Reply to Soya NyudoI have written out the prose section of the Hoben chapter for you. You should recite it together with the Jigage, which I sent you earlier.Each character of this [Lotus] sutra is without exception a living Buddha of supreme enlightenment, but we ordinary people, viewing the sutra with the eyes of common mortals, see it as a mere succession of characters. Hungry spirits perceive the Ganges River as fire, human beings perceive it as water, and heavenly beings perceive it as amrita. The water itself is the same, but it appears differently according to the karmic capacity of individuals. The blind cannot see the characters of this sutra. To the eyes of common mortals, they are but written words. People of the two vehicles perceive them as the emptiness of space. Bodhisattvas look on them as innumerable teachings. However, the Buddha recognizes each character as a golden Lord Shakyamuni. This is the meaning of the statement that "[one who is able to hold this sutra] thereby holds the Buddha's body." Those who practice Buddhism but adhere to distorted views destroy this loftiest of sutras. Be careful not to be swayed by various thoughts; with single-minded resolve, you should aspire to the pure land of Eagle Peak. The Rokuharamitsu Sutra states that one should become the master of his mind rather than let his mind master him. I will explain in more detail when I see you. With my deep respect, Nichiren The third month in the twelfth year of Bun'ei (1275) Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page
Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović 23.10.1999. in Belgrade |
Odgovor Soja NjudouIspisao sam ti prozni deo poglavlja Hoben. Treba da ga recituješ zajedno sa delom Đigaž, koji sam ti ranije poslao.Svaki karakter ove [Lotos] sutre je bez izuzetka živi Buda najvišeg prosvetljenja, ali mi obični ljudi, gledajući na sutru očima običnih smrtnika, vidimo je kao puk niz karaktera. Gladni duhovi opažaju reku Gang kao vatru, ljudska bića je opažaju kao vodu, a nebeska bića je opažaju kao amritu. Voda sama je jedna ista, ali se prikazuje različito, saglasno karmičkim kapacitetima pojedinaca. Slep ne može da vidi karaktere ove sutre. Za oči običnog smrtnika, oni nisu ništa drugo do pisane reči. Ljudi dvaju vozila ih opažaju kao prazninu prostora. Bodisatve gledaju na njih kao na bezbrojna učenja. Međutim, buda prepoznaje svaki karakter kao zlatnog Gospodara Šakjamunija. To je značenje iskaza da "[onaj ko je sposoban da drži ovu sutru] time drži Budino telo". Oni koji praktikuju budizam, ali ostaju verni deformisanim pogledima, uništavaju ovu najdostojanstveniju sutru. Budi oprezan da te ne pokolebaju razne misli; sa jednousmerenom odlučnošću treba da stremiš čistoj zemlji Orlovog Vrha. Rokuharamitsu Sutra tvrdi da treba postati gospodar svog uma pre nego pustiti da um gospodari tobom. Kada te vidim objasniću ti detaljnije. Uz moje duboko poštovanje, Ničiren Treći mesec dvanaeste godine Bun'eia (1275). Izvor: Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page 163.
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