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Babylon Fire - Dark horizons 3/5 (solid clean/growled modern metal debut with a few power metal elements; perhaps for fans of Mutiny Within or All That Remains) - KIT
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - Poinium cherem (hopefully coming soon)
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - The godless, the godforsaken and the god damned 3/5 (epic one-man band for fans of Iced Earth, Therion and Candlemass) - MICHAEL
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - Axis of evil 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - The great apostasy: A conspiracy of satanic Christianity 3/5 - MICHAEL
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - On earth as it is in heaven 3/5 - MICHAEL
Babylon Mystery Orchestra - Divine right of kings 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bach, Sebastian - Kicking & screaming 3.5/5 (solid solo outing that isn't quite as heavy or memorable as 'Angel down'; I miss Roy Z's contributions) - KIT
Bach, Sebastian - Angel down 3.5/5 Bach, Sebastian Review - KIT
Backslash - Trip of pain (hopefully coming soon)
Backslash - Princess of disharmony 3/5 (typically solid 3rd CD of German female fronted anthemic metal a la Warlock) - KIT
Backslash - Intention 3/5 - JOHN
Backslash - Insanity 3/5 - JOHN
Backwater - Final strike 3/5 - MICHAEL
Backwater - Revelation (hopefully coming soon)
Bakken - Death of a hero 3.5/5 (debut that’s a cool Irish thrash/power metal hybrid; like a more power metal Reign of Fury, with Hetfieldish vocals) - KIT
Balance of Power - Heathen machine 3/5 (British metal/AOR hybrid act returns with a great new vocalist and crunchier approach; their 5th CD) - KIT
Balance of Power - Perfect balance (hopefully coming soon)
Balance of Power - Ten more tales 2.5/5 - KIT
Balance of Power - Book of secrets (hopefully coming soon)
Balance of Power - When the world falls down (hopefully coming soon)
Balflare - Downpour 3.5/5 (4th CD of Japanese power metal; musically it’s excellent and similar to the best stuff from Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica, but the vocals are just okay) - CLINT
Balflare - Sleeping hollow 3/5 Balflare Review - CLINT
Balflare - Tempest 3.5/5 - CLINT
Balflare - Thousands of winters of flames 2.5/5 - CLINT
Balistik Kick - Destroy (hopefully coming soon)
Balistik Kick - Warhead 2/5 - KIT
Balistik Kick - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Ballistic - s/t 4/5 (superb, uncompromising old-school thrash debut; easily Tom Gattis's finest work since the Tension days) - KIT
Balrog - A dark passage 3/5 (heavy-duty Italian power metal debut like a blend of Viron and Sencirow; too short though, with just 34 minutes and 6 real songs) - KIT
Banshee - Mindslave 3.5/5 (those Kansas City cries still storm through time, and might enslave now that George Call has been asked to join the race; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Banshee - Take 'em by storm 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Banshee - Race against time 3/5 - MICHAEL
Barbarians - Destino al Walhalla 2.5/5 (average deathrash debut for fans of Scar Symmetry, Soilwork, and perhaps Children of Bodom) - MICHAEL
Bare Infinity - Always forever 4/5 Bare Infinity Review - CLINT
Barilari - Barilari 4 3.5/5 (4th CD of song-oriented Spanish-language melodic metal with a slightly commercial vibe in spots; most of the songs are quite catchy) - CLINT
Barilari - Abuso de Poder 3.5/5 (thoroughly enjoyable 3rd CD of Spanish-language melodic metal) - CLINT
Barilari - Canciones dorados 3/5 (2nd CD that’s all covers and completely without metal, but it’s nice for what it is) - CLINT
Barilari - s/t 3/5 (enjoyable melodic metal debut that's similar to Altaria with a touch of Kotipelto) - CLINT
Barque of Dante (The) - Final victory 3.5/5 Barque of Dante Review - CLINT
Barren Cross - Rattle your cage 2/5 - MICHAEL
Barren Cross - State of control 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Barren Cross - Atomic arena 4/5 - MICHAEL
Barren Cross - Rock for the king 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bassinvaders - Hellbassbeaters 3/5 Bassinvaders Review - CREAG
Bastion of Destiny - Life 3/5 (Russian-language power metal debut with a fairly high amount of keyboard parts and is most comparable to Miriada and Charizma) - CLINT
Bathory - Nordland ll 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Nordland l 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Destroyer of worlds 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Blood on ice 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Octagon 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Requiem 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - Twilight of the gods 3.5/5 (the birth of viking metal take roots as the blackened intentions fade to honour the Norse Gods) - MICHAEL
Bathory - Hammerheart 3.5/5 (Noise Records finally realized the potential of this one-man unstoppable juggernaut of the north) - MICHAEL
Bathory - Blood fire death 3.5/5 (perhaps the first ever "Bleed metal" CD mixing black thrash angst with epic overtures) - MICHAEL
