Reply to Nichigon-amaOn the eighth day of the eleventh month in the third year of Koan (1280), I placed before the Lotus Sutra the written petition in which you, Nichigon-ama, expressed your prayer, together with your offerings of one kan of coins and an unlined robe made of thread spun from bark fiber, and reported the matter to the gods of the sun and the moon. In addition, you should not presume to fathom [the blessings of the Gohonzon]. Whether or not your prayer is answered depends upon your faith; [if it is not,] the fault in no way lies with me, Nichiren.When the water is clear, the moon will be reflected in it. When the wind blows, the trees sway. One's mind is like the water. Faith that is weak is like muddy water, but faith that is resolute is like clear water. The trees are like the principles [of all things], and the wind that sets them in motion is like the recitation of the sutra. You should understand things in this way. With my deep respect,
The twenty-ninth day of the eleventh month Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page
Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović 22.10.1999. in Belgrade |
Odgovor Ničigon-amiOsmog dana jedanaestog meseca treće godine Koana (1280.) stavio sam ispred Lotos sutre pisanu peticiju u kojoj si ti, Ničigon-ama, izrazila svoju molbu, zajedno sa tvojom ponudom jednog kana novčića i jednog neopervaženog ogrtača napravljenog od upredenog konca od vlakna kore drveta i saopštenim nevoljama bogovima sunca i meseca. Osim toga, ne treba da se usuđuješ da premeravaš dubinu [blagoslova Gohonzona]. Da li je na tvoju molbu odgovoreno ili ne, zavisi od tvoje vere; [ako nije,] greška ni na koji način nije na meni, Ničirenu.Kada je voda jasna, mesec će biti odražen u njoj. Kada vetar duva, drveće se njiše. Nečiji um je kao voda. Vera koja je slaba je kao mutna voda, ali vera koja je postojana je kao jasna voda. Drveće je slično principima [svih stvari], a vetar koji ih pokreće je kao recitovanje sutre. Treba da tako razumeš stvari. Uz moje duboko poštovanje,
Dvadeset deveti dan jedanaestog meseca. Izvor: Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page 305.
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