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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Reunion Part 5


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

“Fry, where the hell have you been?” Meier snapped out as soon as Fry was on deck.
“Patching up my ship,” she replied, then under her breath, “so your stupid ass won’t get sucked into the void of space. Then again, that might have been better.”
She slid into the pilots seat, but didn’t strap in, and clicked at her console, cutting the klaxon’s off.
“I want immediate lockdown of the ship,” Meier ordered and Fry got to it.
She couldn’t make herself look suspicious. The ship groaned as large bay doors closed and locked tight, even the bridge door lowered. Fry stared back at it as it finally closed and locked itself. No way in or off the bridge now. She turned her attention back to her console and pulled up a star map, and set it on automatic search for the nearest life-supporting planet.
“What are you looking for?” Torrel asked over her shoulder. Fry stilled the urge to jump.
“Vacation spots,” she said, a quirky grin on her face. Torrel studied her and Fry tried not to make her features emotionless, because that would surely tell Torrel that something was wrong. After a few moments Torrel shifted and moved back to her stations. “Man, did you check out that bounty hunter? I was always into butch chicks...” one of the crew started with the second member, their boredom setting in, which immediately led them to talk of women. Fry tuned them out.

Jack’s eyes were focused one her fingers as they worked to pull the metal sheet out of the floor panel. She did, revealing rows of wire. A smile grew on her lips as she crouched in the shadow of a corner and went to work, pulling the radio she had gotten from Fry out of her pockets. As soon as the klaxon’s sounded she, Riddick, and Imam had automatically scatted in different directions, knowing they’d meet up with each other later. And if they didn’t that simply meant that one of them had met with the wrong end of a gun.
Jack turned her head fractionally, and found herself staring down the barrel of a gun.
Her eyes slid upwards, expecting to find the bounty hunter, but seeing one of the army personnel that Fry had been talking about. A charming smile split her face and she rose from her haunches to her full height as gracefully as a panther. The man’s gun slid lower, his eyes roaming. Typical male, Jack thought. As he shifted his attention to her body she brought her right leg up and slammed him in the balls. He dropped to his knees as anticipated and his gauge was ripped from his hands as her elbow slammed into his temple with a sick thud.
Jack bent to put the panel back in it’s place and stepped into the hallway. Gunfire ricochet off the walls around her, forcing her back inside the small space. The second military man. Jack hugged the wall, wincing as gun fire slammed all around her. There was a sudden hiss and she was hit full in the chest as pipe torn loose and slammed her. She heard footsteps running towards her and sank to her knee’s, out of breath, pushing the pipe off her.
And a gun was suddenly at her temple. Jack stared boldly up at the man and smiled.

“I got one, Captain,” came Military Man’s voice over the speakers. Fry’s hands stilled on the keypad.
“Well, which one?” Meier griped.
“The chick,” came the slightly derisive reply.
Fry cursed softly, and no one heard, or saw her drop her head in her hands. “Good, get rid of her.” It was the bounty hunters voice.
“No!” Fry yelled, looking back at them and encountering curious and damning stares.
“They’re supposed to be going to Slam,” she said, the defense feeble. “Yes, for execution. Won’t matter if it happens now or then,” replied the cold bounty hunter.
“It’s against regulation, Fry argued.
“Never heard of it,” she replied. Fry turned back in her seat and breathed deeply.
A loud pop over the speakers, a gunshot, and then silence.

end part 5

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