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Pitch Black

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Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 9


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Riddick did manage to reach the ship,the power-cells pulled trudgingly behind him.
Rain beat down in relentless torrents outside as he hurriedly attached them and started the pre-take off procedures.He was so involved in what he was doing that he never noticed the dark form curled up in the air vent above him.What he did notice was the pair of lights bouncing towards him through the dark.
It was Gediman and Fry.And niether looked none too pleased as they approached the skiff.They were both soaked and well winded and as Riddick lowered the rear platform Gediman rushed in past him.Collapsing on the deck and heaving in exhaustion.Fry however stayed outside.Pleading with Riddick to help her save the others.Gediman watched the exchange with little interest.His only concern was making it back to the lab.What did he care if all of the group was present or not.In the grand scheme of things they were all expendable.
Finally Riddick was swayed and Gediman volunteered to stay back at the ship while they went to retrieve the remaining survivors.As they descended back into the gloom,the rain masked the sound of the platform closing.Gediman turned guiley and seated himself at the control pannel.He would wait,but only for awhile.


When Fry ,Jack and Imam finally made it back to the skiff ,the huge bay door was still shut firmly.A twinge of panic ate at Fry's stomach. "C'mon Gediman," She yelled over the downpour as she banged on the door. "It's us,let us in."
The trio glanced at one another doubtfully and Fry turned her eyes back into the darkness.What the hell was keeping Riddick?They should be leaving by now.
"Why isn't he opening the door," Jack asked,bringing to voice the question that was eating away at all of them.
"I don't know,"She replied,eyeing the skiff thoughtfully. "Stay here,I'm going to go around the front to check.He probably just fell asleep or somethin'."
They all knew how doubtful that was,but agreed to wait as Fry sloshed edgily around to the front.From where she stood she could easily see Gediman's smug face as he sat at the controls.
"God dammit,Gediman,"She cursed,her arms flapping in disgusted disbelief."Open the door!"
"Uh,I don't think so,"He replied,jaws smacking away at the familiar piece of gum. "Too much of a security risk.I'm sorry,but you'll all hafto be disposed of."
"What,"Fry couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What the hell are you talking about?Security risk?What security risk?"
"Sorry Fry,"He obviously wasn't that remorseful as he sat toggling switches,redying the ship for take-off. "You know too much.I think it's less messy this way.Don't you?"
"You."Her retort was cut-off by a fierce yell of pain off in the distance followed shortly by an alien squeal.
`Riddick,"Her mind blared,and before she knew it, she was off and running in the direction the noise had come from.Riddick now appeared to be their last chance at getting off this foul place.If anyone could get into the skiff now, he could. Fry almost couldn't believe she was putting so much faith in the man, but he had actually proven himself to be mostly human afterall.And as Fry finally located him she saw a very human emotion painted on his face.
Naked terror.
Imam and Jack heard the yell as well and huddled defensively against the ship.
The tiny bottle of glowing worms held out before them like a shield.Jack was suddenly sure that they would never make it out of here alive and as they both peered fearfully out into the steady rain,Imam once again questioned his faith.

End Part 9

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