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Wallop - Metallic alps 3/5 - KIT
Walpurgis Night - Midnght wanderer (hopefully coming soon)
Walpurgis Night - Under the moonlight 3.5/5 (fun Italian power/heavy metal debut with shrill vocals reminiscent of Mercyful Fate, Lords of the Trident and 3 Inches of Blood) - KIT
Warbeast - Destroy 2.5/5 (2nd CD which was highly anticipated, but falls short with Phil Anselmo’s over-produced Pantera style) - MICHAEL
Warbeast - Krush the enemy 3.5/5 (near excellent thrash debut for Pantera fans, with members of Rigor Mortis and Gammacide going totally old-school) - MICHAEL
Warbreath - Gates of beyond 3.5/5 (Chilean power/thrash debut comparable to Vicious Rumors, Vindictiv, Cypher Seer, Apocrypha, Sacred Oath, etc.) - MICHAEL
Warbringer - Worlds torn asunder 3.5/5 (the 3rd time is the charm, as this is truly excellent old-school thrash, showing both inspiration and originality) - MICHAEL
Warbringer - Waking into nightmares 3/5 (the band's sophomore CD, with more deathrashing riffs in the vein of Demolition Hammer or Malevolent Creation) - MICHAEL
Warbringer - War without end 2.5/5 (over-hyped speed metal debut that can't compare to Hyades, Merciless Death, Evile, Fueled by Fire or Bonded by Blood) - MICHAEL
Warcry (Ger) - Revenge in blood 3.5/5 (crazy German erratic chaos similar to Wizard, Wolfcry, early Agent Steel, Wolf and even Forbidden; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Warcry (Ger) - In battle for vengeance (hopefully coming soon)
Warcry (Spa) - Alfa (hopefully coming soon)
Warcry (Spa) - Revolucion (hopefully coming soon)
Warcry (Spa) - La quinta esencia (hopefully coming soon)
Warcry (Spa) - Donde esta la luz (hopefully coming soon)
Warcry (Spa) - Alea jacta est 4/5 (stunning Spanish-language melodic power metal, rivaling prime Avalanch and Northwind) - KIT
Warcry (Spa) - El sello de los tiempos 3/5 - KIT
Warcry (Spa) - s/t 3.5/5 - KIT
Wardog - A sound beating 3/5 - KIT
Wardog - Scorched earth 3.5/5 - KIT
Wardog - s/t 2/5 - KIT
Wardrum - Desolation (hopefully coming soon)
Wardrum - Spadework 3/5 (Greek power metal debut a la Assedium, Ritual Steel, Crosswind, etc.; songs are decent, but definitely need some improvement) - MICHAEL
Warfare - Hammer horror (hopefully coming soon)
Warfare - A conflict of hatred (hopefully coming soon)
Warfare - Mayhem, fuckin' mayhem 3/5 - MICHAEL
Warfare - Metal anarchy 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Warfare - Pure filth 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wargasm - Suicide notes 3.5/5 - KIT
Wargasm - Ugly 4/5 - KIT
Wargasm - Why play around? 5/5 - KIT
Warlock - Triumph and agony 4/5 - KIT
Warlock - True as steel 3/5 - KIT
Warlock - Hellbound 4/5 - KIT
Warlock - Burning the witches 4.5/5 - KIT
Warlord - The holy empire 3.5/5 (welcomed return from this U.S. epic/heavy metal band; thankfully contains a lot of familiar guitar work and their signature style) - CLINT
Warlord - Rising out of the ashes 4/5 (excellent comeback CD of epic/traditional metal; sounds like a mix of Iron Maiden and Lordian Guard) - CLINT
Warlord - And the cannons of destruction have begun 3.5/5 - CLINT
Warmachine - Left for dead 3.5/5 (2nd CD that’s enjoyable song-oriented melodic thrash-lite from Canada with a discernible modern hard rock sheen) - KIT
Warmachine - The beginning of the end 4/5 Warmachine Review - KIT
Warmen - Japanese hospitality 3/5 (4th CD that has a few diverse clunkers, but the cover of Journey's "Separate ways" with Thunderstone's vocalist is totally awesome) - CLINT
Warmen - Accept the fact 3/5 (good 3rd CD, but unfortunately contains less keyboard-oriented neo-classical instrumentals and more songs with vocals) - CLINT
Warmen - Beyond abilities 3.5/5 (skilled 2nd CD of keyboard-oriented neo-classical instrumentals; I prefer the debut though) - CLINT
Warmen - Unknown soldier 4/5 - CLINT
Warrant - The enforcer 3/5 - MICHAEL
Warrior - The wars of gods and men 2/5 Warrior Review - KIT
