I - Between two worlds 4/5 I Review - CREAG
I Am I - Event horizon 3.5/5 I Am I Review - CREAG
Icaro - Tiempo perdido? 3.5/5 (well done Argentinian power/true metal a la Azeroth, Ankhara and Saratoga; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Icaro - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Icarus Witch - Rise 4.5/5 Icarus Witch Review - KIT
Icarus Witch - Draw down the moon 4/5 Icarus Witch Review - CRAIG
Icarus Witch - Draw down the moon 3.5/5 (3rd CD from this U.S. traditional heavy metal band) - KIT
Icarus Witch - Songs for the lost 4/5 Icarus Witch Review - CRAIG
Icarus Witch - Songs for the lost 3/5 (2nd CD of no-frills mid-paced old-school Pittsburgh metal bearing 70s hard rock elements) - KIT
Icarus Witch - Capture the magic 3.5/5 Icarus Witch Review - KIT
Ice Vinland - Vinland saga 3/5 Ice Vinland Review - KIT
Ice Vinland - Masters of the sea (hopefully coming soon)
Iced Earth - Dystopia 4/5 (shocking CD from this established power metal band; has a superb new vocalist and is a strong return to their early/traditional style; best in years!) - CLINT
Iced Earth - The crucible of man 3/5 (another solid effort from this popular power metal band, but their songs just don't grab me like they used to) - CLINT
Iced Earth - The crucible of man 3/5 Iced Earth Review - CREAG
Iced Earth - Framing armageddon 3/5 (the band's 8th CD has them heading in a more dramatic and orchestral direction with lots of interludes) - CLINT
Iced Earth - Framing armageddon 3.5/5 Iced Earth Review - CREAG
Iced Earth - The glorious burden 3.5/5 (even though it's not their best, this is a strong CD; features Ripper Owens on vocals for the first time) - CLINT
Iced Earth - The glorious burden 3.5/5 Iced Earth Review - JOHN
Iced Earth - Horror show 3.5/5 - CLINT
Iced Earth - Something wicked this way comes 5/5 - CLINT
Iced Earth - The dark saga 5/5 - CLINT
Iced Earth - Burnt offerings 4.5/5 - CLINT
Iced Earth - Night of the stormrider 5/5 - CLINT
Iced Earth - Night of the stormrider 5/5 Iced Earth Review - JOHN
Iced Earth - s/t 4/5 - CLINT
Icewind - Again came the storm 3.5/5 (Canadian power metal band's 2nd CD and it continues where the debut left off, but it's not quite as memorable and catchy) - CLINT
Icewind - All is dust 4/5 Icewind Review - CLINT
Icon - Right between the eyes 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Icon - An even more perfect union 3/5 - MICHAEL
Icon - Night of the crime 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Icon - s/t 4/5 - MICHAEL
Icy Steel - Kronothor (hopefully coming soon)
Icy Steel - As the gods command 3.5/5 (Italians turn down the doom and crank up the true metal a la Wizard on this 2nd CD) - KIT
Icy Steel - s/t 3.5/5 (epic doomy true metal debut from Italy for fans of Wotan, Doomsword and that ilk) - KIT
Ignitor - Year of the metal tiger 3.5/5 (musically awesome true/classic metal from Texas, but J. McMaster’s painful shrieks detract) - KIT
Ignitor - The spider queen 3.5/5 Ignitor Review - KIT
Ignitor - Road of bones 4.5/5 Ignitor Review - KIT
Ignitor - Take to the sky (EP) 3.5/5 - KIT
Ignorance - Positively shocking 3/5 - MICHAEL
Ignorance - The confident rat 3/5 - MICHAEL
Ikki Crane - Dead again 2.5/5 (U.S. traditional metal debut from 1992, reissued on Iron Glory Records; not bad, but a product of its time, flirting with then-modern influences) - KIT
Ilium - Genetic memory 4/5 (Australian dark power metal masters deliver another stirring CD featuring Mike DiMeo on lead vocals; their 5th CD) - KIT
Ilium - Ageless decay 4/5 Ilium Review - KIT
Ilium - Vespertilion 4.5/5 Ilium Review - CRAIG
Ilium - Vespertilion 4.5/5 (fantastic power/speed metal from Australia featuring the golden voice of Lord Tim) - KIT
Ilium - Permian dusk 4/5 Ilium Review - CRAIG
Ilium - Permian dusk 3.5/5 (strong but safe CD of traditional/true Aussie metal, now featuring Lord Tim on vocals) - KIT
