Paganize - Evolution hour 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pagan's Mind - Heavenly ecstasy 3.5/5 (great 5th CD from this progressive power metal band; contains both excellent and average songs, but is overall quite enjoyable) - CLINT
Pagan's Mind - God's equation 3/5 (progressive power metal band is back with their 4th CD, but some of the weird vocal parts bring the quality down for me) - CLINT
Pagan's Mind - God's equation 3/5 Pagan's Mind Review - CREAG
Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic: Calling 3.5/5 (3rd CD of progressive power metal that's their heaviest and possibly best CD to date) - CLINT
Pagan's Mind - Celestial entrance 3/5 (2nd CD that's well done, but may lean a bit too progressive for me) - CLINT
Pagan's Mind - Infinity divine 3.5/5 - CLINT
Paincraze - Hellbound 2.5/5 (Swedish midtempo thrash debut like a groovier, slowed-down Abandoned or Spellbound) - KIT
Painmuseum - Metal for life 1.5/5 (metal supergroup debut in the style of Halford's 'Crucible', ruined by truly wretched extreme vocals) - KIT
Painside - Dark world burden 3/5 (decent Brazilian heavy metal debut in the style of Blaze Bayley, Clairvoyants, Machine Men and Brainstorm) - MICHAEL
Palace of Black - s/t 2/5 (lackluster Sabbathy debut with Michael Vescera on lead vocals) - KIT
Palacios, Alberto - We are the opera 3.5/5 Palacios, Alberto Review - CREAG
Pancho Villa - Companas del diablo 3/5 (Spanish and English-language traditional metal debut from 1999; also includes 5 excellent Maidenish instrumentals) - KIT
Pandaemonium - The last prayer 3.5/5 (Italian power metal band, known for their extra-high-pitched vocals, returns after 7 years with a great 3rd CD like their others) - CLINT
Pandaemonium - Return to reality 3.5/5 Pandaemonium Review - DAVID
Pandaemonium - And the runes begin to pray 3/5 Pandaemonium Review - DAVID
Pandea - Soylent green 3.5/5 (strong melodic/progressive/power metal opera debut that fans of Avantasia should certainly check out) - CLINT
Pandemic - Infecting the world 3/5 (semi-fast side project debut of progressive thrash metal from Andy Giardina, the vocalist of Total Eclipse) - MICHAEL
Pandemonium - The kill 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pandemonium - Hole in the sky 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pandemonium - Heavy metal soldiers 3/5 - MICHAEL
Panic - Fact 2/5 - MICHAEL
Panic - Epidemic 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pantera - Reinventing the steel 2.5/5 - CLINT
Pantera - The great southern trendkill 3/5 - CLINT
Pantera - Far beyond driven 3.5/5 - CLINT
Pantera - Vulgar display of power 5/5 - CLINT
Pantera - Cowboys from hell 5/5 - CLINT
Pantera - Power metal 3.5/5 (the band's last CD in the hard rock style) - MICHAEL
Pantera - I am the night 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pantera - Projects in the jungle 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pantera - Metal magic 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pantheon - Empire of madness 4/5 (terrific power metal debut in line with Sigma, Darkfire, Seven Gates and Projecto, or think of early Labyrinth and Vision Divine) - CLINT
Papsmear - Music to kill by 3/5 (compilation of deathrashy anthems by this Las Vegas act, featured on Speed Metal Hell III with Blood Feast and others) - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Tragic idol 3/5 (almost a true return to form from this doom metal band, but like My Dying Bride, they will never be what they once were) - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Faith divides us, death unites us 3/5 (their best attempt at capturing the almost forgotten style they instigated) - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - In requiem 4/5 Paradise Lost Review - KIT
Paradise Lost - In requiem 4/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Symbol of life 2/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Believe in nothing 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Host 3/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - One second 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Draconian times 4/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Icon 4/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Shades of God 4/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Gothic 4/5 - MICHAEL
Paradise Lost - Lost paradise 1.5/5 - MICHAEL
Paradox - Tales of the weird (hopefully coming soon)
Paradox - Riot squad 4.5/5 (German thrash masters put on a clinic in tasty melodic thrash genius; even better than 'Electrify') - KIT
Paradox - Electrify 4.5/5 Paradox Review - KIT
Paradox - Collision course 3.5/5 - KIT
Paradox - Heresy 5/5 - KIT
Paradox - Product of imagination 4/5 - KIT
Paragon - Force of destruction 4/5 (another awesome CD from this thundering German power metal band; certainly one of the band’s better CDs) - CLINT
Paragon - Screenslaves 3.5/5 (predictable but strong CD from this long-running German power metal band) - CLINT
Paragon - Screenslaves 4/5 Paragon Review - MICHAEL
Paragon - Forgotten prophecies 3.5/5 (very strong 8th CD that's more of the same, but features plenty of catchy riffs and is definitely recommended to fans of the band) - CLINT
Paragon - Forgotten prophecies 3/5 Paragon Review - SEAN
Paragon - Revenge 3.5/5 (another solid CD of German power metal rivaling Stormwarrior, Wizard, Iron Savior, Gamma Ray and Vhaldemar) - CLINT
Paragon - The dark legacy 3.5/5 (thundering German power metal that almost matches their previous 'Law of the blade') - CLINT
Paragon - Law of the blade 4/5 (awesome 5th CD from this German power metal band) - CLINT
Paragon - Steelbound 3/5 (4th CD that has its moments, but doesn't quite reach the level of excellence) - CLINT
Paragon - Steelbound 2.5/5 Paragon Review - CRAIG
Paragon - Chalice of steel 2.5/5 - CLINT
Paragon - The final command 2/5 - CLINT
Paragon - World of sin 1.5/5 - CLINT
Pariah - Unity 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Pariah - Blaze of obscurity 3/5 - CRAIG
Pariah - The kindred 3/5 - CRAIG
Parish - Envision 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pascual, German - A new beginning 4/5 Pascual, German Review - SEAN
Pathfinder - Fifth element 3.5/5 (2nd CD of extra-speedy symphonic power metal; definitely more aggressive than the debut, but it’s not as memorable) - CLINT
Pathfinder - Beyond the space, beyond the time 4/5 Pathfinder Review - CLINT
Pathos - Katharsis 2.5/5 - KIT
Pathos - Uni versus universe (hopefully coming soon)
Pathos - Hoverface (hopefully coming soon)
Pathosray - Sunless skies 3.5/5 (2nd CD of progressive metal with enough power metal to satisfy fans of both genres; doesn't have the magic of the debut, but is strong) - CLINT
Pathosray - s/t 4/5 Pathosray Review - CLINT
Pegasus - The epic quest 3.5/5 (surprisingly good “beauty and the beast” CD in the classic Theatre of Tragedy, Battlelore and Beholder fashion; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Pegasus - Fantasy (hopefully coming soon)
Pegazus - In metal we trust (hopefully coming soon)
Pegazus - The headless horseman 3.5/5 (very good straightforward old-school heavy metal; their 4th CD) - CRAIG
Pegazus - Breaking the chains 3/5 - CRAIG
Pegazus - Wings of destiny 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Pegazus - s/t 3/5 - CRAIG
Pell, Axel Rudi - Circle of the oath 4/5 (another predictable but predictably awesome CD from the German melodic metal maestro; fans will love it) - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - The crest 4/5 (superb classy melodic timeless German metal from a master of the genre; among his best CDs ever) - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Tales of the crown 4/5 (reliably excellent song-oriented melodic metal from Germany with some killer tunes and amazing vocals) - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Tales of the crown 3.5/5 Pell, Axel Rudi Review - SEAN
Pell, Axel Rudi - Diamonds unlocked 3.5/5 Pell, Axel Rudi Review - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Mystica 3.5/5 (typically solid offering from German metal vets; too bad Axel has forsaken speed though) - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Mystica 4.5/5 Pell, Axel Rudi Review - SEAN