Warrior - The code of life 3/5 - CRAIG
Warrior - Ancient future 3/5 - CRAIG
Warrior - Fighting for the earth 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Wartime - Solar messiah (hopefully coming soon)
Wartime - Against destiny 3.5/5 (debut that's a quality power punch with judicious melodies; for fans of Sabaton, Dark at Dawn and Grave Digger) - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Babylon 3.5/5 (their best since 'Helldorado', but is still too short with 2 covers, recycled melodies, and too much preaching!) - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Dominator 4/5 W.A.S.P. Review - CREAG
W.A.S.P. - Dominator 3/5 (their same paradigm, with no deviation; I long for the originality and boldness of 'Helldorado'!) - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - The neon god pt. 2: The demise 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - The neon god pt. 1: The rise 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Dying for the world 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Unholy terror 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Helldorado 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Kill, fuck, die 2/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Still not black enough 3/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - The crimson idol 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - The headless children 4/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - Inside the electric circus 3/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - The last command 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
W.A.S.P. - s/t 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wasted Youth - Black daze 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wasteland - Warriors of the wasteland 2/5 (by-the-numbers midtempo German metal debut; okay, but does not stand out in any way) - KIT
Wastoid - Say your prayers 4/5 - KIT
Wastoid - An exhibition in evil (hopefully coming soon)
Watchmen - Generation 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Watchtower - Control and resistance 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Watchtower - Energetic disassembly 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Waylander - Kindred spirits 3/5 (worshipping at the altar of Skyclad and Cruachan this doesn’t impress like earlier CDs, but fans of Wolfmare and The Privateer may disagree) - MICHAEL
Waylander - Honour amongst chaos 4/5 Waylander Review - CREAG
Waylander - Honour amongst chaos 3.5/5 (excellent 3rd CD of death/folk metal from Ireland that will appeal to fans of Cruachan, Skyclad and Skiltron) - MICHAEL
Waylander - The light, the dark, and the endless knot 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Waylander - Reawakening pride once lost 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wayne - Metal church 3.5/5 Wayne Review - CRAIG
We Are the Fallen - Tear the world down 3.5/5 (debut like Evanescence but poppier and less dark/heavy; excellent vocals by Carly Smithson from American Idol) - CHRIS
Weeping Silence - For the unsung 4/5 Weeping Silence Review - CHRIS
Weeping Silence - Theatre of life 3/5 (excellent female vocal symphonic gothic metal like mid-period Within Temptation, but it's marred by a muddy production) - CHRIS
Weeping Silence - End of an era 2.5/5 (debut of mellow atmospheric gothic rock with long meandering songs and pleasant laid-back female vocals) - CHRIS
Wehrmacht - Biermacht 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wehrmacht - Shark attack 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Well of Souls - Sorrow my name 3.5/5 Well of Souls Review - KIT
Well of Souls - s/t 4/5 (crushing epic melodic doom debut from Texas a la Solitude Aeturnus; crafted under J. Perez's watchful eye and expert tutelage) - KIT
West of Hell - Spiral empire 3.5/5 (crushing, chaotic power/thrash metal debut from Canada mixing new/old schools; a bit like Imagika, perhaps) - KIT