Ilium - Sirens of the styx 3/5 (good but fairly dense debut from Australian epic power metal act) - KIT
Illuminandi - In via 4/5 Illuminandi Review - CHRIS
Illuminata - A world so cold 3.5/5 (female fronted symphonic/gothic metal debut that’s fairly standard, but the songs are good and there are even some top-quality highlights) - CLINT
Illusion - Invincible 3.5/5 (Mandarin Chinese-language symphonic power metal debut with some neo-classical flourishes; very much in the European power metal style) - CLINT
Illusion Suite - The iron cemetery 3.5/5 (fairly strong 2nd CD of melodic/progressive/power metal, and it’s a little better than the debut) - CLINT
Illusion Suite - Final hour 3.5/5 (impressive melodic/progressive power metal debut a la Circus Maximus, Pagan's Mind, Serenity, Pathosray and Seventh Wonder) - CLINT
Illusoria - Illusory world 3.5/5 Illusoria Review - CLINT
Iluminato - Reflections of humanity 4.5/5 Iluminato Review - CHRIS
Imagika - Portrait of a hanged man 4/5 (power/thrash band's 7th and final CD with no change in style, but their best production and overall result) - CRAIG
Imagika - Feast for the hated 4/5 Imagika Review - CRAIG
Imagika - My bloodied wings 3.5/5 (strong and unique Bay Area thrash/power metal hybrid continues) - CRAIG
Imagika - My bloodied wings 3/5 Imagika Review - MICHAEL
Imagika - Devils on both sides 3.5/5 Imagika Review - CRAIG
Imagika - And so it burns 3/5 - CRAIG
Imagika - Worship 3/5 - CRAIG
Imagika - s/t 3/5 - CRAIG
Imaginery - Long lost pride 3.5/5 (2nd CD with a new vocalist, and it's melodic power metal similar to Masterplan; sadly I was late getting into this worthwhile band) - CLINT
Imaginery - Ocean's divine 2.5/5 (decent but generic power metal debut) - CLINT
Immaculate - Atheist crusade 3.5/5 (2nd CD of intense Swedish speed/thrash metal with impossibly high-pitched vocals a la Agent Steel, Toxik and Vio-lence) - KIT
Immaculate - Thrash, kill 'n' destroy (hopefully coming soon)
Impact - Take the pain 3/5 (rough, one-dimensional late-80s/early-90s U.S. thrash tending toward the extreme side of the genre; some of the riffs rule though) - KIT
Impaler (Jpn) - Nightmare attack 3.5/5 (not to be confused with Minnesota monsters, these frantic ragers are for fans of Hyades, Explosicum and Living Death) - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - Cryptozoology: Creatures of God? 4/5 (exceptional metal from Minnesota; horror lords who after 25 years have written their best CD to date) - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - Habeas corpus 3/5 (after almost 25 years the gravest speed-punks still shock and rock with malicious intent) - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - Old school ghouls 3/5 - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - One nation under ground 3/5 - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - It won't die 3/5 - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - Undead things 3/5 - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - Wake up screaming 3/5 - MICHAEL
Impaler (U.S.) - If we had brains... we'd be dangerous 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Impellitteri - Wicked maiden 3.5/5 (terrific CD of melodic metal with amazing guitar work; popular vocalist Rob Rock is back in the band!) - CLINT
Impellitteri - Wicked maiden 3.5/5 Impellitteri Review - SEAN
Impellitteri - Pedal to the metal 3.5/5 (possibly their heaviest CD to date and has some definite highlights) - CLINT
Impellitteri - System X 4/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Crunch 3.5/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Eye of the hurricane 3/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Screaming symphony 4.5/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Answer to the master 3.5/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Grin & bear it 2.5/5 - CLINT
Impellitteri - Stand in line 3/5 - CLINT
Imperanon - Stained 3.5/5 (competent debut of no-holds-barred Children of Bodom worship) - KIT
Imperia - Secret passion 4/5 (excellent 3rd CD of female fronted gothic/symphonic/power metal; certainly their best to date) - CLINT
Imperia - Secret passion 4/5 Imperia Review - CHRIS
Imperia - Queen of light 3.5/5 (2nd CD that's a bit more focused than their debut, offering up a good dose of symphonic power metal; Nightwish fans take notice) - CLINT
Imperia - The ancient dance of Qetesh 3/5 Imperia Review - CLINT
Imperial Age - Turn the sun off! 4/5 (powerful symphonic power metal debut from Russia but sung in English, and it contains the crunch and heaviness of Catharsis) - CLINT
Imperial Rage - Fire in the sky 2.5/5 (one and only CD of neo-classical heavy/power metal that's okay, but there are many other better CDs in the same style) - CLINT
Imperium - Too short a season 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Impulse - Dream of the faith 3.5/5 Impulse Review - CLINT
In Flames - Sounds of a playground fading 4/5 (even though founder Jesper Stromblad has been replaced by Niclas Engelin, this is their best effort in 5 years!) - MICHAEL
In Flames - A sense of purpose 3/5 (what one expects from these Swedes; some improvement over the last few CDs, but not as good as their 90s-era output) - MICHAEL
In Flames - Come clarity 2.5/5 (better than 'Soundtrack...' and features vocals by Lisa Miskovsky on one track, but they were way better 10 years ago) - MICHAEL
In Flames - Soundtrack to your escape 2/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - Reroute to remain 3/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - Clayman 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - Colony 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - Whoracle 4/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - The jester race 4/5 - MICHAEL
In Flames - Lunar strain 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
In Silentio Noctis - Through fragments of Christianity 3/5 (extra-speedy female fronted symphonic/power/gothic/black metal debut with members of Exsecratus) - CLINT
In Solitude - The world, the flesh, the Devil 4/5 In Solitude Review - KIT
In Solitude - s/t 4/5 In Solitude Review - KIT
In Vain - In death we trust 3.5/5 In Vain Review - KIT
In Vain - Of gods and men (hopefully coming soon)
In Virtue - Embrace the Horror 4/5 In Virtue Review - JOHN
In Virtue - Delusions of grandeur 3.5/5 In Virtue Review - JOHN
I.N.C. - Heaven sent... hellbound 3/5 (Razorback returns with fists of anarchy, but this Lamb of Godish modern approach causes dry-heaves) - MICHAEL
I.N.C. - The visitor 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
I.N.C. - Razorback 4/5 - MICHAEL
Incrave - Dead end 4.5/5 Incrave Review - CLINT
Incrave - The escape 3.5/5 - CLINT
Incubus - Beyond the unknown 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Incubus - Serpent temptation 4/5 - MICHAEL
Indespair - Time to wake up 4/5
Indespair Review - KIT
Indestroy - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Infernal Majesty - One who points to death 3/5 - MICHAEL
Infernal Majesty - Unholier than thou 3/5 - MICHAEL
Infernal Majesty - None shall defy 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Infernal Vengeance - Dual mayhem 3.5/5 Infernal Vengeance Review - CREAG
Inferno - Downtown hades 3/5 - MICHAEL
Inferno - Utter hell 3/5 - MICHAEL
Infernorama - A symphony for the heartless 3.5/5 (interesting debut with a variety of musical styles and many different female/male vocalists; has members of To Elysium) - CLINT
Infinight - Like puppets 3.5/5 Infinight Review - CLINT
Infinight - Sea of knowledge 3/5 Infinight Review - CLINT
Infinita Symphonia - s/t 3.5/5 (nicely done 2nd CD from this Italian melodic/power metal band with symphonic/progressive influences; debut is just a bit more memorable though) - CLINT
