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Laaz Rockit - Left for dead (hopefully coming soon)
Laaz Rockit - Nothing'$ $acred (hopefully coming soon)
Laaz Rockit - Annihilation principle 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Laaz Rockit - Know your enemy 3/5 - CRAIG
Laaz Rockit - No stranger to danger 2/5 - CRAIG
Laaz Rockit - City's gonna burn 2/5 - CRAIG
LaBrie, James - Static impulse 3.5/5 LaBrie, James Review - SEAN
LaBrie, James - Elements of persuasion 3/5 LaBrie, James Review - DAVID
Labyrinth - Return to heaven denied pt. II 4.5/5 (amazing effort to capture the magic of the original, and when I listen to them back-to-back the similarities really shine) - CLINT
Labyrinth - 6 days to nowhere 3.5/5 (Italian band's most progressive CD to date; I wish they were still in the style of their earlier power metal CDs, but this is good stuff) - CLINT
Labyrinth - Freeman 3.5/5 (poorly produced 5th CD saved by excellent songwriting and the familiar sound we heard with their previous 's/t' CD) - CLINT
Labyrinth - Freeman 2.5/5 Labyrinth Review - DAVID
Labyrinth - s/t 4.5/5 (fantastic 4th CD that's a bit more progressive, but really surpised me with its memorable songs) - CLINT
Labyrinth - Sons of thunder 3.5/5 - CLINT
Labyrinth - Return to heaven denied 5/5 - CLINT
Labyrinth - No limits 4/5 - CLINT
Lacroix Despheres - Dernier paradis act 2 2.5/5 (Japanese-language symphonic/power metal with both female and male vocals; just like 'act 1', contains many instrumentals) - CLINT
Lacroix Despheres - Dernier paradis act 1 2.5/5 - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - Dark adrenaline 3.5/5 (surprisingly great CD from this well-known gothic metal band; has a smooth flow that really makes for a pleasing listen) - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - Shallow life 2.5/5 (popular gothic metal band continues in their commercial direction and although I like a handful of the songs, it's overall just mediocre) - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - Karmacode 3/5 (successful gothic metal band returns with a solid CD that should satisfy fans of their previous CDs) - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - Comalies 4/5 - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - Unleashed memories 3.5/5 - CLINT
Lacuna Coil - In a reverie 3/5 - CLINT
Lady Winter - The rain can't be forever 3/5 Lady Winter Review - CLINT
Lancer - s/t 4/5 (top-shelf European melodic power metal debut with a battle ostrich mascot; think Gammaween, early Edguy, Hammerfall, Iron Maiden, etc.) - KIT
Landevir - Inmortal 4/5 Landevir Review - KIT
Landevir - Suenos celtas 4/5 - KIT
Landevir - Legendas medievales 3.5/5 - KIT
Landguard - Eden of a parallel dimension 3/5 Landguard Review - CLINT
Lands of Past - Call of the depths 3.5/5 (slow but beautiful atmospheric/gothic metal debut; features the female vocalist of Penumbra and the male vocalist of Qantice) - CLINT
Lanewin - Eclectic tour 3/5 (good 2nd CD of female fronted symphonic power metal with some gothic elements too; slight improvement over the debut) - CLINT
Lanewin - Autuua 3/5 Lanewin Review - CLINT
Lanfear - This harmonic consonance 3/5 (German band is back with their 6th CD, but it’s more progressive and less exciting than their more power metal oriented CDs) - CLINT
Lanfear - X to the power of ten 3.5/5 (surprisingly the band changes after their previous masterpiece, heading in a progressive direction and switching to a soft vocalist) - CLINT
Lanfear - X to the power of ten 4/5 Lanfear Review - CRAIG
Lanfear - Another golden rage 5/5 Lanfear Review - CLINT
Lanfear - Another golden rage 4.5/5 Lanfear Review - CRAIG
Lanfear - Another golden rage 4/5 Lanfear Review - DAVID
