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Beautiful Sin - The unexpected 3.5/5

Reviewed: 7-28-06


1. Lost
2. This is not the original dream
3. Take me home
4. I'm real
5. The spark of ignition
6. Closer to my heart
7. Give up once for all
8. Brace for impact
9. Pechvogel
10. Metalwaves
11. The beautiful sin

Beautiful Sin is a side project from Uli Kusch (drummer of Masterplan) with Belgian singer Magali Luyten. (Axel Mackenrott from Masterplan is also in the band.) Their sound is basically like that of a more melodic version of Masterplan. They don't venture into the more aggressive terrain that Masterplan occasionally dabbles in. Like Masterplan, the songwriting is very strong with catchy melodies and choruses. The production is very clear and loud. Unlike many female metal singers nowadays, Luyten doesn't have an operatic/soprano style. She is a pure rock/metal singer and has an engaging charismatic voice.

'The unexpected' kicks off with "Lost", which is probably my favorite track on the CD. It's opening riff reminds me a little bit of Megadeth's "Something I'm not", but is more melodic. The chorus is fantastic with gruff backing vocals followed by Luyten's melodic lines. Great stuff. "Take me home" is a midtempo rocker with a cool melodic keyboard lick kicking off the song. I just love the melodies in this song. "I'm real" sounds a LOT like Masterplan's "Enlighten me" from its main riff to its overall structure when shifting from verse to chorus. The good news is that it's quite a great tune in its own right. "Closer to my heart" is a pretty tepid ballad that the CD would be better off without. It's followed by "Give up once", which is the CD's heaviest tune with its Sabbath like main riff. The chorus for this song is just fantastic. "Brace for impact" is an interesting instrumental in that it's very much keyboard based. If anything it resembles a heavier sounding instrumental song that had some commercial success in the 80s like an 'Axel F' or maybe stuff by Herbie Hancock. It's pretty cool. The CD closes with its title track, which is a beautiful instrumental that definitely shares melodies with Masterplan's 'Aeronautics' bonus track "Hopes & dreams".

I really enjoy this CD a lot and hope we'll get more from them in the future. There's nothing particularly outstanding about the music, but it's highly professionally done. There's something to be said for simply writing great, catchy songs. This is a great melodic metal CD and Masterplan fans who like female singers should definitely check them out.




MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC
