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Last Updated: April 10, 2001

Admiral Ackbar Profile
Admiral Ackbar
HomeWorld................: Mon Calamari

Height........................:  1.8 meters

Age...........................:  Unknow

Species......................:  Mon Calamari

Played by...................:  

A respected and highly regarded member of the Mon Calamari species, Ackbar overcame hardship and adversity to take a pivotal role in the Rebel Alliance and later the New Repubic. His public life began when he served as the leader of Coral Depths City on the Mon Calamari homeworld. The Empire attacked the watery planet and enslaved many of its citizens, including Ackbar. He eventually became Grand Moff Tarkin's interpreter, and while in the Imperial's service he heard about the Rebellion and learned of a new superweapon. Ackbar made a study of Imperial tactics and defenses while serving the grand moff. Rebel agents releasedhim servitude during failed attempt to assassinate Tarkin. Ackbar returned to his homeworls and convinced the normally peaceful Mon Calmari to join the Rebels, bringing a much-neede fleet of capital ships into the Alliance arsenal.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the newly ranked Commander Ackbar proposed a plan for dealing with Imperial escort frigates. He argued that a specially designed starfighter was the Alliance's best hope--at least until more funds became avilable od number of Rebel capital ships dramatically increased. With the aid of the Verpine, a renowned species of shipbuilders, Ackbar developed the B-wing starfighter.

Ackbar then became on of Mon Mothma's two senior Rebel Alliance advisers. He wasromoted to admiral and helped develop the plans for the Alliance surprise attack on the second Death Satr battle station. He led the assualt form the bridge of his personal flagship during the Battle of Endor. With the rose pf the New Republic, Ackbar was named commander in chief of Republic military operations. As a member of both the Provisional Council and the ruling Inner Council, he helped forge the new galactic goverment.

During the events surrounding the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn , Ackbar was faslely accused of embezzling New Rep[ublic funds thanks to fake evidence planted by Thrawn. Ackbar was later cleared, through the efforts of Luke Skywalker and his companions, and the Mon Calamari led the New Republic to victory over Thrawn's forces at the Bilbringi Shipyards.

A few days after Thrawn's defeat, survivors of the Emperor's ruling circle and a handful of Imperial fleet commanders attacked and recaptured Coruscant. Ackbar and other New Republic leaders planned a counterstrike, and their forces regained Courscant a few months later.

Later, on a diplomatic mission to Vortex, Ackbar's personal B-Wing starfighter crashed into the Cathedral of Winds. This towering crystalline sturcture was considered to be the world's greatest artistic treasure, and Ackbar was once accused of a serious crime. His cheif mechanic was discovered to have been an Imperial operative who had sabotaged the B-Wing, and Ackbar was cleared of any wrongdoing.

After he resumed his role in the New Republic, Ackbar retured to Vortex to attend the ceremony dedicating the rebuilt Catherdral of Winds. Winter, Princess Leia's aide, accompanied him on the trip, and the two developed a close relationship.


Sorce: "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe 3rd Edition"

By Bill Slavicsek

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