Infinita Symphonia - A mind’s chronicle 3.5/5 (well done Italian melodic power metal debut with some symphonic and progressive parts; promising start) - CLINT
Infinitus Mortus - The conspiracy of love 3.5/5 Infinitus Mortus Review - CLINT
Infinitus Mortus - 2012 3/5 - CLINT
Infinity - Son of infinite 4/5 Infinity Review - CLINT
Infinity (Beto Vazquez) - Beyond space without limits 3/5 (he’s back with another symphonic power metal CD containing guest musicians/vocalists; solid, but not his best) - CLINT
Infinity (Beto Vazquez) - Existence 3.5/5 (upbeat 4th CD of symphonic power metal; a 2-disc journey with many guest musicians/vocalists and all original songs) - CLINT
Infinity (Beto Vazquez) - Darkmind 3/5 (3rd CD of symphonic power metal that continues where 'Flying towards the new horizon' left off; solid but unspectacular) - CLINT
Infinity (Beto Vazquez) - Flying towards the new horizon 3/5 Infinity Review - CLINT
Infinity (Beto Vazquez) - s/t 4/5 - CLINT
Infinity Fall - s/t 3.5/5 (worthy power metal debut from Buffalo, NY, sporting good songs and a classic/modern mix) - KIT
Infinity Overture - The infinite overture pt. 1 2.5/5 (2nd CD with a female vocalist replacing popular Ian Perry from the debut, and it's just okay melodic/symphonic metal) - CLINT
Infinity Overture - Kingdom of utopia 4/5 Infinity Overture Review - CLINT
Infinity's Call - Light in the dark 4/5 (exceptional German classy melodic metal debut with power, rivaling the finest work of Pink Cream 69, Axxis, etc.) - KIT
Injuria - Amancer de un sueno 3.5/5 - KIT
Inmoria - A farewell to nothing 3/5 (2nd CD of heavy/power metal that continues where the debut left off, but with a new vocalist, and it’s not quite as catchy) - CLINT
Inmoria - Invisible wounds 3.5/5 Inmoria Review - JOHN
Inner Axis - Into the storm 3/5 Inner Axis Review - CLINT
Inner Siege - Kingdom of shadows 4.5/5 Inner Siege Review - CRAIG
Inner Shrine - Mediceo 2.5/5 (4th CD of gothic/symphonic metal with mostly female vocals, but clean male vocals too; really slow/light, though nice if in the right mood) - CLINT
Inner Shrine - Samaya 2/5 (symphonic/gothic metal with similarities to Shadows Dance, Therion, Odes of Ecstasy and Haggard; perhaps too many non-metal songs) - CLINT
Inner Shrine - Fallen beauty 2.5/5 - CLINT
Inner Shrine - Nocturnal rhymes entangled in silence 3/5 - CLINT
Inner Terror - Behold the Inner Terror 3/5 (Axemaster members resurface with nuanced riffs, which still pack a punch a la Sacred Reich, Evile and At War) - MICHAEL
Inner Visions - Control the past 3/5 Inner Visions Review - CLINT
Inner Wish - No turning back 3.5/5 (melodic heavy/power metal band's 4th CD, and it's about at the level of their previous 'Inner strength'; maybe their best CD to date) - CLINT
Inner Wish - No turning back 4/5 Inner Wish Review - SEAN
Inner Wish - Inner strength 3.5/5 (3rd CD of melodic heavy/power metal from a band that continues to remind me of Burning Point) - CLINT
Inner Wish - Silent faces 3/5 (very good 2nd CD in line with Burning Point and Black Majesty) - CLINT
Inner Wish - Waiting for the dawn 2/5 - CLINT
Innosense - Outcast 4/5 Innosense Review - CLINT
Insane - Wait and pray 3.5/5 (reincarnation of Slayer's 'Show no mercy' opus with amazing attention to historical detail in music, production, vocals and packaging) - KIT
Insania (Ger) - Face your agony 3/5 Insania Review - MICHAEL
Insania (Ger) - Never 2L84H8 (hopefully coming soon)
Insania (Ger) - Fear IV 2/5 - KIT
Insania (Ger) - House of cards 1.5/5 - KIT
Insania (Ger) - One more... one less 2.5/5 - KIT
Insania (Ger) - Set them free 3.5/5 - KIT
Insania (Swe) - Agony/Gift of life 3/5 (long-awaited 4th CD of Helloween-like power metal that's satisfying, but I was expecting a near masterpiece) - CLINT
Insania (Swe) - Agony/Gift of life 2.5/5 Insania Review - SEAN
Insania (Swe) - Fantasy/A new dimension 4/5 (superb 3rd CD of Helloween influenced power metal with a great production, by far their best CD to date) - CLINT