Where Angels Fall - Marionettes 2.5/5 (uninteresting 2nd CD of female fronted symphonic/gothic metal that doesn't really top their debut or stand out in the style) - CLINT
Where Angels Fall - Illuminate 2.5/5 (female fronted symphonic/gothic metal debut; decent attempt at competing with Xandria, Within Temptation, Sengir and Elis) - CLINT
While Heaven Wept - Fear of infinity 3.5/5 (another strong outing from unique atmospheric proggy doomsters; not so heavy or song-oriented this time) - KIT
While Heaven Wept - Vast oceans lachrymose 4/5 (stirring, unique epic atmospheric U.S. metal with doom and Arch-era Fates Warning touches; their 3rd CD) - KIT
While Heaven Wept - Of empires forlorn 3.5/5 - KIT
While Heaven Wept - Sorrow of the angels (hopefully coming soon)
Whiplash - Unborn again 3.5/5 (unique thrashback with all of the old-school qualities, some new experimentation, and a slightly different vocal approach) - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Thrashback 4/5 - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Sit stand kneel prey 3/5 - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Cult of one 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Insult to injury 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Ticket to mayhem 4/5 - MICHAEL
Whiplash - Power and pain 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Whispering Tales - Echoes of perversion 3/5 (female fronted symphonic/power metal debut with interludes and spoken words; has some moments of greatness) - CLINT
Whispering Woods - Fairy woods 4/5 (debut of epic mid-paced symphonic gothic metal with soprano vocals along with dreamy darkwave passages; like Tetriconia) - CHRIS
Whispers of Fate - Embrace my winter 3/5 (satisfying female fronted symphonic/gothic/power metal debut, but it's not totally competitive with the best bands in the style) - CLINT
White Skull - Under this flag (hopefully coming soon)
White Skull - Forever fight 4/5 White Skull Review - KIT
White Skull - The ring of the ancients 4/5 White Skull Review - CRAIG
White Skull - The ring of the ancients 3.5/5 (veteran Italian true metallers' 7th CD; their best since Sister de Boni left the band in 2001) - KIT
White Skull - The XIII skull 2/5 (continued regression to mediocrity by one-proud Italian Running Wild fans) - KIT
White Skull - The dark age 2.5/5 - KIT
White Skull - Public glory, secret agony 4/5 - KIT
White Skull - Tales from the north 4.5/5 - KIT
White Skull - Embittered 1/5 - KIT
White Skull - I won't burn alone 2.5/5 - KIT
White Spirit - 21 grams (hopefully coming soon)
White Spirit - s/t 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
White Wizzard - The devil’s cut 3/5 White Wizzard Review - CREAG
White Wizzard - Flying tigers 3/5 White Wizzard Review - CREAG
White Wizzard - Over the top 4/5 White Wizzard Review - CREAG
White Wolf - Victim of the spotlight (hopefully coming soon)
White Wolf - Endangered species 3/5 - MICHAEL
White Wolf - Standing alone 3/5 - MICHAEL
Whyzdom - Blind? 3.5/5 (2nd CD of female fronted symphonic metal; features a new vocalist, but just like the debut, something about the songwriting doesn’t totally grab me) - CLINT
Whyzdom - From the brink of infinity 3.5/5 Whyzdom Review - CLINT
Wicca (Ger) - Bloodrush 3.5/5 (rippin' German thrash honoring the Bay Area with homage to Forbidden and even Flotsam and Jetsam; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Wicca (Ger) - Splended deed 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wicca (Mex) - De cenizas y recuerdos 3.5/5 Wicca Review - CLINT
Wicked Machine - s/t 2/5 (toothless Italian melodic metal/hard rock debut with juvenile lyrics, unconvincing songs, and a too-wimpy approach) - KIT
Wicked Maraya - Cycles 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wide Open Throttle - Life trials 3/5 (Houston,TX independent old-school traditional metal debut a la Meliah Rage) - KIT
Widow - Life's blood 4.5/5 Widow Review - KIT
Widow - Nightlife 3.5/5 Widow Review - KIT
Widow - On fire 3.5/5 Widow Review - KIT
Widow - Midnight strikes 3.5/5 - KIT
Widowmaker - Stand by for pain 3/5 - KIT
Widowmaker - Blood and bullets 4/5 - KIT
Wild - La nueva orden 4/5 Wild Review - KIT
Wild Dogs - The ring of blood (hopefully coming soon)
Wild Dogs - Out for blood 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wild Dogs - Better late than never 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wild Dogs - Reign of terror 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wild Dogs - Man's best friend 4/5 - MICHAEL
Wild Dogs - s/t 4/5 - MICHAEL
Wild Steel - s/t 4/5 (the vocalist of Soulblaze, Athlantis and Shadows of Steel gives us his solo debut; as expected, is recommended to Italian power metal fans) - CLINT
Wildestarr - A tell tale heart 3/5 (2nd CD from this female fronted heavy/power metal band; there are some great songs, but there are a handful of average songs as well) - CLINT
Wildestarr - Arrival 3/5 (overall good female fronted heavy/power metal debut that has some great songs, but some average songs as well) - CLINT
Wildpath - Underneath 3.5/5 (3rd CD of French female fronted symphonic power metal; there’s a lot of greatness, but this is probably my least favorite thus far) - CLINT
Wildpath - Non omnis moriar 4/5 Wildpath Review - CLINT
Wildpath - Nyx secrets 4.5/5 Wildpath Review - CLINT
Wind Rose - Shadows over Lothadruin 3.5/5 (well done Italian progressive power metal debut that doesn’t have a ton of speed, but it’s catchy and surely recommended) - CLINT
Wind Wraith - Minions of metal 3.5/5 Wind Wraith Review - CRAIG
Wind Wraith - The fortune teller's gaze 3.5/5 Wind Wraith Review - CRAIG
Windfall - Infector 3.5/5 (great 3rd CD blending thrash and power metal with somewhat raspy vocals and extremely catchy riffs) - CLINT
Windfall - Time of the haunted 3.5/5 (improved 2nd CD that's completely different than their debut, a lot heavier and leaning towards thrash) - CLINT
Windfall - Adamantia 1/5 - CLINT
Windrow - Dangerous game 4.5/5 Windrow Review - CLINT
Windrow - Trilogy 4/5 Windrow Review - CLINT
Winter Haze - The storm within 4/5 Winter Haze Review - CLINT
Winter Storm - Serenity in darkness 2/5 (decent female fronted gothic metal debut that's not bad, but fails to stand out in the large and competitive genre) - CLINT
Winterborn - Farewell to saints 4/5 (excellent 2nd CD of melodic metal with a slight progressive edge, and it's more consistent than their debut; similar to Cloudscape) - CLINT
Winterborn - Cold reality 4/5 Winterborn Review - CLINT
Winterfell - The veil of summer 3.5/5 (strong and very promising power metal debut that instantly brings Iced Earth and Stormrider to mind) - CLINT
Winterkill - Taming the wolves 3/5 - MICHAEL
Winterkill - Freedom (hopefully coming soon)
Winterkill - A feast for a beggar (hopefully coming soon)
Winterlong - Metal/Technology 1.5/5 (4th CD with a heavier feel and industrial elements taking over the neo-classical power metal heard with their previous CDs) - CLINT
Winterlong - s/t 3.5/5 Winterlong Review - CLINT
Winterlong - The second coming 3/5 - CLINT
Winterlong - Valley of the lost 3.5/5 - CLINT
Winters Bane - Redivivus 3.5/5 (3rd CD that's not perfect and has a raw production, but it's a solidly metallic return) - CRAIG
Winters Bane - Redivivus 3.5/5 Winters Bane Review - KIT
Winters Bane - Girth 2.5/5 (2nd CD with the power metal tones muted into more Megadethish straightforward metal) - CRAIG
Winters Bane - Heart of a killer 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Winters Dawn - The winter is dawning 3.5/5 (dramatic Greek metal debut often reminiscent of Crimson Glory or Warlord, but sometimes veering towards thrash) - KIT
Winter's Eve - Shards 4.5/5 (debut of superb female vocal, lightly poppy, heavy symphonic gothic metal; like ‘Mother earth’ era Within Temptation) - CHRIS
Winters Veil - The storm awakens 3/5 (pleasing debut that’s a successful mix of heavy/power metal and symphonic/gothic metal, with both female and clean male vocals) - CLINT
