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Great Evil and Great Good

Great events do not have small omens. When great evil occurs, great good will follow. Since the worst slander already prevails throughout the country, the supreme True Law will spread without fail. What have any of you to regret? Although you are not the Venerable Mahakashyapa, you should leap for joy! Although you are not Shariputra, you should rise and dance! When Bodhisattva Jogyo emerged from the earth, he leapt forth joyfully, and when Bodhisattva Fugen arrived, the ground trembled in six directions. There are many things I wish to tell you, but as they are too numerous, I shall stop here. I will write to you again.

Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page 161.

Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović 22.6.1999. in Belgrade

Veliko zlo i veliko dobro

Znamenja velikih događaja nisu mala. Kada se zbiva veliko zlo, veliko dobro će uslediti. Pošto najgore klevete već preovladavaju širom zemlje, vrhovni Istinski Zakon će se širiti bez greške. Zbog čega bi svako od vas žalio? Mada niste Prečasni Mahakašjapa, treba da poskočite od radosti! Mada niste Šariputra, treba da ustanete i igrate! Kada je bodisatva Đogjo iskrsao iz zemlje, iskočio je radosno, a kada je bodisatva Fugen stigao zemlja je drhtala u šest pravaca. Ima mnogo stvari koje želim da ti kažem, ali pošto su tako brojne ovde ću stati. Pisaću ti opet.

  Glavna dela Ničirena Dajšonina, Tom 5, strana 161

Preveo Mića Mijatović 22.6.1999. u Beogradu

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