Pell, Axel Rudi - Kings and queens 3.5/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Shadow zone 2.5/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - The masquerade ball 4.5/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Oceans of time 4.5/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Magic 4/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Black moon pyramid 3.5/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Between the walls 3/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Eternal prisoner 2/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Nasty reputation 3/5 - KIT
Pell, Axel Rudi - Wild obsession 3/5 - KIT
Pellek - Ocean of opportunity 4/5 Pellek Review - CREAG
Pellek - Bag of tricks 3.5/5 Pellek Review - CREAG
Penance - The road revisited (hopefully coming soon)
Penance - Spiritualnatural (hopefully coming soon)
Penance - Alpha & omega 3/5 - MICHAEL
Penance - Proving ground (hopefully coming soon)
Penance - Parallel corners 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Penance - The road less travelled 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pentagram - MMXII (hopefully coming soon)
Pentagram - Bir 3/5 (odds'n'sods 5th CD from unique Turkish band that's like crossing Therion with 'Icon'-era Paradise Lost; too many long instrumentals though) - KIT
Pentagram - Unspoken (hopefully coming soon)
Pentagram - Anatolia (hopefully coming soon)
Pentagram - Trailblazer (hopefully coming soon)
Pentagram - s/t (hopefully coming soon)
Penumbra - Seclusion 4/5 (outstanding 3rd CD of symphonic/gothic metal with soprano female vocals and both death and black metal male vocals) - CLINT
Penumbra - The last bewitchment 4.5/5 - CLINT
Penumbra - Emanate 4/5 - CLINT
Perpetual Dreamer - s/t 3/5 (Japanese-language neo-classical power metal debut like Concerto Moon, but with high-pitched female vocals a la Dragon Guardian) - CLINT
Perpetual Dreams - The eternal riddle 3.5/5 Perpetual Dreams Review - CLINT
Perpetual Dreams - Arena 3/5 Perpetual Dreams Review - CLINT
Perpetual Dreams - Eyes of infinite 4/5 - CLINT
Perpetual Fire - Invisible 3/5 (solid 2nd CD of Italian melodic/power metal with some neo-classical parts; contains both average and terrific songs) - CLINT
Perpetual Fire - Endless world 3.5/5 (very nice Italian power metal debut similar to Odyssea, Shadows of Steel, Oracle Sun, Seven Gates, Heavenblast and Sigma) - CLINT
Persian Risk - Once a king (hopefully coming soon)
Persian Risk - Rise up 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Persuader - When Eden burns 3.5/5 (3rd CD that's a lot better than 'Evolution purgatory', but their debut remains my favorite) - CLINT
Persuader - When Eden burns 3/5 Persuader Review - JOHN
Persuader - When Eden burns 4/5 Persuader Review - SEAN
Persuader - Evolution purgatory 2.5/5 (2nd CD that's easily comparable to heavier Blind Guardian; too intense for my tastes, but is popular among many fans) - CLINT
Persuader - The hunter 3.5/5 - CLINT
Pertness - Frozen time (hopefully coming soon)
Pertness - From the beginning to the end 4/5 (cool Swiss anthemic metal successfully melding prime Running Wild with a harsher melodic death vibe; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Pertness - Seven times eternity 3.5/5 Pertness Review - KIT
Perzonal War - Captive breeding (hopefully coming soon)
Perzonal War - Bloodline 3/5 (modern and often thrashy German metal with a star-studded guest list, but the songs don't always convince; their 4th CD) - KIT
Perzonal War - When times turn red 2.5/5 (underachieving CD from veteran Hetfield-inspired German heavy metal act, brought down by a few glaring missteps) - KIT
Perzonal War - Faces 3/5 (German rough-edged power/thrash metal with Hetfield sound-a-like behind the mike) - KIT
Perzonal War - Different but the same 2.5/5 - KIT
Pessimist - Death from above 3.5/5 (impressive German thrash for fans of Essence, Accuser, Sodom, Necronomicon, etc.; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Pessimist - Call to war 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Obsideo 2/5 (the once excellent act has sided with the Deathcore bands and is more focused on being extreme and brutal than melodic; such a shame!) - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Doctrine 2.5/5 (6th CD with malformed melodies that make this mind deflection an insurrection absurd; a testimony of impatience!) - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Resurrection macabre 3/5 (5th CD that's a more brutal return to form, embracing all previous CDs with an updated sound) - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Spheres 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Testimony of the ancients 4/5 - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Consuming impulse 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pestilence - Malleus maleficarum 4/5 - MICHAEL
