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Record of the Orally Transmitted
Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin

- Ongi Kuden -

Chapter 18: The Benefits of Joyful Acceptance [Zuiki Kudoku]

'Joyful' signifies delight for oneself and others. To share wisdom and compassion for both oneself and others is what is meant by 'joyful.' 'Joy' means that oneself and others rejoice. Therefore, 'acceptance' refers to the Law and 'joyful' refers to the 'Person'. The 'Person' is the Venerable Shakyamuni, the dignified Buddha of gohyaku-jintengo. The Law is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo of the Juryo [16th] Chapter [of the Lotus Sutra]. 'Joyful Acceptance' means to follow and take joy in this teaching. 'Acceptance' is therefore another word for faith. Only faith may be called 'acceptance.' (Gosho Zenshu p. 761)

In conclusion, 'acceptance' means to abide by the inner Buddhahood in the depths of the Juryo [of Myoho Renge Kyo] and 'joyful' means to possess and share with others both wisdom and mercy. In the final analysis, when Nichiren and his disciples, chant the Daimoku they are expressing joy in the fact that they will become Buddhas endowed with the three enlightened properties. This is the meaning of 'joyful.' (Gosho Zenshu p. 761)

The sutra states, "One person, having heard [this sutra], responds with joy and spreads the teachings, and the teachings in this way continue to be handed down along from one to another until they reach the fiftieth person. Ajita, the benefits received by this fiftieth good man or good woman who responds with joy I will now describe to you." (LS p. 240, 3LS p. 272)

'Fifty' does not indicate an actual number but means that all people will experience unbounded joy and good fortune by embracing Myoho Renge Kyo. (Gosho Zenshu p. 761)

In the description of the continuous propagation to 'the fiftieth person,' the number five in the number fifty [written with two Chinese characters standing for five and ten] represents the five characters of the Mystic Law, while ten represents the living beings of the ten worlds. The term 'continuous propagation' stands for the principle of ichinen sanzen. In terms of the surface meaning of the sutra, this chapter explores the vast benefit received by the fiftieth person who responds to the teaching. Here, 'the fiftieth person' represents all living beings. (Gosho Zenshu p. 799)

These excerpts are provided here for educational purposes only. Content related questions may be directed to Paul Wersant. Problems or questions concerning this web-site and/or translation in Serbian should be directed to Mica Mijatovic.
Zapis usmeno prenetih učenja
Ničirena Dajšonina

- Onđi Kuden -

Poglavlje 18: Dobrobiti radosnog prihvatanja [Zuiki Kudoku

"Radosno" označava uživanje za sebe i za druge. Deliti mudrost i saosećanje i za sebe i za druge je ono što se misli pod "radosnim". "Radost" znači da se neko i drugi raduju. Prema tome, "prihvatanje" se odnosi na Zakon, a "radosno" na "Osobu". "Osoba" je Velečasni Šakjamuni, dostojanstveni buda gohjaku-đintenga. Zakon je Nam Mjoho Renge Kjo Đurjo [šesnaestog] poglavlja [Lotos sutre]. "Radosno prihvatanje" znači slediti to učenje i radovati mu se. "Prihvatanje" je prema tome druga reč za veru. Jedino vera može biti nazvana "prihvatanjem". (Gošo Zenšu, str. 761) 

Da zaključimo, "prihvatanje" znači prebivati unutrašnjim budastvom u dubinama Đurjo [Mjoho Renge Kjoa], a "radosno" znači imati i deliti sa drugima i mudrost i milost. U konačnoj  analizi, kada Ničiren i njegovi učenici recituju dajmoku, oni izražavaju radost što će postati bude obdarene trima prosvetljenim svojstvima. To je značenje reči "radosno". (Gošo Zenšu, str. 761)

Sutra tvrdi: "Neko, čuvši [ovu sutru], reaguje s radošću i širi ova učenja, i učenja na taj način nastavljaju da budu prenošena dalje, od jednog do drugog dok ne stignu do pedesete  osobe. Ađita, dobrobiti koje primaju pedeseti dobri čovek ili dobra žena koji reaguju sa radošću, opisaću ti sada." (LS, str. 240; 3LS str. 272)

"Pedeset" ne označava neki pravi broj već znači da će ljudi doživeti bezgraničnu radost i dobru sreću prihvatajući Mjoho Renge Kjo. (Gošo Zenšu, str. 761)

U opisu neprekidnog propagiranja do "pedesete osobe", broj pet u broju pedeset [ispisan sa dva kineska karaktera koji označavaju pet i deset] predstavlja pet karaktera Mističnog Zakona, dok deset predstavlja živa bića deset svetova. Izraz "neprekidno propagiranje" koristi se za za princip ičinen sanzena. U izrazima površinskog značenja sutre, ovo poglavlje istražuje svekoliku dobrobit koju prima pedeseta osoba koja odgovara na učenje. Ovde, "pedeseta  osoba" predstavlja sva živa bića. (Gošo Zenšu str. 799)

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 24. 02. 2000. u Beogradu
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