvaram uzroke i uslove.
Posmatram sve stvari
kao univerzalno jednake,
nemam nameru da budem naklonjen ovome ili onome,
da nekog volim ili nekog drugog mrzim.
Bez ograničenja sam i bez prepreka.
U svako doba, za sva bića
propovedam Zakon podjednako;
kao što bih i samo jednoj osobi,
potpuno isto to radim i za mnoštvo,
stalno izlažem i propovedam Zakon,
nikada nisam uradio ništa drugo,
dolazim, idem, sedim, stojim,
nikada se do kraja ne umorivši ili obeshrabrivši.
Donosim punoću i zadovoljenje svetu,
nalik kiši koja širi svoju vlagu posvuda,
istaknuti i niži, superiorni i inferiorni,
oni koji se pridržavaju uputstava, oni koji ih krše,
oni u potpunosti obdareni odgovarajućim držanjem,
oni koji nisu u potpunosti obdareni,
oni ispravnih nazora, pogrešnih nazora,
oštroumni, pritupi -
činim da Darma obasipa sve njih podjednako,
nikada ne bivajući aljkav ili nemaran.
Kada sva ova razna živa bića
čuju moj Zakon,
prihvataju ga u skladu sa svojim moćima,
boraveći u svojim raznim okruženjima.
Neka nastanjuju područje ljudskih i nebeskih bića,
kraljeva mudraca koji okreću točak,
Šakra, Brama i drugi kraljevi -
ovi su inferiorna lekovita bilja.
Neki koji shvataju Zakon ne-izlivâ
sposobni su da dostignu nirvanu,
da steknu šest transcendentalnih moći
i postignu temeljno tri shvatanja,
ili da žive sami u planinskim šumama,
stalno praktikujući meditaciju
i stičući prosvetljenje pratjekabudâ -
ovi su osrednja lekovita bilja.
Neki drugi pak teže za mestom Od Sveta Uvaženog,
ubeđeni da mogu da postanu bude,
podstičući marljiv trud i praktikujući meditaciju -
ovi su superiorna lekovita bilja.
Opet, ima sinova Bude
koji posvećuju svoj um isključivo putu Bude,
stalno praktikujući milosrdnost i saučešće,
sigurni u to i nikada ne sumnjajući -
ove ja nazivam malim drvećem.
One koji borave u miru u svojim transcendentalnim moćima
okrećući točak ne-povratka,
spašavajući bezbrojne milione
stotina hiljada živih bića -
bodisatve kao te što su
ja nazivam velikim drvećem.
Jednakost Budinih propovedi
kao kiša je jedinstvene arome,
ali zavisno od prirode živog bića,
način na koji je primljena nije jednoobrazan,
baš kao što razne biljke i drveće
primaju vlagu svaki na različit način.
Buda koristi ovu parabolu
kao jedno odlično sredstvo da prikaže i otkrije materiju,
služeći se raznim vrstama reči i izraza
i izlažući jedinstveni Zakon,
ali u izrazima Budine mudrosti
to nije ništa više do kap u okeanu.
Ja puštam Darma kišu,
ispunjavajući čitav svet,
a tu Darmu jedinstvene arome
praktikuje svako prema individualnim moćima.
To je slično ovom šipražju i lugovima,
lekovitom bilju i drveću
koje, prema tome da li su veliki ili mali,
malo po malo postaju bujni i lepi.
Zakon budâ
stalno je jedinstvene arome,
čineći da mnogi svetovi
postignu puno zadovoljenje svuda;
praktikujući postepeno i stupanj po stupanj,
sva bića mogu steći plodove puta.
Oni-koji-slušaju-glas i pratjekabude
koji nastanjuju planinske šume,
boraveći u svom poslednjem postojanju,
čuvši Zakon i sticavši njegove plodove -
njih možemo zvati lekovitim biljem
koje raste i sazreva svako na svoj vlastiti način;
ako ima bodisatvi
koji su postojani i čvrsti u mudrosti,
koji potpuno poimaju trostruki svet
i teže vrhovnom vozilu,
takve zovemo malim drvećem
koje postiže razvitak i zrelost.
Opet, ima onih koji borave u meditaciji,
koji su stekli snagu transcendentalnih moći,
čuli o praznini svih pojava,
veoma joj se radovali u svom umu
i emitovali neizbrojne zrake svetlosti
da spasu ljudska bića -
ove zovemo velikim drvećem
koje je postiglo razvitak i zrelost.
Na taj se način, Kašjapa,
Zakon koji propoveda Buda
može uporediti sa velikim oblakom
koji, kišom jedinstvene arome,
natapa ljudske cvetove
tako da je svaki sposoban da donese plod.
Kašjapa, treba da shvatiš
da kroz razne razloge i uslove,
razne vrste poređenja i parabola,
ukazujem na Budin put i otkrivam ga.
To je jedno celishodno sredstvo koje koristim
i to je isto tako i sa ostalim budama.
Sada za tebe i ostale
propovedam najvišu istinu:
nijedan u ovom Mnoštvu onih-koji-slušaju-glas
nije dostigao stadijum ugasnuća.
Ono što vi praktikujete
put je bodisatve,
i kako postepeno napredujete u praksi i učenju
svi ćete sigurno dostići budastvo.
prethodna strana sledeća

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 23. 07. 2003. u toplom gradu Beogradu
Izvor: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

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03-07-26 22:50:35