Petrucci, Maxine - Back to the garden 3/5 (3rd CD with a new vocalist and members of Miles Beyond; for fans of Sledge Leather, Chastain, Meldrum, Phantom Blue, etc.) - MICHAEL
Petrucci, Maxine - Don't hate me (hopefully coming soon)
Petrucci, Maxine - Titania 3/5 - MICHAEL
Petty Pew - Against the stream of influence 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Phalanx - Look behind the mask 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Phalanx - The Judas touch 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Phallax - Lower the flags 3/5 Phallax Review - CLINT
Phallax - The chandlers passion (hopefully coming soon)
Phantom (U.S.) - Cyberchrist 3/5 (their 3rd and best CD of Judas Priest-style power metal) - JOHN
Phantom (U.S.) - s/t 2.5/5 - JOHN
Phantom (U.S.) - Dead or alive 2.5/5 - JOHN
Phantom (Rus) - The day of reckoning 4/5 (killer Russian-language traditional heavy/power metal debut a la Aria, Olvy, Magistr, Krilya, Gran-Kurazh, Epoha and Blind Rover) - CLINT
Phantom Blue - Prime cuts & glazed donuts 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Phantom Blue - Built to perform 4/5 - MICHAEL
Phantom Blue - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Phantom Lord - Imperial fall 3/5 (Greek band's 4th CD of polished European symphonic metal; still inconsistent, but easily their most mature work to date) - KIT
Phantom Lord - Circle of the wasted 2.5/5 - KIT
Phantom Lord - Evil's domain 2/5 - KIT
Phantom Lord - In twilight world 2/5 - KIT
Phantom Lords - Temple of metal 3.5/5 (well-executed Italian true metal debut a la Manowar and Judas Priest; one of the better Steelheart label bands) - KIT
Phantom-X - The opera of the phantom (hopefully coming soon)
Phantom-X - This is war 3.5/5 (3rd CD that's a good Texas traditional metal conceptual piece in the Aska/Omen mold; runs out of steam near the end though) - KIT
Phantom-X - Storm riders 3.5/5 Phantom-X Review - KIT
Phantom-X - Rise of the phantom 3.5/5 Phantom-X Review - KIT
Pharaoh - Bury the light (hopefully coming soon)
Pharaoh - Be gone 3.5/5 Pharaoh Review - JOHN
Pharaoh - The longest night 3.5/5 Pharaoh Review - JOHN
Pharaoh - After the fire 3.5/5 - JOHN
Phenix - Immortal flame 3.5/5 Phenix Review - CLINT
Phenix - Wings of fire 3/5 Phenix Review - CLINT
Phenix - Sacred fire 2/5 (heavy/melodic metal debut with a below average production, but catchy and memorable songs throughout) - CLINT
Phoenix Reign - Destination unknown 4/5 Phoenix Reign Review - KIT
Phoenix Rizing - Eternal crusade 4/5 (very memorable 2nd CD that has me thinking of a more tuneful Custard's 'Kingdom of your life'; excellent!) - CLINT
Phoenix Rizing - Rise from the ashes 3/5 - CLINT
Picture - Warhorse 3.5/5 (traditional/heavy metal band’s quality comeback, but with some modern elements; similar to Overdrive, Savage, Saracen and recent Tank) - MICHAEL
Picture - Old dogs new tricks (hopefully coming soon)
Picture - Marathon 3/5 - MICHAEL
Picture - Every story needs another picture (hopefully coming soon)
Picture - Traitor 3/5 - MICHAEL
Picture - Eternal dark 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Picture - Diamond dreamer 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Picture - Heavy metal ears 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Picture - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Piel de Serpiente - Inevitable 3.5/5 (3rd CD of happy-go-lucky Spanish-language melodic metal; like Mago de Oz, minus the folky bits and the weirdness) - KIT
Piel de Serpiente - El veneno se extiende 4/5 Piel de Serpiente Review - KIT
Piel de Serpiente - Encendere tu fuego (hopefully coming soon)
Piledriver - Stay ugly 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Piledriver - Metal inquisition 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Ceremonial 2.5/5 (heavy, modern, and not as fun or catchy as their better CDs; similar to Mob Rules, Shakra and Brainstorm) - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - In10sity 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Thunderdome 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Endangered 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Sonic dynamite 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Electrified 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Food for thought 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Change 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - Games people play 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - One size fits all 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pink Cream 69 - s/t 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pirana - Corruption 2.5/5 (2nd CD of mediocre, noisy Mexican thrash that's got some good riffs, but is overall way too paint-by-numbers; for genre completists only) - KIT
Pirana - Destructive animal revolution (hopefully coming soon)
Pitiful Reign - Visual violence 4/5 Pitiful Reign Review - CREAG
Pitiful Reign - Toxic choke 3/5 (promising debut from a traditional Bay Area-style thrash outfit; think of Slayer playing Metallica songs) - CREAG
Place of Skulls - As a dog returns 3/5 (Jesus freak out doom howls with some southern rock elements thrown in with the right touch of grace; their 4th CD) - MICHAEL
Place of Skulls - The black is never far 3/5 (decent power/doom metal for fans of St. Vitus, Trouble, Candlemass and even Grand Magus; their 3rd CD) - MICHAEL
Place of Skulls - With vision 3/5 - MICHAEL
Place of Skulls - Nailed 3/5 - MICHAEL
Planet Alliance - s/t 3.5/5 (heavy/power metal debut with a hint of hard rock and an all-star line-up; for fans of Cloudscape, Masterplan, Last Tribe and At Vance) - CLINT
Platitude - Silence speaks 3/5 (though not quite as good as their previous CD 'Nine', this is a fine CD somewhere between the styles of Vanishing Point and Altaria) - CLINT
Platitude - Nine 3.5/5 (very nice 2nd CD that's less power metal than their debut, sounding more like a neo-classical version of Evergrey) - CLINT
Platitude - Secrets of life 3/5 - CLINT
Poison Sun - Virtual sin 3/5 (Herman Frank's latest project with his wife on vocals; good, but a little too hard rock like Krokus/AC/DC, and not enough metal) - KIT
Poisonblack - Drive 4.5/5 Poisonblack Review - SEAN
Poisonblack - Of rust and bones 4/5 Poisonblack Review - SEAN
Poisonblack - A dead heavy day 3.5/5 (strong 3rd CD with almost no remnants from the debut with J.P. Lepp'luoto on vocals; now they're similar to Sentenced) - SEAN
Poisonblack - Lust stained despair 3.5/5 (good sophomore effort for Sentenced fans who are having withdrawals; with J.P. leaving, Ville takes over vocal duties) - SEAN
Poisonblack - Escapextacy 4.5/5 (excellent debut featuring Sentenced frontman on guitar and Charon frontman on vocals; gloomy gothic metal at its best) - SEAN
Pokolgep - Pokoli mesek (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Oblatio (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - A tulelo 3.5/5 (high-quality midtempo Hungarian metal with a Sinner stomp and shimmering Eastern European melodies) - KIT
Pokolgep - Te sem vagy mas (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Momentum (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Ancient fever (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Csakazertis (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - A gep (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Vedd el ami jar (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Adj uj erot (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Metal az esz (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Ejszakai bevetes (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Pokoli szinjatek (hopefully coming soon)
Pokolgep - Totalis metal (hopefully coming soon)
Pollution - Modern warfare 3.5/5 Pollution Review - CREAG
Poltergeist - Nothing lasts forever 4/5 - KIT
Poltergeist - Behind the mask 3/5 - KIT
Poltergeist - Depression 3.5/5 - KIT
Poropetra - Sinihirwi 3.5/5 Poropetra Review - CREAG
Porridgeface (The) - Human shapes 4.5/5 Porridgeface Review - MICHAEL
Porridgeface (The) - s/t 4.5/5 Porridgeface Review - MICHAEL
Porridgeface (The) - Eyes on the betrayer 5/5 Porridgeface Review - MICHAEL
Porridgeface (The) - Canon of ugliness 4.5/5 (like early Gallows End, this one-man project debut honors 80s-era Noise acts like Vendetta, Deathrow and Tankard) - MICHAEL
Portrait - Crimen laesae majestatis divinae 4/5 (2nd CD by Mercyful Fate-inspired Swedes; they've upped their game from the debut in all respects) - KIT
Portrait - s/t 3.5/5 Portrait Review - KIT
Possessed - Beyond the gates 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Possessed - Seven churches 3/5 - MICHAEL
Possessor - City built with skulls 4/5 Possessor Review - KIT
Post Mortem - A message from the dead 3/5 (triumphant return for these Massachussets gore hounds who worship Celtic Frost) - MICHAEL
Post Mortem - Destined for failure 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Post Mortem - Festival of fun 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Post Mortem - Coroner's office 3/5 - MICHAEL
Potential Threat - Civilization under threat 2.5/5 (average thrash with Bay Area influences but little appeal, and it’s too much like Nevermore and Machine Head; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Potential Threat - A new threat level (hopefully coming soon)
Power - Justice of fire 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Power Crue - Wreck the eternal tyranny (hopefully coming soon)
Power Crue - Night...mares (hopefully coming soon)
Power Crue - Stay heavy 3/5 - MICHAEL
Power Crue - The sign of rage 3/5 - MICHAEL
Power Quest - Blood alliance 4/5 Power Quest Review - CLINT
Power Quest - Master of illusion 4/5 (keyboard-driven power metal band is back with a fantastic CD for fans of the band; Alessio is such a cool vocalist) - CLINT
Power Quest - Magic never dies 4.5/5 Power Quest Review - CLINT
Power Quest - Neverworld 5/5 Power Quest Review - CLINT
Power Quest - Wings of forever 4/5 - CLINT
Power Symphony - Lightbringer 3/5 (dark 2nd CD of female fronted power metal) - CLINT
Power Symphony - Evillot 2/5 - CLINT
Power Theory - An axe to grind (hopefully coming soon)
Power Theory - Out of the ashes, into the fire 3.5/5 Power Theory Review - KIT
Power Trip - Manifest decimation 3/5 (decent debut of thrash/crossover with obvious LudiChrist influence; similar to Raped Ape, but not as good as the incredible Birth A.D.) - MICHAEL
Powerdrive - Freedom of speech 3.5/5 (Swedish thrash/power metal debut like Paradox and Symphorce, but with vocal hints of Ralf Scheepers or Tim Owens) - MICHAEL
Powerdrive - Steel roots (hopefully coming soon)
Powerglove - Saturday morning apocalypse 2.5/5 (gimmicky as hell, but somewhat entertaining power metal instrumental adaptations of cartoon jingles; their 2nd CD) - KIT
Powerglove - Metal kombat for the mortal man (hopefully coming soon)
Powergod - Evilution part lll/Nemesis 2.5/5 - CRAIG
Powergod - Evilution part ll/Back to attack 3.5/5 - CRAIG
Powergod - Evilution part l 2.5/5 - CRAIG
Powerlord - The awakening 3/5 - MICHAEL
Powermad - Absolute power 4/5 - CRAIG
Powers Court - The red mist of endenmore (hopefully coming soon)
Powers Court - Nine kinds of hell 2.5/5 - JOHN
Powers Court - s/t 3/5 - JOHN
Powersteel - Ready to attack 2.5/5 Powersteel Review - CREAG
Powerwolf - Blood of the saints 4/5 Powerwolf Review - SEAN
Powerwolf - Bible of the beast 3/5 (3rd CD from the German masters of Romanian mythology; much improved from previous CDs, particularly in consistency) - SEAN
Powerwolf - Lupus dei 2.5/5 (2nd CD which shows improvement, but is patchy in a few areas and there's a lot more work to do before the all important 3rd CD) - SEAN
Powerwolf - Return in bloodred 2/5 (an average heavy/power metal debut, which just prods along with hardly any direction at all; predictable and uninspired) - SEAN
Powerworld - Cybersteria 3/5 (3rd CD of melodic metal with some moments of power metal and some songs that dip into hard rock; overall too light and it’s missing highlights) - CLINT
Powerworld - Human parasite 3/5 (2nd CD of melodic metal with some moments of power metal and also hard rock; not quite as strong as the debut though) - CLINT
Powerworld - s/t 3.5/5 Powerworld Review - CLINT
Praetorius - Taste death 3.5/5 Praetorius Review - KIT
Prayers of Sanity - Confrontations 3/5 (another lethal dose of aggression for fans of Accuser, Suicidal Angels, Korzus, Bywar, MX, and so on; their 2nd CD) - MICHAEL
Prayers of Sanity - Religion blindness 3/5 - MICHAEL
Predador - Gritos de libertad (hopefully coming soon)
Predador - Devastacion 3.5/5 (effective and enthusiastic debut of Spanish-language traditional metal from Argentina) - KIT
Predator (Ger) - s/t 4/5 Predator Review - KIT
Predator (CA, U.S.) - Easy prey 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Predator (FL, U.S.) - Born in blood (hopefully coming soon)
Predator (FL, U.S.) - s/t 3/5 (pretty cool heavy metal with thrashy tendencies and tasty guitars; plagued by a few quality control problems unfortunately) - KIT
Premonition - Prozac and razorblades 4/5 - MICHAEL
Premonition - We are metal 4.5/5 - MICHAEL
Premonition - Fame has a price 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Premonition - He is rising 4/5 - MICHAEL
Present Danger - Face the truth 3/5 (Dutch Metallica tribute act’s debut of original material in a Black-album-meets-modern-metal style) - KIT
Present Danger - Nightmares (hopefully coming soon)
Pretty Maids - Motherland 3/5 (another CD from the melodic metal veterans that’s a mixed bag, but while the quality is slightly inconsistent, overall it’s solid) - SEAN
Pretty Maids - Pandemonium 3.5/5 Pretty Maids Review - SEAN
Pretty Maids - Wake up to the real world 3/5 (another quality if not outstanding release from these veterans) - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Planet panic 3/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Carpe diem 3/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing 2/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Spooked 3.5/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Scream 2.5/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Stripped 2/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Sin decade 2.5/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Jump the gun 3/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Future world 3/5 - JOHN
Pretty Maids - Red, hot, and heavy 4.5/5 (an absolute classic slab of traditional power metal that everyone should own) - JOHN
Primal Fear - Unbreakable 4/5 Primal Fear Review - SEAN
Primal Fear - 16.6 4.5/5 Primal Fear Review - SEAN
Primal Fear - New religion 3.5/5 Primal Fear Review - SEAN
Primal Fear - Seven seals 3.5/5 Primal Fear Review - JOHN
Primal Fear - Devil's ground 3.5/5 Primal Fear Review - JOHN
Primal Fear - Black sun 4/5 - JOHN
Primal Fear - Nuclear fire 3/5 - JOHN
Primal Fear - Jaws of death 2.5/5 - JOHN
Primal Fear - s/t 4.5/5 - JOHN
Primal Rock Rebellion - Awoken broken 3/5 (Adrian Smith again surprises fans with non-Iron Maiden material; more modern with some groove) - MICHAEL
Privateer - The traitors 3/5 (Polish power metal debut with some catchy melodies and is recommended to fans of Celesty, Kaledon and Mob Rules) - MICHAEL
Privateer (The) - Facing the tempest 3/5 Privateer Review - CREAG
Procession - Destroyers of the faith 3/5 (debut from Chilean doomlords tapping the vein of Penance, Witchsorrow, Place of Skulls and Electric Wizzard) - MICHAEL
Prodigal Earth - Zenith II zero 3.5/5 (impressive melodic power metal debut from Cyprus; would have scored higher but for the mellow filler at the end) - KIT
Profaner - Signs of nine 3.5/5 (intense thrash debut like Negligence with some well-orchestrated, and powerful skull-crushing anthems) - MICHAEL
Project: Roenwolfe - Neverwhere dreamscape 3.5/5 Project: Roenwolfe Review - SEAN
Projecto - Crown of ages 4.5/5 (magnificent 2nd CD of fast-paced Italian power metal comparable to Shadows of Steel, Soulblaze, Heavenblast and Sigma) - CLINT
Projecto - s/t 3.5/5 - CLINT
Prong - Carved into stone 3.5/5 (if you ever doubted Tommy Victor would return to his landmark thrash chug riff roots, this CD will allay all worries, and totally sate!) - MICHAEL
Prong - Power of the damn mixxxer (hopefully coming soon)
Prong - Power of the damager 3/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Scorpio rising 2/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Rude awakening 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Cleansing 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Prove you wrong 3/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Beg to differ 3/5 - MICHAEL
Prong - Force fed 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Straight to the dome 3/5 (another what you would expect Pro-Pain position from Gary Meskil and his thrash band of dome chrome suckers) - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Absolute power 3.5/5 (Gary Meskil sucks up every crumb of thrash influence for this comeback CD which features Schmier of Destruction) - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - No end in sight 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Age of tyranny 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Prophets of doom 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Fistful of hate 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Shreds of dignity 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Round 6 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Act of god 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - s/t 3/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Contents under pressure 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - The truth hurts 2.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pro-Pain - Foul taste of freedom 3/5 - MICHAEL
Prophecy - Legions of violence 3.5/5 Prophecy Review - CREAG
Prophesia - Eye of the storm 3.5/5 Prophesia Review - CLINT
Protector - The heritage 3/5 - MICHAEL
Protector - A shedding of the skin 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Protector - Urm the mad 3/5 - MICHAEL
Protector - Golem 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Prototype - Catalyst 4/5 Prototype Review - KIT
Prototype - Continuum 4/5 Prototype Review - KIT
Prototype - Trinity 3.5/5 - KIT
Proud - Fire breaks the dawn 3.5/5 (Old Metal Records reissue of overlooked 1984 Swedish traditional metal major-label gem; their only CD) - KIT
Prowler - After you 3.5/5 Prowler Review - KIT
Prowlers (The) - Point of no return 4/5 (excellent 4th CD from this progressive power metal band; similar to their previous few CDs, in all areas) - CLINT
Prowlers (The) - Re-evolution 3.5/5 (power metal band's 3rd CD that continues where the previous 'Devil's bridge' left off, but it contains even more progressive elements) - CLINT
Prowlers (The) - Devil's bridge 4/5 Prowlers Review - CLINT
Prowlers (The) - Souls thieves 3.5/5 (great debut that's a cross between Mesmerize and Cryonic Temple) - CLINT
Psycho Motel - Welcome to the world 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Psycho Motel - State of mind 3/5 - MICHAEL
Psychosis - Lifeforce 4/5 - KIT
Psyco Drama - Bent (hopefully coming soon)
Psyco Drama - The illusion 3/5 - JOHN
Pulsar - Civilization 3/5 (half-Russian, half-English language debut; the Aria-influenced Russian tunes are great) - KIT
Pump - Sonic extasy (hopefully coming soon)
Pump - Breakdown to breakthrough (hopefully coming soon)
Pump - Against everyone's advice 3/5 - MICHAEL
Purgatory - Tied to the trax 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pursuit of Power - Across the world 3/5 (endearing self-released melodic metal debut channeling Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and U.S. classic metal) - KIT
Push - Running to the top 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pyn Siren - Slave to your master 3/5 (Rage of Angels' vocalist resurfaces with this traditional metal/hard rock debut comparable to Icon) - MICHAEL
Pyracanda - Thorns (hopefully coming soon)
Pyracanda - Two sides of a coin 3.5/5 - MICHAEL
Pyramaze - Immortal 4/5 Pyramaze Review - CLINT
Pyramaze - Legend of the bone carver 4.5/5 Pyramaze Review - CLINT
Pyramaze - Melancholy beast 3.5/5 - CLINT
Pythia - The serpent’s curse 4.5/5 (exciting and extra-catchy 2nd CD of female fronted power/symphonic/gothic metal; continues where the powerful debut left off) - CLINT
Pythia - Beneath the veiled embrace 4.5/5 (spectacular female fronted symphonic power metal debut; a blend of Arya, Nightwish, Legenda Aurea and early Leaves' Eyes) - CLINT
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