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The Order of Enlightenment

If the Universal Law is non-discriminatory, why are some enlightened before others?

The Maka Shikan explains:

When the sun appears in the east, it first illuminates the tallest mountains, then the next highest peaks until finally even the valleys are filled with light.

The sun does not discriminate.

The first enlightened are those who seek the truth most strenuously, they are like the tallest mountains who first receive sunlight.  Inspired by their example, others follow and are illuminated like the next highest peaks.  Finally, the Universal Law illuminates even those of low capacity, like sunlight filling the valley.  (Paraphrased from "Great Calming and Contemplation", p. 122) .

Nichiren Daishonin wrote: "Fire can be produced by a stone taken from the bottom of a river, and a candle can light up a place that has been dark for billions of years.  If even the most ordinary things of this world are such wonders, then how much more wondrous is the power of the Mystic Law."  (From "The One Essential Phrase")


"Please understand that I am merely joining my one drop to the rivers and the oceans or adding my candle to the sun and the moon, hoping in this way to increase even slightly the volume of the water or the brilliance of the light."  (From "Recitation of the Hoben and Juryo Chapters")

Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović, 07/25/2000 in Belgrade
Source: Terry Ruby's web page Buddhist Myths, Parables and Essays.
Redosled prosvetljivanja

Ako Univerzalni Zakon nije diskriminatoran, zašto su neki prosvetljeni pre drugih?

Maka Šikan objašnjava:

Kada se sunce pojavi na istoku, prvo obasja najviše planine, zatim sledeće najviše vrhove sve dok konačno čak i doline ne budu ispunjene svetlošću.

Sunce ne diskriminiše.

Prvi prosvetljeni su oni koji tragaju za istinom najmarljivije; oni su kao najviše planine koje prve primaju sunčevu svetlost. Nadahnuti njihovim primerom, ostali se ugledaju na njih i obasjani su kao sledeći najviši vrhovi. Konačno, Univerzalni Zakon obasjava čak i one slabe sposobnosti, kao što sunčeva svetlost ispunjava dolinu. (Parafrazirano iz "Velikog smirivanja i kontemplacije", str. 122).

Ničiren Dajšonin pisa: "Vatra može biti proizvedena pomoću kamena uzetog sa dna reke, a sveća može osvetliti mesto koje je bilo mračno bilion godina. Ako su čak i najordinarnije stvari ovog sveta takva čudesa, koliko je tek čudesnija moć Mističnog Zakona." (Iz "Jedne bitne rečenice")


"Molim te shvati da ja prosto priključujem svoju jednu kap rekama i okeanima ili dodajem svetlo svoje sveće suncu i mesecu, nadajući se tako da uvećam čak i neznatno količinu vode ili blistavost svetla." (Iz "Recitovanja Hoben i Đurjo poglavlja".)

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 25. 07. 2000. u Beogradu
Izvor: Web strana Terija Rubija, Buddhist Myths, Parables and Essays.

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