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The Martian Chronicles:
History Behind the Chronicles

Age of Exploration - Portuguese


Types of Colonies

History of Colonies











While the Spainish were colonizing northern South America, the Portugese were settling in present-day Brazil. Like the Spanish, The Portugese took over the land and then forced the natives to work it. However, they were also establishing a different kind of commercial empire in the Indian Ocean. This system was based upon trade and war, and at first they had absolutely no competition- the Chinese had brought thier fleets back home, the Indian and Arab ships carried no guns, and the other European countries had not yet entered this field.

By the early 16th century, the Prtugese had established a string of bases that formed a gateway between the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. The Portugese could now control all sea trade in the entire region. Thier power, however, was entirely navel and they were unable to treaten land-based empires. Also, when larger European nations had arrived in the area, the Portugese navel supremacy was gone.

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