Insania (Swe) - Sunrise in riverland 3/5 - CLINT
Insania (Swe) - World of ice 2/5 - CLINT
Insanity - Visions of apocalypse (hopefully coming soon)
Insanity - Death after death 3/5 - MICHAEL
Insecticide - For a dying world 3/5 (laconic hyper-fast concept album for fans of Rabid, Necropolis, Hellwitch and Wehrmacht; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Insecticide - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Insinnerator - Stalagmite of ice 3.5/5 (near excellent debut from a Texas thrash trio; comparable to Exumer, Merciless Death, Protector and Invocator) - MICHAEL
Inspire - Alive 4.5/5 Inspire Review - CLINT
Instanzia - Ghost 4/5 (exciting power metal debut a la Axenstar, Dreamtale, Insania and Celesty; all of the ingredients are in place and this is a powerful start) - CLINT
Intemperia - The mothman prophecies 4/5 (debut of fast, heavy, rocking, guitar-driven power metal with electro touches and strong, direct female vocals) - CHRIS
Intense - The shape of rage 4/5 (awesome 3rd CD from this power metal band out of the U.K.; is full of catchy songs and is perhaps their best to date) - CLINT
Intense - As our army grows 4/5 (awesome 2nd CD of power metal from the U.K.; contains crisper songwriting and a more polished sound when compared to their debut) - CLINT
Intense - Second sight 4/5 Intense Review - CLINT
Intense - Second sight 3.5/5 Intense Review - KIT
Into Eternity - The incurable tragedy 2.5/5 (5th CD that's an emotional concept album with a few gems; they started out fresh, but they've become a tad stale) - SEAN
Into Eternity - The scattering of ashes 3/5 (a progressive/melodic death metal band who incorporates many different metal genres; 4th CD with improved vocals) - SEAN
Into Eternity - Buried in oblivion 3.5/5 - SEAN
Into Eternity - Dead or dreaming 3/5 - SEAN
Into Eternity - s/t 3/5 - SEAN
Intoxicated - Rock 'n roll hellpatrol 3.5/5 (debut that’s The Mentors meets Motorhead sleaze for fans of Mpire of Evil and Metal Inquisitor) - MICHAEL
Intrinsic - Closure 3/5 - MICHAEL
Intrinsic - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Intruder - Psycho savant 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Intruder - A higher form of killing 4/5 - CRAIG
Intruder - Live to die 3/5 - CRAIG
Invader - s/t 3/5 (Seattle act’s 1992 debut for fans of Gargoyle, Lethal, Sacred Oath, Sacred Warrior, Serpent's Night, etc.) - MICHAEL
Invictus - Persecution 4/5 Invictus Review - CLINT
Invictus - Black heart 3.5/5 - CLINT
Invocator - Through the flesh to the soul 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Invocator - Dying to live 3/5 - MICHAEL
Invocator - Weave the apocalypse 3/5 - MICHAEL
Invocator - Excursion demise 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Ion Vein - Reigning memories 3/5 (U.S. metal with a strong progressive influence, a la Fates Warning circa 'No exit' and 'Perfect symmetry') - CRAIG
Ion Vein - Beyond tomorrow 3/5 - CRAIG
Ira - Gloria eternal (hopefully coming soon)
Ira - Gesta heroica 4/5 (3rd CD of superb and powerful uptempo melodic Mexican power metal a la Saratoga or Sheratan) - KIT
Ira - Guerreros clandestinos 3.5/5 - KIT
Ira - Equidad (hopefully coming soon)
Irencros - Alchemy of destruction 3.5/5 (very impressive debut from Italy in the style of Divinefire and Thy Majestie, but not quite as symphonic as these bands) - CLINT
Iron Angel - Winds of war 2/5 - KIT
Iron Angel - Hellish crossfire 3/5 - KIT
Iron Clad - Lost in a dream 2/5 (off-the-beaten-track true metal side project debut from Ancient Rites' vocalist, with a 1982 vibe) - KIT
Iron Cross - Church and state 3/5 (1987 debut re-mastered with 3 bonus tracks; gloomy thrash for fans of Nasty Savage, Blessed Death and Indestroy) - MICHAEL
Iron Fate - Cast in iron 3.5/5 (crunchy U.S.-styled power metal debut from Germany with Conklin/Ripper type vocals; genre fans are sure to dig it) - KIT