Winter’s Verge - Beyond vengeance 4/5 Winter’s Verge Review - SEAN
Winter's Verge - Tales of tragedy 3/5 Winter's Verge Review - SEAN
Winter's Verge - Eternal damnation 3.5/5 - CLINT
Winterstorm - Kings will fall 4/5 (classic turn-of-the-millennium style melodic power metal from Germany with big choirs galore; well done 2nd CD) - KIT
Winterstorm - A coming storm 4/5 Winterstorm Review - KIT
Wintersun - Time I 4/5 (2nd CD that’s much-lauded ambitious, dense, cinematic symphonic/power metal with extreme and clean vocals; demands and rewards patience) - KIT
Wintersun - s/t 4/5 (compelling Molotov cocktail of folk, power and black metal by the creative genius behind Ensiferum) - KIT
Wireds - Nello specchio 2.5/5 - KIT
Wireds - Prigionieri d’occidente (hopefully coming soon)
Wisdom (Hun) - Judas 3.5/5 (great 2nd CD of melodic power metal from Hungary; could’ve used some extra-impressive highlights, but it’s thoroughly enjoyable) - CLINT
Wisdom (Hun) - Words of wisdom 3.5/5 Wisdom Review - CLINT
Wisdom (Ita) - The last horizon 3/5 (good Italian progressive power metal debut that's similar to Heraldry, Concept, Helreid, Night Cloud and Wonderland) - CLINT
Wisdom Call - s/t 3/5 - CLINT
Wishdoom - Helepolis 4/5 (outstanding doomy traditional epic metal debut from Greece; a must for the Battleroar/Doomsword/Holy Martyr legions) - KIT
Wiszdom Stone - Rise 4/5 Wiszdom Stone Review - MICHAEL
Witch Cross - Axe to grind 3/5 (2nd CD that’s a strong comeback and more more in the vein of newer Picture, Overdrive or Oz, and less like Hexenhaus or Mercyful Fate) - MICHAEL
Witch Cross - Fit for fight 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Witchaven - Terrorstorm 3/5 (blackened thrash debut with some melody, sure to please fans of Merciless, Possessed and Desaster) - MICHAEL
Witchblade - Ignition/Reborn 3/5 (good 3rd CD of heavy/power from Chile, but with less speed this time; released as 2 different titles for legal reasons) - CLINT
Witchblade - MMVI 3/5 (very good 2nd CD of power metal from Chile; sits somewhere between the Italian style and the Brazilian style) - CLINT
Witchblade - I 3/5 (Chilean power metal debut that resembles the Italian style, with guitar work like Projecto) - CLINT
Witchbreed - Heretic rapture 3/5 (fairly aggressive power/progressive/gothic metal debut that's female fronted, but there are also some occasional male/death vocals) - CLINT
Witchcraft - Legend 3/5 (fans of Swedish doomcult 70s-style flashback psychedelic acts will know why Nuclear Blast signed these harbingers of sorrow; their 4th CD) - MICHAEL
Witchcraft - The alchemist 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchcraft - Firewood 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchcraft - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Witchcurse - Heavy metal poison 3.5/5 (Infernal Greek hex on the house debut for fans of Assedium, Alltheniko, Warlord and even Dragonsfire) - MICHAEL
Witchery - Witchkrieg 2.5/5 (5th CD with Marduk's vocalist, but the sound is too modern, too black metal oriented, and less retro like their earlier CDs) - MICHAEL
Witchery - Don't fear the reaper 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchery - Symphony for the devil 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Witchery - Dead, hot and ready 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchery - Restless & dead 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witches Mark - Witching metal ritual 3.5/5 (killer blackened power metal debut for fans of Portrait, Infernal Majesty, Hobbs’ Angel of Death and Crimson Glory) - MICHAEL
Witchfinder General - Resurrected 3/5 Witchfinder General Review - CREAG
Witchfinder General - Resurrected 2.5/5 (this cult act set the mark for impelling doom, but now they remind me of every other doom outfit with little melody) - MICHAEL
Witchfinder General - Friends of hell 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchfinder General - Death penalty 3/5 - MICHAEL
