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Overdrive (Swe) - Angelmaker 4/5

Reviewed: 6-1-11


1. Signs all over
2. In gut we trust
3. Angelmaker
4. I know there's something going on
5. Under the influence
6. On with the action
7. See the light
8. To grow
9. Mother earth
10. It’s a thriller
11. Cold blood chaser
12. The wavebreaker

Those Swedish gods of traditional metal are breaking out and back in action, with relevant 20th century words and axes in hand, ready for another metal attack. These mighty lords are armed and ready to see the light, and follow the signs through their sonic reflexions.

With a fight to the finish, these Swedes refused to be controlled by technology, fall under the influence, or become enslaved by the angelmaker. They are not necessarily Luddites; however Overdrive break the wave of mediocrity, ready to grow and learn, by letting the metal do the talking, and trusting in their gut.

I know there is something going on in the minds of these men who have been playing from their mettle hearts from well over 3 decades. This is the 2nd CD to feature vocalist and songwriter - Per "PerilOz" Karlsson. The rest of the original members, including Metal Covenant's own Janne Stark, by comparison, continue to make Metal which is current, fresh, full of vivacity, and marked by well-penned, introspective lyrics.

Each musician contributes to the formula by using his talent, and awareness to grow and create very memorable melodies. The euphoric vibe felt with "On with the action", or the maturity and soul reflection of "To grow" are evidence of this.

The CD gets under way with the anthem "Signs all over", a song bridging the gap in the long history of this highly influential act. This is followed by "In gut we trust" - a cautionary tale to be weary of modern technology.

Given the blight and influx of storms of this season, I take these words to heart, as I have been reduced to the dark ages, myself, removed of such simplicities as electricity and the Internet, as of late. Thankfully, I still have a home, and place to enjoy my metal. However, this is not the case with many Americans in the midwest and south, given such terrible, ongoing natural disasters.

The wise words of "Mother earth" have an almost prophetic whisper, given recent events. The tribal beat blended with its shamanic message is a sign of the presence of "The great spirit". "It’s a thriller" also carries that haunting tone, with an infectious upbeat tempo.

The epic closer called "The wavebreaker" with its Judas Priest "Beyond the realms of death" acoustic elements is a befitting end to this very even and well-played CD; similar to the way their highly acclaimed comeback, and previous effort 'Let the metal do the talking' concludes with "Resurrection".

In a sense, the resurrection of this band is vivid sign of the old becoming the new, given the recent inundation of great Swedish acts playing traditional metal. I am sure Mean Streak, Katana, Enforcer, and their ilk all grew up listening to Overdrive, Treat, 220 Volt, Silver Mountain, and other key acts of the sonic age.

I for one did not discover Overdrive until the mid-90s. I am so grateful that I finally did! Janne is also a great writer, and reviewer; besides being an accomplished musician. He sent me the actual CD of 'Angelmaker' to review upon request. He also sold me those killer Metal For Muthas Records Re-mastered versions of 'Swords and axes', 'Reflexions (EP)', and 'Metal attack', which come with awesome packaging, lyrics, liner-notes, and bonus tracks. I highly recommend visiting their website and ordering these if you are an avid collector.

I implore you to buy their music and support the scene, so that they will continue to make music for our pleasure. Overdrive are the real deal, and they have yet to create a CD not worthy of any true metal head’s milieu. 'Angelmaker' is an awesome back to basics display of power, majesty and might, from the men who knew the paradize of metal, before most us were even under the influence.




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