Iron Fire - Voyage of the damned 3.5/5 (solid but completely expected 7th CD of power metal with Martin Steene's unique vocals from these Danish warriors) - CRAIG
Iron Fire - Metalmorphosis 3.5/5 (more strong, straightforward and “pure” heavy metal similar to their 3 predecessors; their 6th CD) - CRAIG
Iron Fire - To the grave 3.5/5 (good 5th CD, and a complete continuation of the previous few in style, but that's starting to sound just a bit repetitive) - CRAIG
Iron Fire - To the grave 3.5/5 Iron Fire Review - MICHAEL
Iron Fire - Blade of triumph 4/5 Iron Fire Review - CRAIG
Iron Fire - Revenge 3.5/5 Iron Fire Review - CRAIG
Iron Fire - On the edge 1.5/5 (very weak sophomore
effort, dulling down power metal elements for boring hard rock mish-mash) - CRAIG
Iron Fire - Thunderstorm 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Iron Fortress - s/t 3/5 (endearing traditional metal side project debut from Leviathan members, with captivating songs) - KIT
Iron Jaws - Guilty of ignorance 3.5/5 (killer Italian speed merchants worship Hallows Eve, Hirax, Krank and early-80s Metal Blade acts; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Iron Jaws - Louder is not enough (hopefully coming soon)
Iron Knights - New sound of war 3/5 (rebranded Stuka Squadron plays straight-up Brit metal with this debut, but the songs and vocals do not fully convince) - KIT
Iron Maiden - The final frontier 4/5 (definitely not the band's best CD, but is strong throughout and certainly recommended to fans of the band) - CLINT
Iron Maiden - The final frontier 3.5/5 Iron Maiden Review - CREAG
Iron Maiden - A matter of life and death 4/5 Iron Maiden Review - CLINT
Iron Maiden - A matter of life and death 3/5 Iron Maiden Review - JOHN
Iron Maiden - Dance of death 5/5 (another amazing CD from one of the best metal bands ever) - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Dance of death 3/5 Iron Maiden Review - JOHN
Iron Maiden - Brave new world 5/5 (with vocalist Bruce Dickinson back in the band, they provide a true masterpiece) - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Virtual Xl 2.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - X Factor 3/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark 4.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - No prayer for the dying 4/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Seventh son of a seventh son 5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Seventh son of a seventh son 5/5 Iron Maiden Review - CRAIG
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in time 5/5 (probably my favorite CD from the 80s!) - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Powerslave 5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind 4.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - The number of the beast 4.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - Killers 2.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maiden - s/t 2.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Maidens (The) - World's only female tribute to Iron Maiden 4/5 (these chicks have really captured the true Iron Maiden sound; outstanding!) - CLINT
Iron Mask - Black as death 3.5/5 (nicely done 4th CD of neo-classical power metal with some hard rock and a good balance of tempo; first with vocalist Mark Boals) - CLINT
Iron Mask - Shadow of the Red Baron 3.5/5 (3rd CD of melodic/neo-classical power metal and although it's nothing original, most of the songs are great) - CLINT
Iron Mask - Hordes of the brave 4/5 (much improved 2nd CD of neo-classical power metal easily competitive with anything from At Vance or Magic Kingdom) - CLINT
Iron Mask - Hordes of the brave 4/5 Iron Mask Review - DAVID
Iron Mask - Revenge is my name 2.5/5 (neo-classical power metal debut similar to Magic Kingdom) - CLINT