Bathory - Under the sign of the black mark 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - The return 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bathory - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Battalion - Set the phantom afire 3/5 (2nd CD from this Swiss band that blends traditional power metal and thrash, with fairly successful results; could please fans of both styles) - CLINT
Battalion - The fight for metal 3/5 Battalion Review - CLINT
Battle Beast - Steel 4/5 (please accept these true as steel Finns and their mettle maiden of dishonorably discharged anthems of rebellion; excellent debut) - MICHAEL
Battleaxe - Power from the universe 3/5 - MICHAEL
Battleaxe - Burn this town 3/5 - MICHAEL
Battlecross - War of will 3/5 (well executed deathrash for fans of Revocation, Skeletonwitch, Demolition Hammer and Lazarus A.D.; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Battlecross - Pursuit of honor 3/5 (rough thrash with gruff vocals a la Skeletonwitch, older 3 Inches of Blood, Warbringer and Dekapitator; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Battlecross - Push pull destroy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Battlelore - Doombound 3.5/5 Battlelore Review - SEAN
Battlelore - The last alliance 3.5/5 (a return to form from these Tolkien worshipers, after 2 previous disappointments; their most consistent since 'Sword's song') - SEAN
Battlelore - Evernight 3/5 Battlelore Review - SEAN
Battlelore - Third age of the sun 2.5/5 - SEAN
Battlelore - Sword’s song 4/5 - SEAN
Battlelore - Where the shadows lie 3/5 - SEAN
Battlerage - True metal victory (hopefully coming soon)
Battlerage - Blood, fire, steel 3.5/5 (great 3rd CD from this heavy/true metal band) - KIT
Battlerage - Battlefield belongs to me 3/5 Battlerage Review - KIT
Battlerage - Steel supremacy 3.5/5 (jack-booted, battle-ready heavy/true metal debut from Chile, sporting a great Manilla Road cover tune) - KIT
Battleroar - To death and beyond 4/5 Battleroar Review - CRAIG
Battleroar - To death and beyond 4/5 (Greek epic doom/true crew hone their craft well and deliver a smasher for fans of Domine, Doomsword, etc.) - KIT
Battleroar - Age of chaos 4/5 Battleroar Review - KIT
Battleroar - s/t 3.5/5 (strong Greek epic true metal debut for fans of Omen, Doomsword and Manowar's early epics) - KIT
Battlezone - Feel my pain 2/5 - CRAIG
Battlezone - Children of madness 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Battlezone - Fighting back 3/5 - CRAIG
Bayley, Blaze - The king of metal 3/5 Bayley, Blaze Review - CREAG
Bayley, Blaze - Promise and terror 3.5/5 Bayley, Blaze Review - CREAG
Bayley, Blaze - The man who would not die 3.5/5 Bayley, Blaze Review - CREAG
Beatallica - Abbey load 3/5 (3rd CD that’s almost a complete cover of Beatles' classics with few mash-ups, and mostly newer Metallica suggestions) - MICHAEL
Beatallica - Masterful mystery tour 4.5/5 (excellent parody mash-up of Metallica and The Beatles' songs with a thrashing bite of wit and humour) - MICHAEL
Beatallica - Sgt. Hetfield's motorbreath pub band 4/5 - MICHAEL
Beautiful Sin - The unexpected 3.5/5 Beautiful Sin Review - JOHN
Beehler - Messages to the dead 3/5 (this violently forced debut does not excite or pound like metal of the past; if only Dan and Mr. Ricci would reunite) - MICHAEL
Beer Bear - Beyond the invisible line 3.5/5 (very enjoyable 2nd CD of Russian-language folk metal, and it’s a bit better than the debut; surely the Russian answer to Korpiklaani) - CLINT
Beer Bear - Honey 3/5 (fun Russian-language folk metal debut that totally mirrors Korpiklaani, and it's probably only recommended to major fans of that band) - CLINT
Beforce - Creation 3/5 (hard to find power metal debut from Spain; some might not like the vocalist, but I think he's fine and this is good overall) - CLINT
Before Eden - The legacy of Gaia 3.5/5 (refreshing progressive power metal that mirrors early Kamelot both musically and vocally; their 2nd CD) - CLINT
Before Eden - s/t 2/5 - CLINT
Beholder - Lethal injection 3.5/5 Beholder Review - CLINT
Beholder - Wish for destruction 2.5/5 (2nd CD that's not nearly as catchy or memorable as the debut) - CLINT
Beholder - The legend begins 4.5/5 (awesome power metal debut with female and male vocals, and many catchy songs) - CLINT
Beholder - The legend begins 3/5 Beholder Review - CRAIG
Bejelit - Emerge (hopefully coming soon)
Bejelit - You die and I (hopefully coming soon)
Bejelit - Age of wars 4/5 (2nd CD of excellent speedy Italian true metal like heavier Gamma Ray, Vhaldemar or Demonlord) - KIT
Bejelit - Hellgate (hopefully coming soon)
Bel o Kan - Birth of a queen 3.5/5 Bel o Kan Review - CLINT
Believer - Transhuman 3/5 (5th CD from obscure immortals, with a bit too much OTT insanity and not enough thrash/melody, but still proficient lyrical themes) - MICHAEL
Believer - Gabriel 3.5/5 (techno-thrashers re-unite with a stripped down, brutal and experimental, but less classical CD; for fans of Anacrusis and Pestilence) - MICHAEL
Believer - Dimensions 3/5 - MICHAEL
Believer - Sanity obscure 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Believer - Extraction from mortality 4/5 - MICHAEL
Belladonna - 03 (hopefully coming soon)
Belladonna - Spells of fear (hopefully coming soon)
Belladonna - s/t 2.5/5 - KIT
Ben Jackson Group - All over you 3/5 - MICHAEL
Ben Jackson Group - Here I come 3/5 - MICHAEL
Benedictum - Dominion 4/5 Benedictum Review - KIT
Benedictum - Seasons of tragedy 4/5 Benedictum Review - KIT
