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The Martian Chronicles:
History Behind the Chronicles

Age of Exploration (AoE)


Types of Colonies

History of Colonies












What has been known as The Age of Exploration, was first started by the Portuguese. They began a huge race to build a commercial empire by exploring the coast of West Africa. They established trade in that of gold and slaves. Other trade items encouraged the exploration of more places. In the North Atlantic, an enormous trade in fish encouraged the European nations to search for farther fishing grounds. Meanwhile, merchants were trading around the south tip of Africa to the East to get spices needed to preserve thier meats. The merchants could avoid expensive taxes from the rullers of every country between Eygpt and Europe by traveling in this fashion. Religion also played an important role. The Spanish were pushing hard to convert many of the Natives in America to thier Catholic religion, while many settlers in the Northern region of America were moving there for religious freedom. The best example of this was the Pilgrims of Plymoth Colony who were being persecuted for thier beliefs.

The most pivotal point of the Age of Exploration was the discovery of the New World by a one Christopher Colombus who sailed across the Atlantic searching for a new route to Asia but accidently landed in the Caribbean.

Another pivotal point was that of the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama who rounded the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. He became the first European to reach India by a sea route.

The Rest of this section explains more in depth about each active participant of the Age of Exploration. These countries were Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, England and France.

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