Iron Reagan - Worse than dead 3/5 (speedcore debut with short songs, and little melody; created by members of Municipal Waste, and is similar to Toxic Holocaust) - MICHAEL
Iron Savior - The landing 4/5 (well done and consistent CD from this German power metal band; one of their best to date, for sure) - CLINT
Iron Savior - The landing 4.5/5 Iron Savior Review - SEAN
Iron Savior - Megatropolis 3.5/5 (another great but predictable CD from this long-running German power metal band) - CLINT
Iron Savior - Megatropolis 3.5/5 Iron Savior Review - SEAN
Iron Savior - Battering ram 3.5/5 (5th CD that probably doesn't quite match their previous and best CD 'Condition red') - CLINT
Iron Savior - Condition red 4/5 - CLINT
Iron Savior - Dark assault 1.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Savior - Unification 2.5/5 - CLINT
Iron Savior - s/t 2/5 - CLINT
Ironchrist - Getting the most out of your extinction 3/5 - MICHAEL
Ironica - Vivere 3.5/5 Ironica Review - CLINT
Ironica - Consequences 3.5/5 - CLINT
Ironsword - Overlords of chaos 4.5/5 Ironsword Review - KIT
Ironsword - Return of the warrior 4/5 Ironsword Review - KIT
Ironsword - s/t 3.5/5 - CLINT
Ironware - Break out 3.5/5 (great debut that's very similar to the Freternia CDs and is filled with excellent guitar solos throughout) - CLINT
Ironwood - Storm over sea 4/5 Ironwood Review - CREAG
Ironwood - :Fire:Water:Ash: 3.5/5 Ironwood Review - CREAG
Irony - In the beginning... echoes from the past (hopefully coming soon)
Irony - Release the beast 3/5 - MICHAEL
Isengard - Crownless majesty 3.5/5 (very cool CD of Swedish power metal that has some interesting and unique folk elements) - CLINT
Isengard - Enter the dragon empire 2.5/5 - CLINT
Isengard - Feel no fear 2/5 - CLINT
Isle of Avalon - s/t 3.5/5 (very promising fantasy power metal debut from the U.K.; like a blend of Falkirk and Opus Atlantica, but with a variety of vocals) - MICHAEL
Isole - Born from shadows (hopefully coming soon)
Isole - Silent ruins 3.5/5 (4th CD that's captivating epic melancholy doom; a no-brainer for the Candlemass/Solitude Aeturnus crowd, despite a few boring spots) - KIT
Isole - Bliss of solitude 3/5 (depressing leaden atmospheric doom metal with clean vocals a la While Heaven Wept; their 3rd CD) - KIT
Isole - Throne of void (hopefully coming soon)
Isole - Forevermore (hopefully coming soon)
Ivan Tzarevich - I come at you! 2.5/5 (2nd CD of unique Russian folk metal that's a dizzying mishmash of styles and down-tuned guitars; a little too "out there") - KIT
Ivan Tzarevich - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Ivana d' Arc - S.M.Q. 3.5/5 (female fronted symphonic power metal debut that I really dig, but I must warn you that the unusual operatic vocal style won't be for everyone) - CLINT
Ivanhoe - Lifeline (hopefully coming soon)
Ivanhoe - Walk in mindfields (hopefully coming soon)
Ivanhoe - Polarized 2/5 - CRAIG
Ivanhoe - Symbols of time 2/5 - CRAIG
Ivanhoe - Visions and reality 2.5/5 - CRAIG
Ivory - Time for revenge 3.5/5 Ivory Review - CLINT
Ivory Moon - Dark time 3.5/5 (3rd CD, which still has female and clean male vocals, but leans more to melodic metal than the symphonic power metal style of the first 2 CDs) - CLINT
Ivory Moon - Human nature 4/5 Ivory Moon Review - CLINT
Ivory Moon - On the edge of time 3/5 - CLINT
Ivory Night - The healing 2/5 (the transition from traditional heavy metal to modern heavy metal is complete with this 3rd CD; decent, but the debut is their best to date) - CLINT
Ivory Night - Machine 3/5 Ivory Night Review - CLINT
Ivory Night - 7-Dawn of the night 4/5 - CLINT
Ivory Tower - IV 1.5/5 (progressive power metal band is back in a shockingly bad way, with modern elements and some horrid vocals; massive disappointment!) - CLINT
Ivory Tower - It/Subjective enemy 3.5/5 Ivory Tower Review - CLINT
Ivory Tower - Beyond the stars 3/5 - CLINT
Ivory Tower - s/t 4/5 - CLINT
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