Benedictum - Uncreation 2.5/5 Benedictum Review - KIT
Benevolence - God 3/5 (debut of operatic choral classical music with passages of crunchy guitars and fast drumming; like Haggard, but with all clean vocals) - CHRIS
Beowulf - Slice of life 2/5 - KIT
Berserker - Blood of the warriors 3/5 Berserker Review - KIT
Besieged - Victims beyond all help 3/5 (decent deathrash debut a la Dreams of Damnation, Sepultura, Incubus, Rabid, Insanity, Morbid Saint and perhaps early Dark Angel) - MICHAEL
Betoken - Days of the apocalypse 2/5 (4th CD that’s another heavy/power/gothic metal mix, but just like previous CDs, the songwriting is poor and the band can’t seem to improve) - CLINT
Betoken - Venom empire 2/5 (3rd CD blending heavy metal, gothic metal and power metal; a bit better than their previous CD, but the songwriting is really lacking) - CLINT
Betoken - Dead soul insomnia 1.5/5 (2nd CD that's going in an unsuccessful darker/gothic direction; quite different from their power metal debut) - CLINT
Betoken - The gate of nothing 3/5 (an all-around good power metal debut that's missing some strong highlights) - CLINT
Betrayal - In remembrance of me (hopefully coming soon)
Betrayal - Leaving nevermore 3/5 - MICHAEL
Betrayal - The passing 4/5 - MICHAEL
Betrayal - Renaissance by death 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bewitched - Spiritual warfare 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bewitched - Rise of the antichrist 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bewitched - At the gates of hell 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bewitched - Pentagram prayer 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bewitched - Diabolical desecration 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Beyond Fallen - Mindfire 3.5/5 (improved 2nd CD of crunchy and muscular U.S. heavy metal with speed and Comeau-esque vocals) - KIT
Beyond Fallen - Lost in the shadows 3/5 (encouraging indy debut of crunchy mid-paced U.S. power metal with Comeau-styled vocals) - KIT
Beyond Fear - s/t 3.5/5 Beyond Fear Review - KIT
Beyond the Embrace - Insect song 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Beyond the Embrace - Against the elements 3/5 - MICHAEL
Beyond Twilight - For the love of art and the making 2/5 Beyond Twilight Review - MICHAEL
Beyond Twilight - Section X 3/5 - MICHAEL
Beyond Twilight - The Devil's hall of fame 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bible of the Devil - For the love of thugs & fools 3.5/5 (strong outing of street-level, gritty Chicago metal spiced with Thin Lizzy and whiskey; their 6th CD) - KIT
Bible of the Devil - Freedom metal 3.5/5 (cool twin-guitar 70s metal that's a hybrid of Thin Lizzy, Black Sabbath and Motorhead; their 5th CD) - KIT
Bible of the Devil - The diabolic procession (hopefully coming soon)
Bible of the Devil - Brutality, majesty, eternity (hopefully coming soon)
Bible of the Devil - Tight empire (hopefully coming soon)
Bible of the Devil - Firewater at my command (hopefully coming soon)
Bibleblack - The black swan epilogue 3/5 (Mike Wead's new melodic death metal project/debut comparable to Children of Bodom, Kalmah and In Flames) - MICHAEL
Big History - Perpetuum mobile 3/5 (Russian-language power metal debut similar to Arda, Callisto, Epidemia and Charizma, but with progressive/atmospheric elements) - CLINT
Birth A.D. - I blame you 4.5/5 (by far the best crossover debut to emerge in quite a long time; fans of D.R.I., Excel and Suicidal Tendencies take notice!) - MICHAEL
Bitch - Betsy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bitch - The bitch is back 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bitch - Be my slave 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bitchfire - s/t 3/5 (Floridian female fronted classic metal debut in the style of Black Widow, Wilde Starr, Hellion, Bitch and Benedictum) - MICHAEL
Bitter End - Have a nice death! 4/5 (awesome compilation from this highly underrated Seattle technical thrash outfit) - MICHAEL
Bitter End - Harsh realities 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Abyss - Possessed (hopefully coming soon)
Black Abyss - Angels wear black 4/5 (pulverizing, heavy duty German power metal that's light-years ahead of the previous 'Land of darkness') - KIT
Black Abyss - Land of darkness 2.5/5 - KIT
Black Abyss - Why 2.5/5 - CLINT
Black Breath - Sentenced to life 3/5 (melodic U.S. deathrashers celebrate early Sentenced, Merciless and even The Hellacopters; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Black Breath - Heavy breathing (hopefully coming soon)
Black Death - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Desert - The beginning 3.5/5 (catchy female fronted heavy/symphonic/gothic metal debut that took some time to grow on me, but it’s recommended) - CLINT
Black Destiny - In neo noir (hopefully coming soon)
Black Destiny - Black is where our hearts belong 2/5 - KIT
Black Destiny - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Hawk - Straight to hell 3/5 (unoriginal but satisfying 4th CD of German traditional metal with killers and clunkers alike; includes Saxon "Crusader" cover) - KIT
Black Hawk - The invasion 3.5/5 (old-school German traditional metal in the grand tradition of Noisehunter, Gravestone, Tyrant, etc.; cool "Detroit rock city" cover) - KIT
