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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 10


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Only Riddick made it back to the skiff,his bedraggled form looming out of the darkness appeared to them every bit like a fallen angel.They greeted him heartily,patting his back and cheering his return.For once,Jack didn't ask the obvious, where's Fry.They all knew.
But now they were once again reminded of the new problem,Riddick glanced up at the sealed door with disheartening weariness.To be so close to freedom and yet still be so far away.And why did these people look upon him like some sort of super hero.He could open the closed door no more than they could.If he could convince the Doctor inside to open it,even just a bit,then he could react.Take over the ship and get them the hell out of here.But after much banging,kicking,and yelling,it was obviouse that the Doc wasn't coming out.
And yet another problem presented itself in it's full hideous glamoure.The skiffs tiny engines were beginning to power up.The Doc was completing the final preparations and would soon be taking off,leaving them to face the demons that crept ever closer in the dark.
Jack began to sob as Imam held him protectively,his own fears showing plainly on his face as he looked to Riddick for some source of hope.But he found none.Riddick's shoulders slumped wearily as he shifted his weight to his one good leg.The other bled fitfully and he knew that once the skiff left,he would be the first to go.Even so,he would not go down without a fight.His eyes flashed towards the darkness as he turned the shiv over in his hand.


Gediman stood from his chair and moved to the back of the ship to make the final tasks to get this ship airborn.The smug satisfactory look still painting his face.He had outwitted everyone and would now be returning to his colleagues to brag about his findings.Then the experiments would begin again, under his guidance and this time and they would all pay him the respect he deserved.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he never noticed the dark form unfurling behind him.So lithely it moved,snake like in it's silent stalk.The form hung upside-down from the overhead vent, a sneer of cold contempt parting it's jaws as it's leering claws reached out for his glowering head.
Slowly the doctor turned,finally coming face to face with his attacker. A brief dawning of recognition flickered in his eyes, only to be immediately replaced by unbridled horror as his eyes met with the dark lobes before him. His lips parted as if to say something,but by then it was all over. The beast's hands had folded in upon him and his head twisted sharply.The dull crack of his spine giving way filling his last conscious thought before the world went black.

End Part 10

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