Lanfear - The art effect 4/5 - CLINT
Lanfear - Zero poems 2/5 - CLINT
Lanfear - Towers (of February) 3/5 - CLINT
Last Alliance (The) - Out of the ashes 3.5/5 Last Alliance Review - KIT
Last Chapter - Paths to always 3/5 - KIT
Last Chapter - The living waters 3/5 - KIT
Last Empire - Heir to the throne (hopefully coming soon)
Last Empire - s/t 3.5/5 Last Empire Review - CRAIG
Last Kingdom - Chronicles of the north 3.5/5 Last Kingdom Review - SEAN
Last Tribe - The uncrowned 4/5 (very enjoyable 3rd CD of melodic metal from a band that Masterplan, Voice and At Vance fans have probably unfortunately missed) - CLINT
Last Tribe - Witch dance 4/5 - CLINT
Last Tribe - The ritual 3.5/5 - CLINT
La-Ventura - A new beginning 3/5 (standard but above average female fronted gothic metal debut that's like a heavier Evanescence) - CLINT
Lawless - Rock Savage 4/5 (debut from ex-members of Demon and Persian Risk, who have created a total 80s vibe a la early Dokken, Twisted Sister, etc.) - MICHAEL
Lawnmower Deth - Billy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lawnmower Deth - The return of the fabulous metal bozo clowns 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lawnmower Deth - Ooh crikey! It's Lawnmower Deth! 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lazarus - Open up my mind 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lazarus A.D. - Black rivers flow 3/5 (2nd CD of thrash that's a step back in songwritng from the debut; similar to Death Angel, Havok and Unearth) - MICHAEL
Lazarus A.D. - The onslaught 3/5 (decent "new thrash" debut comparable to Testament and Warbringer, with some groove) - MICHAEL
Leash Law - Dogface 3/5 (Florida power metal supergroup debut featuring W. Black, R. Christy and R. Renstrom) - KIT
Leather - Shock waves 3/5 (debut that's just like classic 80s Chastain with Michael Harris on guitar) - JOHN
Leatherwolf - World asylum 4/5 Leatherwolf Review - KIT
Leatherwolf - World asylum 3.5/5 (a noble return with Wade Black on vocals, but was later re-mixed with original vocalist Michael Oliveri) - MICHAEL
Leatherwolf - Street ready 3/5 - MICHAEL
Leatherwolf - s/t 4/5 - MICHAEL
Leatherwolf - s/t (debut) 3/5 - MICHAEL
Leaves' Eyes - Symphonies of the night 3.5/5 Leaves’ Eyes Review - CHRIS
Leaves' Eyes - Meredead 3.5/5 (4th CD from this female fronted symphonic metal band and it's better than their previous 'Njord'; plus, I could listen to Liv sing all day) - CLINT
Leaves' Eyes - Njord 3/5 (3rd CD of female fronted symphonic metal; I initially liked this a lot because of Liv's wonderful vocals, but it's lacking heavy/catchy songs) - CLINT
Leaves' Eyes - Legend land (EP) 3/5 Leaves' Eyes Review - MICHAEL
Leaves' Eyes - Vinland saga 3/5 (2nd CD with captivating female vocals, but doesn't match the greatness of their debut or the Midnattsol debut) - CLINT
Leaves' Eyes - Lovelorn 4/5 (wonderful debut combining the gothic metal of Elis, melodic metal of Edenbridge, and symphonic metal of Angtoria) - CLINT
Lechery - In fire 3.5/5 Lechery Review - CREAG
Lechery - Violator 3/5 Lechery Review - CREAG
Lefay - SOS 3/5 - KIT
Lefay - The seventh seal 3.5/5 - KIT
Lefay - Symphony of the damned 3.5/5 - KIT
Legacy (Col) - Metallic assault 3/5 (simplistic, primitive but oddly endearing underproduced thrash/speed metal debut from Colombia; a bit like early Exciter) - KIT
Legacy (CA, U.S.) - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Legacy (OH, U.S.) - s/t 3.5/5 (first actual CD by this underrated Christian act similar to Barren Cross, Deliverance and Holy Soldier) - MICHAEL
Legen Beltza - Need to suffer (hopefully coming soon)
Legen Beltza - Dimension of pain (hopefully coming soon)
Legen Beltza - Insanity 3/5 - MICHAEL
Legen Beltza - Istorio triste bat (hopefully coming soon)
