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Last Updated: March 3, 2002
Updates to the site this week
This week we have added...
added 31 Episode II ImagesClick Here to go to page now

added 3 Characters PollsClick Here to go to page now
added 1 Movie PollClick Here to go to page now

JediChicken Site News
News Posted by: Ryan

3/3/02 9:35 AM:

Hi, My guestbook is working again, but now my counter isn't, LOL. Oh well, this week I'm voting in the Taj Mahal Libary, and the second level of Space Wars. I need all the voted I can get.


News Posted by: Ryan

3/2/02 8:00 PM:

Hi, Thank you everbody that I VE with, you are the BEST, I got all 10 in 7 Wonders and moved up at Fanasty Fights. On a other note my guestbook is messed up so nobody can get to it so if you want to sign my guestbook just e-mail me with your name,site url,where you are from, and your comments and I will post it for you when I can go to it.


News Posted by: Ryan

2/22/02 5:00 PM:

Hey, I'm back, as some of you know I've been off the internet for some time now, and now I'm back! The bad news is that alot of my smaller pages were lost and I have to redue them so if you run into a miss link it is because I haven't fixed that page yet. So either let me know that you would like to see that page soon and I'll get it on or waite awhile till I get to that page.

Thank you for you for waiting,


Hey are you a teen? If so go check out this site!

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Top 5 JediChicken Images Pages (March)

1. Episode II Images
2. Darth Vader
3. Queen Amidala
4. Princess Leia
5. Luke Skywalker

2000-01 JediChicken

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