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Last Updated: March 1, 2002
If I were George...
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There are two kinds of STAR WARS fans. Those who watch those movies hundreds of times a year and are perfectly content with that galaxy far, far, away. There are others who watch them hundreds of times or more, and every time they find something that they wish they could change. Some wish they could go back in time, find George Lucas and give him their ideas. I am one of these people. Now, I'm not bashing STAR WARS, or saying that George didn't do a good job. I think STAR WARS is the best science-fiction movie ever made. But that doesn't mean things wouldn't have been a little different if I were George Lucas.

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First off, the one thing that bothers me is that we never see any of Luke's boyhood friends until they are blown to pieces. And there is never any mention of the friends he had in the movies, besides Biggs Darklighter. His other friends are only mentioned in the books. If I had written the plot for STAR WARS there would have been a character named Celydia. This was not the name of Luke's friend in any of the STAR WARS books. Celydia Mainer would have been around Luke's age with blonde hair and blue eyes. She would have been a perfect lady, but also have nerves of steel. She would have accompanied Luke on his journey to recover See-Threepio. When the Tusken Raiders attack she would have followed Artoo into a nearby cave. When Ben discovered Luke she would have revealed herself. They would try to go to his house in the speeder only to find that it was broken from the Tusken Raider attack. Leaving them the only choice of walking to Ben's home. Their Ben would explain the ways of the FORCE to Luke and they would get tools to fix the speeder. They would walk back to the speeder repair it and the rest would follow as normal. On the Death Star, The group would be split the same, except Celydia would be with Han. This isn't a good thing because Celydia and Han didn't get along from the beginning. Sound familiar. Don't worry Han doesn't fall in love with Celydia. The romance of Han Solo and Princess Leia is still part of the deal. They would all escape and Celydia would later fly an X-wing fighter in the run against the first Death Star.

In ESB, she would be promoted to Captain and go with Han Solo on his search for Luke Skywalker before the Battle of Hoth. She would later be trapped with Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and See-Threepio in their escape from Hoth. Leaving her one choice but to leave with them on the Millennium Falcon. She would accompany them to Bespin and be used as bait to lure Luke Skywalker, as well as everyone else. She would later escape with Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian.

In ROTJ, She would accompany See-Threepio and Artoo-Detoo when they greet Jabba The Hutt. Jabba would take the droids as his servants and throw Celydia in the dungeon. (There she meets a young man named, Fox) When Luke kills the Rancor Jabba demands that Luke and his friends will pay for it and Celydia is brought to face punishment with Luke. As you know they all escape and Luke returns to Dagobah and Celydia joins back with the Rebels. However she doesn't fly in the run against the second Death Star. Instead she follows Luke on his way to the Emperor. She is caught and brought to the Emperor just as Darth Vader is throwing him into the reactor core. She helps Luke talk Vader to the ship. She then gets to her own ship on demands of Luke. The rest follows as the movie only with Celydia and Fox there.

Second, there would have been another character. Fox Farnsworth. Celydia would meet him the dungeon of Jabba's Palace. He would have brown eyes and brown hair. He would be an ex-bounty hunter and smuggler. He had a price put on his head after he failed to deliver spice to Jabba. Space pirates who killed his crew and stole the spice had jumped his ship. Fox had escaped by the escape pods and was later brought to Jabba by Boba Fett. When Luke and his friends are sentenced to death by Jabba. Fox uses this chance to escape. In his attempt to escape he tries to steal the Millennium Falcon. You can imagine what Han thought about that. Fox in unsuccessful, but begs that Han help him escape. He agrees to 'drop him off somewhere'. Fox ends up going with Han and the others on the shield generator mission on the moon of Endor. The rest follows the movie but with Fox there.

Third, there would have been another character. Miya Rubio. Luke would have met her when he found Yoda. Mia would have black hair and blue eyes. Miya's ship would have crashed on Dagobah when she was fourteen and running away from home. Yoda would have taken her in. He had tried Jedi training with her, but she had little potential because she was too old and had a lot of anger. When Luke saw her he saw that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She lived in the small hut with Yoda and took care of him, though it was more that he took care of her. When Luke decided to go to Bespin to rescue his friends. Mia followed him without his knowledge. She didn't tell Yoda, but being a Jedi Master he knew. When Luke confronted Darth Vader, she snuck up behind Vader, or so she thought. She tried to shoot him in the back, but Vader turned around and threw the blaster from her hand with the FORCE. By this time Luke was trapped out on the ledge with only one hand to hold on with. Mia then tried to kick Vader. He grabbed her leg and then flipped her over the rail. Luke watched her fall until he couldn't see her. Everything else went as was written by George. Luke thought that Mia had died. But she had really landed in on the portals that Luke had landed in before he fell out under the city. However, Mia didn't fall out. Instead she used a grappling hook to scave the walls of the reactor core. She then escaped on a stolen freighter. She never saw Yoda again. She might have been later reunited with Luke in Episode VII.
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