Witchgrave - s/t 4/5 Witchgrave Review - CREAG
Witchking - Hand of justice 4/5 Witchking Review - KIT
Witchking - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Witchsmeller Pursuivant - Manifest of evil 3.5/5 (3rd CD of uncompromising old-school heavy metal from Belgium; for fans of Wolf and the Cruz del Sur roster) - KIT
Witchsmeller Pursuivant - Enter delirium (hopefully coming soon)
Witchsmeller Pursuivant - Melissa's birthday (hopefully coming soon)
Witchsorrow - God curse us (hopefully coming soon)
Witchsorrow - s/t 3/5 (doom die-hards release their debut on Metal Blade Records, and honor the Sabbath by channeling Count Raven/Witchfinder General) - MICHAEL
Witchunter - Crystal demons 3.5/5 (Italian old-school true metal debut like Axevyper/Tarchon Fist meets NWOBHM with sometimes shrieky vocals) - KIT
Within Temptation - The unforgiving 4.5/5 (amazing 5th CD from this popular female fronted symphonic/gothic rock/metal band; less symphonic this time, but truly superb) - CLINT
Within Temptation - The heart of everything 3.5/5 ('The silent force' is a symphonic metal masterpiece, but this feels more commercial and has a few weak songs) - CLINT
Within Temptation - The silent force 5/5 (flawless 3rd CD displaying huge choirs and amazing female vocals; easily one of the best symphonic/gothic metal CDs ever!) - CLINT
Within Temptation - Mother earth 2.5/5 (nice 2nd CD of female fronted gothic metal, but not nearly as heavy as their debut) - CLINT
Within Temptation - Enter 3.5/5 - CLINT
Wiz - Shattered mind therapy 3/5 (fairly good heavy/power metal debut that sounds like a mid-paced Nostradameus) - CLINT
Wizard - Trail of death 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Of wariwulfs and bluotvarwes 4.5/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Thor 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Goochan 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Magic circle 3.5/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Odin 4.5/5 - CRAIG
Wizard - Head of the deceiver 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Wizard - Bound by metal 4/5 - CRAIG
Wizard - Battle of metal 3/5 - CRAIG
Wizard - Son of darkness 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Wizards - The black knight (hopefully coming soon)
Wizards - The kingdom ll 2/5 Wizards Review - CLINT
Wizards - The kingdom 3/5 - CLINT
Wizards - Best spells 2/5 (collection of the band's best tracks from their first 3 CDs, which are on the lighter side of the genre) - CLINT
Wizards - Beyond the sight 1.5/5 - CLINT
Wizards - Sound of life 2/5 - CLINT
Wizards - s/t 1.5/5 - CLINT
Wizards' Hymn - Transience 3/5 Wizards' Hymn Review - CLINT
Wizards' Hymn - Hymnal 3/5 Wizards' Hymn Review - CLINT
Wolf - Legions of bastards 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - Ravenous 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - The black flame 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - Evil star 3.5/5 (strong 3rd CD that continues with their established style) - CRAIG
Wolf - Black wings 3.5/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - s/t 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Wolf Spider - Hue of evil 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wolf Spider - Drifting in the sullen sea 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolf Spider - Kingdom of paranoia 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolf Spider - Wilczy pajak 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfbane - s/t 3.5/5 (decent NWOBHM trio release their demos on Shadow Kingdom Records as this compilation, a la Witchfinder General and Pentagram) - MICHAEL
Wolfchant - Embraced by fire 4/5 Wolfchant Review - CREAG
Wolfchant - Call of the black winds 3.5/5 Wolfchant Review - CREAG
Wolfchant - Determined damnation 3.5/5 Wolfchant Review - CREAG
Wolfchant - A pagan storm (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfchant - Bloody tales of disgraced lands (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfcry - Glorious 4/5 Wolfcry Review - CLINT
Wolfcry - Warfair 4/5 (3rd CD of killer traditional power metal that matches their shocking 2nd CD 'Nightbreed'; a mix of Steel Prophet and Iced Earth perhaps) - CLINT
Wolfcry - Nightbreed 4/5 (thundering 2nd CD of traditional power metal that may appeal to Iced Earth fans) - CLINT
Wolfcry - Power within 2.5/5 - CLINT
Wolfen - Chapter IV (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfen - The truth behind (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfen - Humanity... sold out! 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfen - Don't trust the white 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfmare - Hand of glory 3.5/5 (fun and frenetic 2nd CD of folk metal comparable to Almora, The Privateer, Cruachan and Waylander) - MICHAEL
Wolfmare - Whitemare rhymes 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfpack Unleashed - Anthems of resistance 4/5 Wolfpack Unleashed Review - KIT
Wolfpakk - Cry wolf 4/5 Wolfpakk Review - SEAN
Wolfpakk - s/t 4/5 Wolfpakk Review - SEAN
Wolfs Moon - Unholy darkness 3.5/5 (underrated German true metal a la Rebellion and Grave Digger, with a touch more groove; their 6th CD) - KIT
Wolfs Moon - Keep metal alive 3/5 (no-frills anthemic traditional metal from Germany with a high head-banging quotient) - KIT
Wolfs Moon - Black night legacy 3/5 - KIT
Wolfs Moon - Elysium dreams 3/5 - KIT
Wolfs Moon - Eternal flame (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfs Moon - Solitary lunacy (hopefully coming soon)
Wolfsbane - Wolfsbane save the world 4/5 Wolfsbane Review - MICHAEL
Wolfsbane - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfsbane - Down fall the good guys 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wolfsbane - Live fast die fast 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wonderland - Follow me 4.5/5 Wonderland Review - CLINT
Wonderland - s/t 4.5/5 - CLINT
Worwyk - Malignant (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - In solitude 3/5 (well done self-released light thrash that's like mid-period Megadeth with gruffer vocals; their 7th CD) - KIT
Worwyk - The hanging man (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - Incinerator (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - All pain is possible (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - The order of chaos (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - The cauldron of the bizarre (hopefully coming soon)
Worwyk - Vespertine shadows (hopefully coming soon)
Woslom - Time to rise 4/5 (blazing Brazilian Megadeth-style thrashing-frenzied debut comparable to Vhaldemar, Ursus, MX and Korzus) - MICHAEL
Wotan - Epos 2.5/5 Wotan Review - CREAG
Wotan - Epos 3/5 (2nd CD of Italian epic doom/power metal that will satisfy fans of the genre without breaking any barriers or raising any eyebrows) - KIT
Wotan - Carmina barbarica 3.5/5 Wotan Review - KIT
Wrath - Insane society 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wrath - Nothing to fear 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Wrath - Fit of anger 4/5 - MICHAEL
Wrathblade - Into the netherworld's realm 3.5/5 Wrathblade Review - KIT
Wrathchild America - 3-D 4/5 - KIT
Wrathchild America - Climbin' the walls 4.5/5 - KIT
Wrekking Machine - Mechanistic termination 3/5 - MICHAEL
Wretch - Reborn 4.5/5 Wretch Review - KIT
Wuthering Heights - Salt 4/5 (outstanding 5th CD from this power/progressive/folk metal band; not quite at the level of their previous few CDs, but it really grew on me) - CLINT
Wuthering Heights - The shadow cabinet 4.5/5 Wuthering Heights Review - CLINT
Wuthering Heights - Far from the madding crowd 4.5/5 - CLINT
Wuthering Heights - To travel for evermore 3/5 - CLINT
Wuthering Heights - Within 2.5/5 - CLINT
Wyvern - No defiance of fate 3/5 - KIT
Wyvern - The wildfire 2/5 - KIT

MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC

