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Upsilon Omega Journal

Friendship is Essential
to the Soul

Upsilon Omega Journal
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,Inc.

Upsilon Omega Newsletter

      Upsilon Omega Newsletter

Omega Center

3900 Goodfellow Blvd.

St. Louis, Mo. 63120


Volume 3, Issue 11                                                                                                                    October 2006

Upsilon Omega

Fraternity Meeting

Every Second Friday of each month.

Dues Structure

The dues structure will remain the same as last year with a slight modification.

National, District, and Local;

$100, $35, $50 = $185.00

Life members pay only $85.00

Late Fee: After December 31st

$5.00 National and District


Total Foundation = $600.00

Total Dues = $785.00 LM $685.00







Inside This Issue






Dues Structure


Message from Executive Board






Upsilon Omega Building Pledge Fund


Chapter Event Photos  


Internet Information


Calendar of Events


Omega Center




























MSP - Brothers if you have access to the Internet, we are requesting brothers to take the Membership Selection Process (MSP) test on-line. The test is mandatory for Brothers who wish to sponsor men interested in Omega. If you do not have access to the Internet you may take the test at the Omega Center. You do have to financial with the National Headquarters to take the test. For more info contact Bro Alfred Adkins.


Voting – voting will place for the nominated Chapter Officers held during the Chapter meeting.


Mid-Year Conference – The Mid-Year Conference in Jefferson City, MO., Truman Hotel, on Saturday, 21 October 2006. Hotel room rates@ $50 per night.


Pan Hell Directories – Pan-Hell directory information is due within the next few weeks, if you have moved and or recently relocated to the St. Louis are please contact the Chapter KRS to submit you information. "Only the names Brothers making "any payments" towards dues will be forwarded."  


















Events for November

November 15 – Omega night at the Black World History Museum.

November 17 – Brotherhood night at the Omega Center; Rededication Activities planned for the Brotherhood.

November 18 – Founders Banquet – Tickets on Sale now at the Omega Center see Bros. Tony West, Stephen Piphus, or Matt Davis.








Omega Center & Bingo


Brothers we are in desperate need of assistance at the Omega Center in various areas and capacities. Brothers, the Upsilon Omega Chapter has roughly 150 – 200 brothers throughout the St. Louis Metro area and ANY Brother can work Bingo, regardless of your financial status. To volunteer, you must sign-up and provide your SSN for a background check. The more Brothers volunteer to work, the fewer Thursdays you work. Brothers, we’ve persevered by acquiring the Omega Center, let’s now stand strong and do what’s needed for Omega and help support Bingo. If you truly believe in that promise you gave, then let’s do what’s needs to be done to uplift the Omega Center.



Brothers please contact the Omega Center at 314-385-4100 to enlist your assistance in Bingo as well as assisting the continued operation on our great Center.   



Happy Belated Birthday to all brothers whom birthdays fell in the month September.


Congratulations to Brother John Wright Sr. on his recent award during the St. Louis Americans, Salute to excellence Awards.



Eric Latham –

Stephen Piphus –


If your name does not appear above, please contact Bro. Stephen Piphus @



Beginning September 20th

7:00 PM

Omega Center

For Financial and Non-Financial Brothers



























Chapter Photos


Bro. John Wright Sr. Accepting his Salute to Excellence award from St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley, during this years annual Salute to Excellence Banquet given by the St. Louis American Newspaper. Brother Wright received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his tireless work in the Education and Civic Community.


The Building Fund is an ongoing pledge program that was initiated in January, 2000.  This fund was instrumental in acquiring and maintaining the Omega Center.  All brothers and others are asked to donate to the Building Fund by way of a pledge.  All of the donations are tax deductible.


The following is a list of brothers who have COMPLETED PAYING their pledges as of May 6, 2006:


Leroy J. Adkins             $2500               Robert Nesbitt   $ 500

Edwin F. Bailey             $2500               Willie J. Palmer $1000

James R. Ball                $1500               Harold Palmer   $2500

Lynn Beckwith Jr          $2500               Katrude Palmer &

Augustus Bell                $600                 Grand Kids       $1000

Barry Berry                  $1000               Ken Patterson   $1500

Steve Coleman              $10,000             Milton J. Patton $2500

Matthew Davis             $1500               Frank Robinson $2500

Gerald DeClue              $1500               Charles Shelton Jr. $2500

Alexander Hannah        $1000               Albert Smith      $1000

Howlette Huddleston     $10,000             Fred Thomas     $2500

Ernest Jacobs                $2500               James Trimble   $2500

Grover Johnson             $ 2500              Clyde Turner     $1000

Lloyd Jordan                 $2500               Percy West       $1000

Harvey McElroy           $2000               Gary White       $2500

William McHugh Sr.      $1000        Gloria & Terry White$2000

Lloyd McNeil                $1000               Allen Winbush   $1000

Walter Wrenn               $ 500

Philip A. White              $1500


Pledges can be made in increments of $500, $1000, $1500, $2000 and $2500 or more.  A donor recognition tree is now prominently displayed in the Omega Center.









































Internet Information

For Brothers who like to surf the Internet the following are a few links, which might interest you.


National Headquarters -

8th District -

Upsilon Omega -


Brothers, this will be our interesting links section; if you have an interesting link or link to some valuable information please submit to me to be added to this section. No pornographic or illicit sites will be added to this section.

Results from the 74th Grand Conclave in Little Rock


Grand Basileus: Warren Lee (9th District)

1st Vice Grand: Carl Blunt (12th District)

Grand KRS: Charles Bruce (10th District)

Grand KF: Tony Knox (6th District)

Grand Counselor: Michael Adams (9th District)


Children’s Health and Back to school event.

Saturday August 5, 2006



Free back to school Health checks were provided for children



Information for current and future fathers, provided by Fathers support Center of St. Louis.













Upsilon Omega Events

October 2006

Fraternity Meeting

Omega Center

2nd friday of the Month

8:00 PM Sharp (Shirt & Tie required)

Upsilon Omega Chapter Monthly Meeting

Bar-B-Que (Began September 16)

Three Bros. Bar-Be-Que

Zodiac Lounge

Every Saturday 12:00 PM


Every Wednesday brothers hang out at the fraternity house. Visiting brothers are more than welcome.

If there is any future events or occasions that you feel the brotherhood would enjoy or need to attend, please forward to me.











































Monthly Bulletins


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