Legend (Kor) - The lost world 3.5/5 (impressive power metal debut that's right in the center of the genre and all of the ingredients are surely in place; promising start) - CLINT
Legend (U.S.) - From the fjords 3/5 - MICHAEL
Legend Maker - Lies bleeding the blind 2.5/5 (good 2nd CD of power metal from Columbia, but their debut was something special) - CLINT
Legend Maker - The path to glory 4/5 - CLINT
Legenda Aurea - Ellipsis 4/5 (outstanding 2nd CD of female fronted symphonic power metal; features a fantastic new vocalist, lots of crunch and a tremendous production) - CLINT
Legenda Aurea - Sedna 3.5/5 Legenda Aurea Review - CLINT
Legion (Rus) - The invisible warrior (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - Myths of antiquity (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - Elements of fire 2.5/5 (respectable 2nd-tier melodic power from Russia that needs more power in the guitars) - KIT
Legion (Rus) - Pendulum of times (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - At the window (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - Prorochestvo (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - Day mne imya (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (Rus) - Knights of cross (hopefully coming soon)
Legion (U.S.) - Shadow of the king 3.5/5 (classy indy release a la Martin-era Sabbath, Dio, or a less flashy Axel Rudi Pell) - KIT
Legion of Hetheria (The) - Neutra 3/5 (their first 2 CDs are “beauty and beast” symphonic/gothic metal, but this 3rd CD adds melodic/power metal with clean male vocals) - CLINT
Legion of Hetheria (The) - Choices 2.5/5 Legion of Hetheria Review - CLINT
Legion of Hetheria (The) - The gate 2/5 - CLINT
Legion of the Damned - Descent into chaos 3/5 (5th CD of decent deathrash that's comparable to Sodom, Destruction and Kreator, but also Invocator) - MICHAEL
Legion of the Damned - Cult of the dead 3/5 - MICHAEL
Legion of the Damned - Feel the blade 3/5 - MICHAEL
Legion of the Damned - Sons of the jackal 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Legion of the Damned - Malevolent rapture 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lethal (Swe) - Annihilation agenda 3/5 (intense debut of old-school thrash in the German vein; not at all like the American Lethal) - MICHAEL
Lethal (U.S.) - Poison seed 2.5/5 (much maligned but merely adequate melodic metal) - CRAIG
Lethal (U.S.) - Programmed 5/5 (penultimate metal glory in the vein of early Queensryche) - CRAIG
Lethal Dose - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lethal Saint - s/t 3.5/5 Lethal Saint Review - KIT
Letter X - Reflections (hopefully coming soon)
Letter X - Born into darkness (hopefully coming soon)
Letter X - Time of the gathering 2.5/5 - KIT
Leverage - Circus colossus 4.5/5 (magnificent 3rd CD of melodic metal with one catchy-as-hell song after another and many killer hooks; certainly their best CD to date) - CLINT
Leverage - Blind fire 4/5 (melodic metal band's 2nd CD that's more consistent and overall a bit better than their debut; fans of this band should check out The Codex) - CLINT
Leverage - Blind fire 4/5 Leverage Review - SEAN
Leverage - Tides 4/5 Leverage Review - CLINT
Leviticus - Knights of heaven 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Leviticus - Setting fire to the earth 3/5 - MICHAEL
Leviticus - The strongest power 3/5 - MICHAEL
Leviticus - I shall conquer 3/5 - MICHAEL
Leviticus - Jag skall segra 3/5 - MICHAEL
Liar Symphony - Choose your side 3.5/5 (very solid 4th CD with a new vocalist and musically is in more of a song-oriented and mid-paced direction) - CLINT
Liar Symphony - Spirit machine 3.5/5 Liar Symphony Review - CLINT
Liar Symphony - The symphony goes on 3/5 - CLINT
Liar Symphony - Affair of honour 3.5/5 - CLINT
Lich King - Born of the bomb 3.5/5 (4th CD with a total old-school feel similar to early Nuclear Assault, Sadus, Vio-lence and Forbidden; includes an Agent Steel cover) - MICHAEL
Lich King - World gone dead 3.5/5 (aggressive thrashssacre from these speedfreaks with 80s movies as their motivation and insanity as their claim; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Lich King - Toxic zombie onslaught 3.5/5 Lich King Review - MICHAEL
Lich King - Necromantic maelstrom 3/5 (debut of high speed insanity like Exodus, Coven and Vio-lence) - MICHAEL
Lick the Blade - Graveyard of empires 3.5/5 Lick the Blade Review - MICHAEL
Liege Lord - Master control 4/5 - KIT
Liege Lord - Burn to my touch 3.5/5 - KIT
Liege Lord - Freedom's rise 3/5 - KIT
Lies of Smiles - Cross & claw 3.5/5 (fine rockin’ bluesy Brit metal debut with a punchy production; in the vein of Saxon, Martin-era Sabbath, rockin’ Riot, etc.) - KIT
Ligeia - Gloria 4/5 (excellent and pure female fronted heavy/melodic metal stand-out that's straightforward and "gloria"-sly so...) - CRAIG
Ligeia - Made of stone (hopefully coming soon)
Light Bringer - Genesis 4/5 (excellent 3rd CD from this female fronted Japanese-language power metal band; just about at the level of the previous ‘Midnight circus’) - CLINT
Light Bringer - Midnight circus 4/5 (exciting 2nd CD of female fronted Japanese-language power metal similar to Alhambra, Inspire, Area51, Tears of Tragedy, etc.) - CLINT
Light Bringer - Tales of almanac 3.5/5 (fast-paced female fronted Japanese power metal debut for fans of Alhambra, Area51, Fairy Mirror, Dragon Guardian and Inspire) - CLINT
Light Force - Mystical thieves 4/5 - MICHAEL
Light Force - Battlezone 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lights of Nightmares - s/t 3/5 Lights of Nightmares Review - CLINT
Lingua Mortis Orchestra - LMO 3.5/5 (debut that’s basically all Rage members playing old/new songs with the same orchestra as previously performed on several past CDs) - MICHAEL
Lion - Trouble in Angel City 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lion - Dangerous attraction 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lions Breed - Damn the night 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lion's Share - Dark hours 4.5/5 Lion's Share Review - KIT
Lion's Share - Emotional coma 4/5 Lion's Share Review - KIT
Lion's Share - Entrance 3.5/5 - KIT
Lion's Share - Fall from grace 2/5 - KIT
Lion's Share - Two 2.5/5 - KIT
Lion's Share - s/t 3/5 - KIT
Liquid Sky - Identity 4/5 (outstanding female fronted symphonic/gothic metal debut with lots of crunch and numerous catchy songs; perhaps comparable to Atargatis) - CLINT
Listeria - Full of fire 3/5 (solid, classic metal debut with good performances but average songwriting and melodies) - DAVID
Litany - Aphesis: The sapience of dying 3.5/5 Litany Review - KIT
Liv Moon - The end of the beginning 3.5/5 (great 4th CD of female fronted Japanese-language symphonic metal that’s recommended to fans of Nightwish and Leaves’ Eyes) - CLINT
Liv Moon - Symphonic moon 3.5/5 Liv Moon Review - CLINT
Liv Moon - Golden Moon 3.5/5 (2nd CD from this female fronted Japanese-language symphonic/gothic/power metal band, and it’s better than the debut) - CLINT
Liv Moon - Double moon 3/5 (female fronted symphonic/gothic metal debut that's Japan's contribution to the popular style; contains English/Japanese-language songs) - CLINT
Living Death - Killing in action 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Living Death - Worlds neuroses 3/5 - MICHAEL
Living Death - Protected from reality 3/5 - MICHAEL
Living Death - Metal revolution 3/5 - MICHAEL
Living Death - Vengeance of hell 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Locomotive Breath - Change of track 3/5 - MICHAEL
Locomotive Breath - Train of new events 3/5 - MICHAEL
Locomotive Breath - Heavy machinery (hopefully coming soon)
Locomotive Breath - Train of events (hopefully coming soon)
Locus Titanic Funus - Castus lacrima 2.5/5 (Russian-language “beauty and the beast” style gothic/doom metal that’s too slow and isn’t very memorable) - CLINT
Logar's Diary - Book ll: Parlainth/The forgotten city 3.5/5 (catchy folk/power metal band finally returns after a long gap from their debut) - CLINT
Logar's Diary - Book ll: Parlainth/The forgotten city 3.5/5 Logar's Diary Review - JOHN
Logar's Diary - Book l: Iostros 3.5/5 - CLINT
Lokke, Johnny - Promises and lies 3/5 (3rd CD of meat'n'potatoes midtempo U.S. metal; a bit like Circle II Circle mixed with early Cage or Armored Saint) - KIT
Lokke, Johny - Wrecking ball (hopefully coming soon)
Lokke, Johny - Early warning (hopefully coming soon)
London - Playa del rock 3/5 - MICHAEL
London - Don't cry wolf 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
London - Non-stop rock 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lonewolf - Army of the damned 4/5 Lonewolf Review - KIT
Lonewolf - The dark crusade 4.5/5 Lonewolf Review - KIT
Lonewolf - Made in hell 4/5 (rough'n'ready true metal from France crossing Running Wild and Sencirow; their 3rd CD and easily their best to date) - KIT
Lonewolf - Unholy paradise 3.5/5 Lonewolf Review - KIT
Lonewolf - March into the arena 1.5/5 - KIT
Longings Past - An angel's tale (hopefully coming soon)
Longings Past - Meadows of Maseilya 3/5 - KIT
Longinus - Evil & blood 3.5/5 (another exciting Japanese-language power metal debut with a fast pace, plenty of neo-classical flurries and terrific vocals; similar to Gravity) - CLINT
Lord - Digital lies 4.5/5 Lord Review - SEAN
Lord - Set in stone 4/5 (Aussie post-Dungeon vets retain backbone of speedy European power metal, while experimenting with softer/harder stylings; their 3rd CD) - KIT
Lord - Ascendence 4.5/5 Lord Review - CRAIG
Lord - Ascendance 4.5/5 (super fast-paced Australian metal rising from the ashes of Dungeon) - KIT
Lord - A personal journey 3/5 Lord Review - KIT
Lord Bane - Age of elegance 3/5 (a cult 90s debut renowned for its similarity to Crimson Glory) - JOHN
Lord Divine - In disgrace 4/5 Lord Divine Review - CLINT
Lord Divine - Where the evil lays 3/5 - CLINT
Lord Volture - Never cry wolf 3.5/5 (2nd CD with strained foreign vocals, but excellent songs and is still engaging; for fans of R.U.S.T., Ritual, Crawler and Inner Axis) - MICHAEL
Lord Volture - Beast of thunder (hopefully coming soon)
Lordi - To beast or not too beast 3.5/5 (Finnish monsters return with a re-vamped line-up and not as infectious anthems, but it still rocks the hell out of you; their 6th CD) - MICHAEL
Lordi - Babez for breakfast 3/5 Lordi Review - MICHAEL
Lordi - Deadache 3.5/5 (more slaying like 'The monsterician dream' and less commercial than 'The arockalypse', but still fun and fascinating) - MICHAEL
Lordi - The arockalypse 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lordi - The monsterican dream 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lordi - Get heavy 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lordian Guard - Sinners in the hands of an angry god 3/5 - CLINT
Lordian Guard - s/t 3.5/5 - CLINT
Lords of the Trident - Chains on fire 3.5/5 Lords of the Trident Review - KIT
Lords of the Trident - Death or sandwich 2.5/5 - KIT
Lorelei - The sullen waves of the frozen sea 4/5 (extremely well done Russian-language “beauty and the beast” gothic/doom metal debut that instantly brings Aut Mori to mind) - CLINT
Lorenguard - Eve of corruption 4.5/5 Lorenguard Review - KIT