Black Hawk - Dragonride 4/5 (fine old-school German metal debut in the tradition of Gravestone, Stormwitch, Noisehunter, etc.; one of the best Karthago releases) - KIT
Black Hawk - Twentyfive (hopefully coming soon)
Black Knight (Can) - Master of disaster 4/5 (essential classic metal from the 80s, reissued in 2003; top-drawer stuff with cool packaging and liner notes) - KIT
Black Knight (Nld) - The beast inside (hopefully coming soon)
Black Knight (Nld) - Tales from the darkside 3/5 - KIT
Black Knight Symfonia - Heavenly chaos 3.5/5 Black Knight Symfonia Review - CLINT
Black Majesty - Stargazer 4/5 Black Majesty Review - SEAN
Black Majesty - In your honour 4.5/5 Black Majesty Review - SEAN
Black Majesty - Tomorrowland 4/5 Black Majesty Review - SEAN
Black Majesty - Silent company 4/5 - SEAN
Black Majesty - Sands of time 3.5/5 - SEAN
Black Masquerade - Holy and bright 3.5/5 (2nd CD of Japanese power metal with neo-classical flurries; much better than the debut and fans of Concerto Moon will dig it) - CLINT
Black Masquerade - Spread your wings 2/5 - CLINT
Black Messiah - The final journey (hopefully coming soon)
Black Messiah - First war of the world 3/5 (folk-oriented black metal with some decent arrangements and melodic structure; their 4th CD) - MICHAEL
Black Messiah - Of myths and legends 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Messiah - Oath of a warrior 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Messiah - Sceptre of black knowledge 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Moor - Lethal waters 4/5 (fans of Black Tide, Holy Grail and White Wizzard will drown in the NWOBHM wave these Canadians send; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Black Moor - The conquering (hopefully coming soon)
Black Oath - Ov qliphoth and darkness 3.5/5 (impressive melodic Italian doom with towering riffs of leaden despair and superb clear melancholy vocals; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Black Oath - The third aeon 4/5 (fantastic epic haunting doom metal debut in the classic Candlemass/Solitude Aeturnus mold) - KIT
Black Sabbath - Forbidden 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Cross purposes 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Tyr 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Headless cross 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - The eternal idol 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Seventh star 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Born again 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Mob rules 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Heaven and hell 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Never say die 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Technical ecstasy 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Sabotage 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Sabbath, bloody sabbath 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Vol. 4 3/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Master of reality 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - Paranoid 4/5 - MICHAEL
Black Sabbath - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Black Stars Falling - A memory/A melody 3/5 (solid debut that’s a nice symphonic/gothic/power metal blend and it contains 2 female vocalists) - CLINT
Black Steel - Hellhammer 3.5/5 (pounding Australian true metal that crosses Jag Panzer with Saxon; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Black Steel - Destructor 3/5 - KIT
Black Sun - Dance of elders 3.5/5 (2nd CD of anthemic polished European power metal from Ecuador; recorded in Hamburg with help from “name” guys in the scene) - KIT
Black Sun - Tyrant from a foreign land (hopefully coming soon)
Black Tide - Post mortem 2/5 (2nd CD that’s a stunning departure from 'Light from above' to metalcore/radio rock realms that will offend many; disappointing) - KIT
Black Tide - Light from above 3/5 (commercial prefab kiddie metal debut that's better than you think; they need to deep-six the glammy parts though) - KIT
Black Widow - Soldiers from hell 3.5/5 Black Widow Review - KIT
Black Widow - Satan's playground 1.5/5 (mid-paced female fronted traditional metal debut like a subpar Backslash or Zed Yago) - KIT
Black Wings - Sacred shiver 3.5/5 Black Wings Review - CLINT
Blackend - The last thing undone 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blackend - Mental. Game. Messiah. 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blackend - Sloth (hopefully coming soon)
Blackguard - Firefight (hopefully coming soon)
Blackguard - Profugus mortis 3/5 (aggressive melody-drenched symphonic metal debut from Canada with out-of-place harsh vocals) - KIT
Blackkout - Ignorance of man 4.5/5 Blackkout Review - TOM
Blacklace - Get it while it's hot 3.5/5 - KIT
Blacklace - Unlaced 4/5 - KIT
Blacksmith - Time out of mind 3/5 Blacksmith Review - MICHAEL
Blacksmith - Fire from within 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blackstar - Barbed wire soul 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blacksword - The sword accurst 4/5 Blacksword Review - KIT
Blackthorn - Codex archaos 3/5 (consistently good 2nd CD of slightly blackened symphonic/gothic/power metal with “beauty and the beast” vocals) - CLINT
Blackthorn - Araneum 3/5 (good female fronted Russian-language symphonic/gothic/power metal debut that's a mix of Nightwish and Epica, or think of Andem) - CLINT
Blade of Spirit - Shadow's race 3.5/5 Blade of Spirit Review - CREAG
Blade of the Ripper - Taste the blade 3.5/5 (2nd CD with gritty, dark, catchy and fast anthems to stalkers and Satan; too bad the production is wretched) - KIT
Blade of the Ripper - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Blasdead - The past and the future (hopefully coming soon)
Blasdead - Ground flare 3.5/5 (high quality Japanese speed metal in the style of Hellhound, Galneryus, Aiming High and Stormrider; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Blasdead - Another dimension 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blatant Disarray - Everyone dies alone 3/5 (old-school thrash tag for this debut is a bit misleading; more like Sanctity meets Perzonal War with cool twin guitars) - KIT
Blaze (Jpn) - s/t 3/5 (another quality Japanese heavy metal debut in the style of Sly, but also Obsession and Hittman) - MICHAEL
Blaze (U.K.) - Blood and belief 3/5 (3rd CD thankfully containing some catchy guitar work; band has since changed to Blaze Bayley) - CLINT
Blaze (U.K.) - Tenth dimension 2.5/5 - CLINT
Blaze (U.K.) - Silicon messiah 3/5 - CLINT
Blazing Dog - Metallic beast 3.5/5 (pounding and aggressive traditional metal debut from Brazil with good songs and fairly rough vocals) - KIT
Blazon Stone - Return to Port Royal 4/5 (debut from Cedric of Mortyr and Rock Rollas, who understands Running Wild a hell of a lot more than what Rolf now does) - MICHAEL
Blessed Death - Hour of pain 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blessed Death - Destined for extinction 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blessed Death - Kill or be killed 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blind Fury - Out of reach 4/5 (Satan change name and go for a slightly more accesible, yet epic, style; fantastic vocals from Lou Taylor) - CREAG
Blind Guardian - At the edge of time 4.5/5 Blind Guardian Review - SEAN
Blind Guardian - A twist in the myth 3/5 Blind Guardian Review - JOHN
Blind Guardian - A night at the opera 1.5/5 (overproduced, overcomposed, overlayered and an overall boring disappointment) - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in middle earth 3/5 - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the other side 3.5/5 - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Somewhere far beyond 5/5 - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Tales from the twilight world 4.5/5 - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Follow the blind 3/5 - JOHN
Blind Guardian - Battalions of fear 4/5 - JOHN
Blind Illusion - Demon master 1/5 (you'll go insane seeking asylum after hearing this vacuous envisioned blah shower of shite!) - MICHAEL
Blind Illusion - The sane asylum 4/5 - MICHAEL
Blind Rover - 10 let skitaniy 3.5/5 (enjoyable Russian-language traditional heavy/power metal debut that should appeal to Aria fans) - CLINT
Blind Stare - The dividing line (hopefully coming soon)
Blind Stare - Symphony of delusions 1.5/5 (ambitious but incohesive melodic death metal debut with elements of black, power, symphonic; poor harsh/clean vocals) - KIT
Blind Vengeance - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blind Vengeance - Taste of sin 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - Theatre of the damned 3.5/5 (best CD in years, with NWOBHM melodies and catchy choruses; has new version of "Blitzkrieg" on special edition) - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - Sins and greed 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - Absolute power 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - The mists of Avalon 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - Ten 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - Unholy trinity 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blitzkrieg - A time of changes 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blizzard - Fuck the universe 3/5 (these retro deathrashers are showing more versatility, while still keeping that risible, inebriated edge; their 4th CD) - MICHAEL
Blizzard - Rock 'n' roll overkill 3/5 (these drunk Germans are showing more of an inclination to Dustsucker meets Unkel Tom, with better musicianship overall) - MICHAEL
Blizzard - The roaring tanks of armageddon 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blizzard - Pure filth and mayhem 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bloden-Wedd - Eye of Horas 3.5/5 Bloden-Wedd Review - KIT
Bloden-Wedd - Raging planet 4/5 - KIT
Bloden-Wedd - Time goes on 2/5 - CLINT
Blodwen - Black symphony 3/5 Blodwen Review - KIT
Blood Covered - Wrong direction 3/5 - KIT
Blood Dancer - s/t 3/5 (traditional heavy/power metal debut from the U.S. that’s solid in all areas; fans of Wolf will probably dig it the most) - CLINT
Blood Feast - Chopping block blues 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blood Feast - Kill for pleasure 4/5 - MICHAEL
Blood Stain Child - Epsilon 3.5/5 Blood Stain Child Review - MICHAEL
Blood Stain Child - Mozaiq 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blood Stain Child - Idolater 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Blood Stain Child - Mystic your heart 3/5 - MICHAEL
