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Upsilon Omega Journal

Friendship is Essential
to the Soul

Upsilon Omega Journal
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,Inc.

Speacial Points
of Interest

Volume 2

Volume 2         Number 4                     Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.                                     December 2004



The next monthly meeting of Upsilon Omega Chapter will be held December 10, 2004 at 8:00 PM at the New Omega Center (UAW Hall) on 3900 Goodfellow (63120). You do not have to be financial to attend.


2004 – 2005 Dues

It’s the time of year when each brother needs to consider what he will do to make a difference within the Fraternity.  One way to start is to become a financial brother.  If you would like to pay your dues now, please send your payment to Bro. Stephen Piphus at the address provided.  Partial payments are accepted.  Life Members do not have to pay $3 reinstatement fee.


International Housing Assessment - $200 if not paid as of October 31, 1996; dis-regard if you have paid assessment.

Life Members - $205.00

Regular Members - $305.00

Regular Members (not financial last year) - $308.00

Regular Members after December 31, 2004 - $313.00

Brothers the $480.00 assessment for the New Fraternity House is in continuation, however this payment should be forwarded to the Upsilon Omega Foundation.  Contact either Bro. Bill McHugh Sr. or Bro. Ed Bailey

Dues can be mailed to Bro. Stephen E. Piphus at the following address:

Bro. Stephen Piphus

3900 Goodfellow

St. Louis, MO 63120

314-371-4822 (Home)




Omega Center

The Upsilon Omega chapter has officially taken occupancy of the old UAW Hall. The chapter has renamed the facility, The Omega Center. The address is 3900 Goodfellow (63120).  Please stop by and visit the new facility. In addition to acquiring the new facility we have also acquired a new monthly note, we are requesting that all available brothers return to the fold and pay your dues and assessments, if you need to know the amounts, please see dues section above. The facility will house a number of offices, conference rooms, banquet halls, kitchens and soon a small club, for fraternity, public and private use. For more detailed information contact Bro. James Trimble at the Omega Center at 314-385-4100, or just stop by. 


Brothers now that the facility is in use and operational we need to promote the Omega Center for use to the public. The community needs to know that we are here to serve their needs, brothers it is your duty, your obligation to let the public know that we exist. The Management is in the process of putting together the Grand Opening, even though the ball is in motion, we are needed to promote the Center as well.


 Mardi gras

Also tickets for next year’s annual Mardi gras celebration will also be available for purchase through William Munson or Eric Latham. Mardi Gras will be held at the New Omega Center.


Canned Food Drive

Brother Chris LaGrone continues to chair Upsilon Omega’s canned food drive.  This is an ongoing program that is essential for the non-profit status of the Foundation.  Brothers are reminded to bring a canned good to the Fraternity house on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Brother LaGrone will donate the canned goods to a local food pantry periodically throughout the year.


Kudos – Omega Men on the Move


If you have recently married, retired, received a promotion on your job or received a special award, then this section is for you.  Let the brotherhood know by contacting Bro. Stephen Piphus at 314-371-4822 or email



Condolences go out to Brothers Ray Burrows on the loss of his mother and Bro. Leander Spearmen on the loss of his father.


For any brothers who received service awards for 25 and 50 yrs as well as any brothers who have recently or will retire soon please contact Brothers James Ball, Gus Bell, or Stephen Piphus to request an award form for recognition, brothers please do this ASAP.


Brothers at this time I am requesting an updated birthday list, as well as email and address updates and or changes, you can give me a call or email them to the address below


If your name does not appear above, please contact Bro. Stephen Piphus at 314-371-4822 or email


Internet Information

For Brothers who like to surf the Internet the following are a few links, which might interest you.


National Headquarters     

8th District                       

Upsilon Omega               



If you would like to receive this newsletter via the Internet, please email me at this is will lower our mailing cost. To help with this please select or visit the link provided to join the Upsilon Omega Yahoo Groups Mailing list at Brothers you can also post messages to the site as needed.

Upsilon Omega Foundation, Inc./

Upsilon Omega Chapter


2004-2005 Dues Payment Structure

Dues /Assessment payable to the Upsilon Omega Foundation:


$200.00 Housing Assessment (Unless Paid Via Pledge Program)


$480.00 UAW Hall House Dues ($40.00@ Month X 10)


Monthly housing dues paid in increments of $40/month with an $80.00 payment due by/on October 31, 2004


$480.00 Total Payment Due.


General Dues Structure Breakdown


$100.00 National Dues (Life Members Paid)


$35 District Dues


$50.00 Local Dues


$120.00 Housing Corporation Dues ($10.00 @ Month X 12) – This funding is still needed to maintain the current Fraternity House. Utilities, Taxes, Insurance, and minor upkeep still has to happen. 


$305 General Dues

$205 Life Members


Note: $200.00 National Housing Assessment if not previously paid.

Monthly Bulletins


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