The Meaning of FaithWhat we call faith is nothing extraordinary. As a woman cherishes her husband, as a man will give his life for his wife, as parents will not abandon their children, or as a child refuses to leave his mother, so should we put our trust in the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni, Taho, and all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the ten directions, as well as the heavenly gods and benevolent deities, and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is what is meant by faith. Moreover, you should ponder the sutra passages, "Honestly discarding the provisional teachings" and "Not accepting even a single verse from any of the other sutras" and never be of a mind to abandon them, just as a woman will not throw away her mirror or as a man always wears his sword.Respectfully, Nichiren The eighteenth day of the fifth month Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 5, page
Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović 06.07.1999. in Belgrade |
Značenje vereOno što nazivamo verom nije ništa neobično. Kao što žena neguje svog muža, kao što će muškarac dati život za svoju ženu, kao što roditelji neće napustiti svoju decu ili kao što deca odbijaju da ostave majku, tako i mi treba da imamo poverenja u Lotos sutru, Šakjamunija, Tahoa i sve bude i bodisatve iz deset pravaca, kao i u nebeske bogove i dobronamerna božanstva, i da recitujemo Nam-mjoho-renge-kjo. To je ono što se podrazumeva pod verom. Štaviše, treba da proučite sutrine pasuse "Iskreno odbacujući uslovna (privremena, prethodna) učenja" i "Ne prihvatajući ni jedan jedini stih iz bilo koje druge sutre" i da ih nikada ne smetnete s uma, baš kao što žena neće baciti svoje ogledalo ili kao što muškarac uvek nosi svoj mač.S poštovanjem, Ničiren Osamnaesti dan petog meseca Glavna dela Ničirena Dajšonina, Tom 5, strana 303.
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