Blood Stain Child - Silence of northern hell (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Thirsty Demons - Misanthropy (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Thirsty Demons - Occultum lapidem (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Thirsty Demons - Mortal remains 3/5 (4th CD of campy horror metal from Italy; traditional metal with a few spooky sound-effects and Udo-type vocals) - KIT
Blood Thirsty Demons - Let the war begin (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Thirsty Demons - In the grave (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Thirsty Demons - Sabbath/Solve et coagula (hopefully coming soon)
Blood Tsunami - For faen! 3.5/5 (Norwegian thrashers return with an aggressive 3rd CD in the style of Slaughter, Merciless and Aggressor) - MICHAEL
Blood Tsunami - Grand feast for vultures 3/5 (2nd CD of epic enduring deathrash for fans of Virus, English Dogs, Sacrilege and Anihilated) - MICHAEL
Blood Tsunami - Thrash metal 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodbound - In the name of metal 3.5/5 (5th CD from this heavy/power metal band; there are a handful of really catchy songs, but some songs are fairly basic and merely solid) - CLINT
Bloodbound - Unholy cross 4/5 (another extra-catchy CD from this consistent and thoroughly enjoyable band that's surely one of the best in the genre; their 4th CD) - CLINT
Bloodbound - Tabula rasa 4/5 (awesome 3rd CD with vocalist Urban Breed back in the band; one of the catchiest and most consistent heavy/power metal bands out there) - CLINT
Bloodbound - Book of the dead 4/5 (though featuring a new vocalist, this is an awesome 2nd CD complete with catchy riffs/rhythms and memorable choruses) - CLINT
Bloodbound - Nosferatu 4.5/5 (killer power metal debut with strong vocals and catchy songs) - CLINT
Bloodbound - Nosferatu 4/5 Bloodbound Review - CRAIG
Bloodgood - All stand together 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodgood - Out of the darkness 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodgood - Rock in a hard place 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodgood - Detonation 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodgood - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bloodshed Walhalla - The battle will never end 4/5 (Quorthon is dead, but the spirit of viking-era Bathory lives on in this stirring homage; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Bloodshed Walhalla - The legends of a viking 3.5/5 (beautifully crafted Bathory worship circa ‘Twilight of the gods’/’Hammerheart’, but it drags at times) - KIT
Bloodstained - Greetings from hell 3.5/5 (strong traditional power metal debut from Greece; like a more uptempo, raw Jag Panzer) - KIT
Bloody Six - In the name of blood 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bodine - Three times running 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bodine - Bold as brass 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bodine - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bolero - Voyage from Vinland 4/5 Bolero Review - CREAG
Bombarder - Ima li zivota prije smrti (hopefully coming soon)
Bombarder - Ledena krv 1.5/5 (raw but mostly tuneless Serbian thrash with Sodom and Ministry influences) - KIT
Bombarder - Ko sam ja (hopefully coming soon)
Bombarder - Crni dani (hopefully coming soon)
Bombarder - Bez milosti (hopefully coming soon)
Bombarder - Speed kill (hopefully coming soon)
Bonded by Blood - The aftermath 3/5 (their 3rd CD, but line-up changes have hurt this once promising act, who have lost their ingenuity - bring back Fueled by Fire!) - MICHAEL
Bonded by Blood - Exiled to earth 3/5 (sophomore CD for these Bay Area clones, who sound more like Vio-lence than Exodus; slightly inferior to the debut) - MICHAEL
Bonded by Blood - Feed the beast 3.5/5 (thrash debut that's more like Vio-lence than Exodus; has a cool cover of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme) - MICHAEL
Bone Shaker - Union 2/5 (decent 2nd CD of 80s-styled hard rock/heavy metal, but songwriting/production/vocals need improvement; Billy Squier cover is highlight) - KIT
Bone Shaker - Bang... you're dead (hopefully coming soon)
Book of Reflections - Relentless fighter 2.5/5 (3rd CD of neo-classical progressive/power metal that isn’t as great as the debut, but it’s an improvement over the 2nd CD) - CLINT
Book of Reflections - Chapter ll/Unfold the future 1.5/5 Book of Reflections Review - CLINT
Book of Reflections - s/t 3.5/5 - CLINT
Boomerang - Sounds of sirens 3.5/5 Boomerang Review - CLINT
Boomerang - Balance of hate 3/5 - CLINT
Boomerang - Weaveworld 3/5 - CLINT
Borden, Lizzy - Appointment with death 4/5 Borden, Lizzy Review - CRAIG
Borden, Lizzy - Appointment with death 4/5 (fantastic "comeback" CD brings a facelift to Lizzy's patented 80s melodic anthemic heavy metal) - KIT
Borden, Lizzy - Deal with the devil 2.5/5 - KIT
Borden, Lizzy - Master of disguise 3/5 - KIT
Borden, Lizzy - Visual lies 3/5 - KIT
Borden, Lizzy - Menace to society 3.5/5 - KIT
Borden, Lizzy - Love you to pieces 4/5 - KIT
Borealis - Fall from grace 4/5 (2nd CD of progressive power metal with a very satisfying amount of speed and terrific vocals; these guys have all of the ingredients) - CLINT