Lorien - From the forest to the havens 4/5 Lorien Review - CLINT
Lorien - Secrets of the elder 4/5 - CLINT
Lorihen - Bajo la cruz (hopefully coming soon)
Lorihen - Paradigma 4/5 (compelling Spanish-language melodic power metal from Argentina recalling Renacer, Saratoga, Azeroth, etc.) - KIT
Lorihen - Antes de tiempo (hopefully coming soon)
Lorihen - Utopia (hopefully coming soon)
Los Asesinos del Pentagrama - Duenos del universo 3/5 (enthusiastic but primitive old-school kult true metal debut from Panama) - KIT
Los Pirates - Heavy piracy 4/5 Los Pirates Review - KIT
Lost Fate - Where dreams... have no end 3/5 (good debut that has me thinking of Inner Wish with some influences from Mesmerize and Fates Prophecy) - CLINT
Lost Forever - Rising (hopefully coming soon)
Lost Forever - The end of beginning 2.5/5 (nice power metal debut with a slight progressive feel that creates a fairly original sound) - CLINT
Lost Horizon - A flame to the ground beneath 5/5 (unbelievable 2nd CD with amazing guitar work that has blown me away!) - CLINT
Lost Horizon - Awakening the world 4/5 - CLINT
Lost in Thought - Opus arise 3.5/5 (promising melodic/progressive/power metal debut a la Circus Maximus, Pathosray, Illusion Suite, Seventh Wonder and Pagan's Mind) - CLINT
Lost Legion - Glory or death 3/5 (decent-to-good debut from U.K. true metal hopefuls a la Manowar; let down by a muddy production and iffy vocals) - KIT
Lost Society - Fast loud death 3/5 (Finnish thrash debut with some punk elements and is comparable to Mortillery, Gama Bomb, Mantic Ritual, Warbringer, etc.) - MICHAEL
Lothloryen - Raving souls society (hopefully coming soon)
Lothloryen - Some ways back no more 3/5 (more varied 2nd CD with new influences both good and bad; around the same level of overall quality as the debut) - CREAG
Lothloryen - Of bards and madmen 3/5 Lothloryen Review - CREAG
Loudness - 2-0-1-2 3.5/5 (damn these guys never stop redacting the law and delivering thunder: music is pure Atlantic Records era riffing, but sadly the vocals are a bit whiny) - MICHAEL
Loudness - Eve to dawn 3/5 (another CD in less than a year, following the direction of 'King of pain' with that classic feel but modern approach) - MICHAEL
Loudness - King of pain 3.5/5 Loudness Review - MICHAEL
Loudness - The everlasting 3.5/5 Loudness Review - MICHAEL
Loudness - Metal mad 3/5 (not quite as good as their recent reunion CDs like 'Racing' or 'Breaking the taboo', but still well written and played) - MICHAEL
Loudness - Breaking the taboo 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Racing 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Terror hakuri 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Biosphere 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Pandemonium 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Spiritual canoe 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Engine 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Dragon 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Ghetto machine 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Heavy metal hippies 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - On the prowl 3/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Soldier of fortune 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Hurricane eyes 4/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Lightning strikes 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Thunder in the east 5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Disillusion 4/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Law of Devil's land 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - Devil soldier 4/5 - MICHAEL
Loudness - The birthday eve 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Love.Might.Kill - 2 big to fail 4/5 (2nd CD that’s an improvement over the debut; excellent and pulverising slab of melodic heavy metal with 80s hard rock/hair metal elements) - SEAN
Love.Might.Kill - Brace for impact 3.5/5 Love.Might.Kill Review - SEAN
Lucid Dreaming - The chronicles pt. I 3.5/5 Lucid Dreaming Review - MICHAEL
Lullacry - Where angels fear (hopefully coming soon)
Lullacry - Vol. 4 3/5 Lullacry Review - JOHN
Lullacry - Crucify my heart 3.5/5 - JOHN
Lullacry - Be my god 3.5/5 - JOHN
Lullacry - Sweet desire 2.5/5 - JOHN
Lumus - Bacchus' curse 3/5 (debut of female vocal lightly progressive symphonic gothic metal with melodic but not very catchy vocal melodies) - CHRIS
Luna Aeterna - Mystery 3/5 Luna Aeterna Review - CLINT
Luna Mortis - The absence 2.5/5 (modern metal debut with growled/clear vocals from a chick who excels at neither; for Killswitch Engage/Arch Enemy fans, maybe) - KIT
Luna Obscura - Feltia 4.5/5 Luna Obscura Review - CLINT
Lunarium - Journeys, fables and lore 4/5 Lunarium Review - CREAG
Lunatica - New shores 3/5 (4th CD of female fronted symphonic metal that has a commercial vibe and even some progressive elements, but I enjoy many of the songs) - CLINT
Lunatica - The edge of infinity 3.5/5 Lunatica Review - CLINT
Lunatica - Fables & dreams 3/5 (very nice 2nd CD somewhere in the middle of Elis, Edenbridge, Nightwish and Visions of Atlantis) - CLINT
Lunatica - Atlantis 2/5 - CLINT
Lust - We'll never die 2.5/5 - KIT
Lust (The) - Decomposition deluxe 3.5/5 (nicely done and consistent 4th CD from this Russian gothic metal band with “beauty and the beast” vocals) - CLINT
Lust (The) - Membrane 3.5/5 (3rd CD of gothic metal with darkwave elements and "beauty and the beast" vocals; similar to Catafalque, Godyva, Satyrian and maybe Elis) - CLINT
Lust (The) - My dear emptiness 3.5/5 - CLINT
Lust (The) - Tangled 3/5 - CLINT
Luzbel - El tiempo de la bestia 2.5/5 (decent-to-good 2000 release from veteran Mexican traditional metal act; production is virtually unlistenable though) - KIT
Luzbel - Evangelico nocturno (hopefully coming soon)
Luzbel - El comienzo (hopefully coming soon)
Luzbel - La rebelion de los desgraciados (hopefully coming soon)
Luzbel - Otra vez (hopefully coming soon)
Luzbel - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Luzbel - Pasaporte al infierno (hopefully coming soon)
Lycanthia - Oligarchy 3/5 (2nd CD of “beauty and the beast” style gothic/doom metal; somewhat similar to The Sins of Thy Beloved in spots, with slight hints of Draconian as well) - CLINT
Lycanthia - Myriad 2.5/5 - CLINT
Lyken21 - Konceptus 3.5/5 Lyken21 Review - MICHAEL
Lyken21 - Chaos before the crime 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lyken21 - Mindstream (hopefully coming soon)
Lyriel - Leverage 4/5 (surprising change of style to heavy straightforward catchy melodic metal with folk touches and pleasant female vocals; their 4th CD) - CHRIS
Lyriel - Paranoid circus 4.5/5 Lyriel Review - CHRIS
Lyriel - Autumntales 3.5/5 (2nd CD similar to their debut, but with more progressive time, tempo and melody changes, making it somewhat less catchy) - CHRIS
Lyriel - Prisonworld 3.5/5 (debut of upbeat festive triumphant often dramatic celtic folk rock/metal with strong penetrating husky expressive female vocals) - CHRIS
Lyzanxia - Locust 3/5 (the band’s 5th CD, which sounds like Mendeed meets Killswitch Engage, but adds little to the mix to peek my interest) - MICHAEL
Lyzanxia - UNSU 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lyzanxia - Mindcrimes 3/5 - MICHAEL
Lyzanxia - Eden 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Lyzanxia - Lullaby 3/5 - MICHAEL

MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC

