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Kinrick - Sense your darkness 3/5

Reviewed: 4-29-05


1. Call of honor
2. Throughout all time
3. I fight alone
4. Dressed up as God
5. Through the void
6. Stand up and fight
7. For your evil
8. Make me a man
9. The empire falls again
10. Sense your darkness

Kinrick is the follow on to Kenziner and, to a lesser extent, the first 2 Firewind CDs. Singer Stephen Frederick and songwriter/producer David Chastain formed a partnership which has spread across the 3 bands, although guitarist Gus G. did a lot of the songwriting on the Firewind CDs. This Kinrick CD brings the partnership back to its beginnings with Chastain writing all the tracks and Frederick singing.

As with the other CDs from this partnership, this is a solidly above average CD but lacks the melody and overall songwriting to be a great CD. As always, Frederick’s voice is low, growly and powerful. However, he lacks the range and diversity to make the CD more interesting. There are some very good tracks, including “Call of honor”, “For your evil” and “The empire falls again” but many of the other tracks are just average to above average. The band is very good and is definitely up to par compared to the other bands that Chastain and Frederick have used. They are crunchy, powerful and frequently break off a really good solo.

This is a good, solid CD. It is above average but not great. I don’t think the Chastain/Frederick combination will ever produce a truly great CD, but they are very good at what they do and that is making really good power metal CDs with good songwriting, crunchy riffs and powerful, emotional, but somewhat monotone, singing.




MAIN - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - MISC