Borealis - World of silence 4/5 Borealis Review - CLINT
Boulder - Reaped in half 3/5 (dirty, gritty, sleazy steel from Destructor's master songwriter, Jamie Walters, that will appeal to grunge advocates; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Boulder - Ravage and savage 3/5 - MICHAEL
Boulder - The rage of it all 3/5 - MICHAEL
Brain Dead - In the deep of vortex 3/5 (vicious thrash debut with brutal elements, but it's mostly in the vain of Hyades, Bulldozer, Devastator and Raising Fear) - MICHAEL
Brainfever - Face to face 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Brainfever - Capture the night 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Brainless - Reality hurts (hopefully coming soon)
Brainless - Brainless world 3/5 - MICHAEL
Brainstorm - On the spur of the moment 3.5/5 (another strong CD from this German power metal band, and while it’s surely not their best, it should satisfy their fans) - CLINT
Brainstorm - Memorial roots 4/5 (yet another awesome CD of heavier/crunchy power metal, and it should definitely please fans of the band) - CLINT
Brainstorm - Memorial roots 4/5 Brainstorm Review - SEAN
Brainstorm - Downburst 4/5 (awesome 7th CD from this popular power metal band; quality is just about at the level of their tremendous 'Soul temptation') - CLINT
Brainstorm - Downburst 4/5 Brainstorm Review - SEAN
Brainstorm - Liquid monster 3.5/5 (very good 6th CD that doesn't quite match their previous CD 'Soul temptation') - CLINT
Brainstorm - Liquid monster 3.5/5 Brainstorm Review - CRAIG
Brainstorm - Soul temptation 4/5 (probably this heavier power metal band's most consistent CD to date; awesome!) - CLINT
Brainstorm - Metus mortis 3.5/5 - CLINT
Brainstorm - Ambiguity 3/5 - CLINT
Brainstorm - Unholy 3.5/5 - CLINT
Brainstorm - Hungry 2.5/5 - CLINT
Brainwashed - Wrecked 3/5 (crunchy and aggressive thrash debut similar to Protector, Coroner, Shah, Death in Action, Overdose, etc.) - MICHAEL
Braveride - Rise of the dragonrider 3.5/5 Braveride Review - CLINT
Braveride - Heroic deeds 2.5/5 - CLINT
Brazen Angel - Metal for eternity 3.5/5 Brazen Angel Review - KIT
Breaker - Get tough!/Get tougher! 3/5 - MICHAEL
Breathless - Thrashumancy 3/5 (Spanish mosh mayhem debut comparable to Game Over, Abuser, Angelus Apatrida, Amethyst, etc.) - MICHAEL
Bride - Tsar bomba (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Skin for skin (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - This is it (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Fist full of bees (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Oddities (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - The Jesus experience 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Lost reels lll (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Drop 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Scarecrow messiah 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Lost reels ll (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Lost reels (hopefully coming soon)
Bride - Snakes in the playground 2/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Kinetic faith 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Silence is madness 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Live to die 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bride - Show no mercy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bride Adorned - Blessed stillness? 3/5 Bride Adorned Review - CLINT
Brimstone - Carving a crimson career 3.5/5 (debut that's musically similar to better Running Wild, but with a death metal vocalist) - JOHN
Briton Rites - For Mircalla 4/5 (uber-cool doom debut from Cauldron Born's Howie Bentley; long songs, sludgy guitars, monster riffs and horror/vampire lyrics) - KIT
Broadmoor - By the water 3.5/5 (promising progressive power metal debut that's great in all areas and recommended; perhaps comparable to Vanishing Point) - CLINT
Brocas Helm - Defender of the crown 3/5 (totally cult San Francisco metallers' reunion CD; iffy production, but strong songs in line with their earlier CDs) - KIT
Brocas Helm - Black death 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Brocas Helm - Into Battle 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Broken Arrow - Abyss of darkness 2/5 (average melodic metal debut with a few highlights) - CLINT
Brutal Hand - Purgatory's rage 2.5/5 (3rd CD that’s monotonous U.S. metal with gravelly vocals and too many keys; a rare Metal on Metal Records misfire) - KIT
Brutal Hand - Unchain the world (hopefully coming soon)
Brutal Hand - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Brute Forcz - Out for blood 3/5 (debut from ex-American pro-wrestling twins that play traditional metal similar to W.A.S.P., Zaxas, The Rods, Anvil, etc) - MICHAEL
Bud Tribe - Roll the bone 3/5 (slightly uneven Italian traditional metal with some great highlights, but other tunes drag; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Bud Tribe - On the warpath (hopefully coming soon)
Buffalo - Ride the beast 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bujold - Black robe 3/5 (promising neo-classical power metal debut from Canada; nothing amazing, but it’s really consistent regarding the solid quality) - CLINT
Bulldozer - Unexpected fate 3.5/5 (remarkable return for Italian thrashlords in the vein of Venom, Sodom and R.D.P., with killer guest guitar work) - MICHAEL
Bulldozer - Neurodeliri 4/5 - MICHAEL
Bulldozer - IX 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bulldozer - The final separation 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bulldozer - Day of wrath 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bullet (Ger) - No mercy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bullet (Ger) - Execution 3/5 - MICHAEL
Bullet (Swe) - Full pull 3/5 (now signed to Nuclear Blast Records, I expected more from this 4th CD, but this style is growing lackluster and tedious) - MICHAEL
Bullet (Swe) - Highway pirates 3/5 (more AC/DC riffs and less melody or originality, but there are some NWOBHM elements which save the day; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Bullet (Swe) - Bite the bullet 3/5 (the real deal, screw the brats in Airborne; this is their 2nd CD of pure Krokus, Accept and AC/DC worship!) - MICHAEL
Bullet (Swe) - Heading for the top 2.5/5 (AC/DC rock steady midnight riders raise hell heading for the top, but miss the mark) - MICHAEL
Burner - Resurrection 3/5 (compilation of some great and some filler songs from obscure NWOBHM act a la Blitzkrieg; mostly new recordings) - KIT
Burning Black - Mechanichell 2.5/5 (2nd CD that's an inferior follow-up to the debut, with less speed and, crucially, less hooks) - CREAG
Burning Black - Prisoners of steel 3.5/5 Burning Black Review - CREAG
Burning Earth - Chronicles of the calling (EP) 4/5 Burning Earth Review - CREAG
Burning in Hell - Believe 4/5 Burning in Hell Review - KIT
Burning in Hell - s/t 4/5 Burning in Hell Review - KIT
Burning Point - The ignitor 4/5 (5th CD from this melodic/power metal band, and it’s thoroughly excellent) - CLINT
Burning Point - The ignitor 4/5 Burning Point Review - SEAN
Burning Point - Empyre 3.5/5 (strong 4th CD of melodic power metal; better than the previous 'Burned down the enemy', but 'Feeding the flames' is their best to date) - CLINT
Burning Point - Burned down the enemy 3/5 (3rd CD with a lot of keyboards this time, a la Ghost Machinery; satisfying but their least catchy/memorable to date) - CLINT
Burning Point - Feeding the flames 4/5 (outstanding 2nd CD of melodic power metal, but their debut is good as well) - CLINT
Burning Point - Feeding the flames 4/5 Burning Point Review - CRAIG
Burning Point - Salvation by fire 3.5/5 - CLINT
Burning Rain - Pleasure to burn 3/5 - MICHAEL
Burning Rain - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Burning Shadows - Gather, darkness! 4/5 (2nd CD of heavy/power metal like Demons & Wizards, with some Doomsword; has a new vocalist and is way better than the debut) - CLINT
Burning Shadows - Into the primordial 2/5 - CLINT
Burning Starr - Land of the dead 4/5 Burning Starr Review - KIT
Burning Starr - Defiance 4/5 (pretty awesome blatant Manowar clonage with great anthemic songs, stellar vocals, and Jack Starr's fiery fretwork) - KIT
Burning Starr - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Burning Starr - Blaze of glory (hopefully coming soon)
Burning Starr - No turning back 4/5 - KIT
Burning Starr - Rock the American way (hopefully coming soon)
Butcher - Welcome to the night 3/5 (2nd CD that's a mix of male/female horror metal like Hellion meets Deceased, or Widow, Impaler and St. Madness) - MICHAEL
Butcher - Iron tiger (hopefully coming soon)
Butterfly Temple - Breath 3/5 (8th CD of festive majestic folksy progressive pagan metal with harsh raspy vocals but no clean vocals this time; they’re running out of ideas) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - Earth 4/5 Butterfly Temple Review - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - Following the sun 4/5 (festive majestic lightly folksy progressive metal with harsh raspy vocals and clean male vocals; their 6th CD) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - The times of Mara 3.5/5 (progressive festive majestic folk metal with harsh raspy vocals and clean male vocals; their 5th CD) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - On a blood red path by the will of rod! 4/5 (progressive festive majestic folk metal with harsh raspy, clean and female vocals; their 4th CD) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - Dreams of the northern sea 3.5/5 (3rd CD of blackened festive majestic folk metal with harsh raspy vocals and some clean male/female vocals) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - Wheel of cherhobog 3/5 (2nd CD of blackened festive majestic folk metal with harsh raspy vocals and some clean male/female vocals) - CHRIS
Butterfly Temple - Veles 2.5/5 (debut of blackened festive majestic folk metal with harsh raspy vocals and some clean male/female vocals) - CHRIS
By Blood Alone - Thunderbirds 3/5 By Blood Alone Review - CLINT
By Blood Alone - Seas of blood 3/5 By Blood Alone Review - CLINT
Bywar - Abduction 3.5/5 (Brazilian Destruction clones return with another rager similar to Necronomicon, Eradicator and Coroner; their 4th CD) - MICHAEL
Bywar - Twelve devil's graveyards 4/5 (killer 3rd CD from these Brazilian Destruction fanatics; comparable to Not Fragile, Incubus, Necronomicon and Sacrifice) - MICHAEL
Bywar - Heretic signs 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Bywar - Invincible war 3.5/5 - MICHAEL

MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC

