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January Term Schedule

What We Are Doing This Term

  • Installation of Officers-January 24
  • Installation of Officers-Lincoln Assembly #6
  • Stated Meeting-February 1
  • Stated Meeting-February 15
  • Stated Meeting-March 1
  • Stated Meeting-March 15
  • Stated Meeting-April 5
  • Founder's Day Church Service-April 11
  • Easter Party at Tara's-April 11
  • Stated Meeting-April 19
  • "Silly Supper" fundraiser-May 1
  • Stated Meeting-May 3
  • Stated Meeting-May 17
  • Stated Meeting-June 7
  • Grand Assembly-June 11-13 Doane College Crete, Ne
  • Grand Visitation Practice-June 19
  • Grand Travels-June 20-June 26
  • Grand Visitation-June 22
  • Stated Meeting-July 5
  • Stated Meeting-July 19
  • Installation of Officers-July 25

Activities Report

small potInstallation of Officers was held on January 24, it was really a beautiful ceremony. Tara Lawson was crowned Worthy Advisor, to see more about it see Tara's page

small potElizabeth, Alicia, Lindsey, and four adults attended Lincoln's Installation on January 31. It was georgous, they did a wonderful job. Congratulations to Beth and her officers. Lindsey gave the response for the Assembly. They do some different things, so we got some great ideas. It's fun to see how other assemblies do things.

small potOur first regular meeting of the term was held on February 1. Mother Advisor Denise gave the girls who had their opening parts memorized little gifts. Congratulations girls. Be prepared next meeting for a visit by Grand Deputy, Bev Donham, and a School of Instruction. Since we have so many new girls, this will probably cover some very fundamental things .

small potA School of Instruction was held by our Grand Deputy, Bev Donham, at our February 15, stated meeting. We had good attendence and was very helpful for some of our newer girls. We covered opening, closing, and balloting. Thanks Mrs. Donham for all your help.

small potOn February 21, Elizabeth Imig, Lindsey Gideon, and three adults drove up to Albion with Grand Deputy Betty Curtis to help them with an initiation, it was a fun day. We stopped for lunch, then all took parts to help them out, then went to dinner with Albion's Mother Advisor, and Worthy Advisor.

small potWe had a regular stated meeting on March 1, Marcia announced the "Silly Supper" to be held on April 17, she will have tickets to sell at the next meeting. We were glad to see some of our Past Worthy Advisors attending .

small potOn March 15, we had a regular meeting. We spent the evening working on name tags and scrapbooks for Grand Assembly. We also helped organize the shelves in the Lodge kitchen. The "Silly Supper" date has changed due to conflicts with prom nights for some, it will be held May 1. We discussed plans for an Easter Party and Egg Hunt on April 10 or 11. The skating party with the Fremont Children's Home will be at the skating rink in Fremont on the 28 of March.

small potMarch 29, we had 9 girls, 3 rushee guests, and 4 Advisory Board members attend the skating party with the Lodge, Eastern Star Chapter, and the Fremont home. Advisory Board members, Betty Gideon and April Scott skated, real brave huh ?? We had pizza and drinks. Hannah, Stephanie, and April spent some unitended time on the floor, but no one was hurt. Sure was fun !!!!

small potApril 5, was our regular business meeting, we discussed the upcoming "Silly Supper", and the Easter Party. Marcia has the information on Grand Assembly the cost this year will be either $78.00 or $80.00 per person depending on whether or not you have Grand Cross. We had some special guests.

small potWe attended church for Founder's Day at our Worthy Advisor's church in Valley on April 11, then we all went to Tara's for an Easter Egg Hunt and Pizza Party. It was fun, everyone got chocolate Bunnies, and lots of Easter candy, we played Pass-the-Egg and watched a movie. We had such a lot of fun !!!

small potApril 19 was a regular business meeting, we discussed the "SILLY SUPPER", and Grand Assembly. There are some new things included in the Ritual Competition this year. There will be a team competition. Each team will have to set up the Assembly Room without talking to each other!! Let's put a great team together !!!

small potMay 1 was our "Silly Supper", we had Woozles, Heffalumps, Sticky Paws, Pooh Sticks, and a lot of other great stuff !!! Have you ever eaten a Heffalump ?? It was a lot of fun for everyone who attended. We had some great items for our Raffle too!! A beautiful afghan handmade by Suzanne Weidel, a wonderful handmade Rainbow cross stitch picture made by Denise Hyde. A whole basket of Beanie Babies donated by Betty Gideon, a pair of pearl earrings donated by Sue Hedges, and some Amigos gift certificates donated by Marcia Imig. Thanks to all those who donated these items !!!

small potMay 3 was a regular business meeting. We balloted on one petition brought in by Alicia Wolford. Initiation will be on May 17th. Grand Assembly was discussed. Amanda Hyde, Lindsey Gideon, Tara Lawson, and Sarah Wilson will be on the Ritual Competition Team, Hannah will be the alternate. We had a visitor, Susan Hedges, who is a District Grand Supervisor for Eastern Star.

small pot Congratulations to Magan Wiedel, who was initiated into Eastern Star on May 12, at Grand Chapter in Lincoln. We are so proud of you !! Magan will be a member of her Grandmother's Chapter in Hebron. We had a wonderful group of Luna Chapter members there.

small potOur first initiation of 1999 was held on May 17, Stephanie Renfro was initiated. She is a girlfriend of Alicia Wolford. The officers did a wonderful job. Elizabeth gave the "Rose Lecture". Plans for Grand Assembly were discussed. Scrapbooks and name tags must be ready soon, and parts must be learned for ritual competition.

small potGrand Assembly 1999 was held in Crete June 11-13. Ten girls and five adults attended the entire session. We had quite a few Advisory Board members attended partial sessions, and we had several out-of-town guests.
Five girls took part on the Grand Floor, and they did a wonderful job!! Elizabeth Imig-Grand Chaplain, Amanda Hyde-Grand Service, Magan Wiedel-Grand Representative, Alicia Wolford-Assistant Grand Outer Observer, and Sarah Wilson-Honor Guard.
We were honored with some special awards. Amanda Hyde received the Love and Service award, Kendra Johnson took second place for doing the Rose Lecture in ritual competition, and the Assembly won third place for membership growth. Congratulations for these honors.
Alicia Wolford, Sarah Wilson, Lindsey Gideon, received Grand Cross, we also had three adult designates, Mrs. Cynthia Timmermeir, Mr. Dennis Ueckert, and Mr. Charles Greenfield. Congratulations and thank you for all your support of our Assembly.
Meegan Reed from Lynn Broyhill #12 was installed as the new Grand Worthy Advisor. Our new Grand Family members for 1999-2000 are Amanda Hyde-Grand Faith, Elizabeth Imig-Grand Patriotism, Magan Weidel-Grand Representative to North Dakota and Illinois, Tara Lawson-Grand Representative to Hawaii and Wisconsin, and Kendra Johnson-Grand Representative to Louisiana and Kentucky. Mrs. Denise Hyde was named to the Grand Courtesy Committee. We are so proud of these members of our Assembly.

small potGrand Visitation was held at Elkhorn-Waterloo on June 22. We had many members of our Grand Family present. Our honored guest was our Grand Worthy Advisor, Meegan Reed. All of our officers did a wonderful job!!
Meegan was made Mermaid Queen of the Sea Fiesta, and each of our officers presented her with a piece of her costume. A Beanie Baby raffle was held to raise money for her service projects.
Dinner was a delicious Taco Bar. Our thanks to Mrs. Denise Hyde, Mrs. Cynthia Timmermeir, Miss. Susan Hedges, Mrs. Bonnie Rolfs, and Miss Denice Reick for their help with the cooking, serving and cleaning up.
Everyone got a chance to break the pinata, and we played Dolhpin ring toss. Breakfast was held at the Temple on Wednesday morning, then the Grand Family set out for a visit to the Henry Doorly Safari and their next stop at Albion. Everyone had a geat time, and we thank everyone who helped and who attended this special day.

small potElection of Officers for the July-January term was held on July 5. Elected officers are Sarah Wilson-Worthy Advisor, Amanda Hyde-Worthy Associate Advisor, Lindsey Gideon-Charity, Alicia Wolford-Hope, and Melissa Olson-Faith. Installation will be July 17. Tara retired her crown, she had a beautiful term.

small potJuly 17, was Installation of the new officers. Sarah was Installed as Worthy Advisor. The ceremony was beautiful. Sarah has really grown into a very poised young lady. Congratulations to the new officers, we wish you a successful term

Other Pages About Us

Home Page
1999 Holiday Message
1998 Holiday Message
Officers and Advisory Board July 1999
Officers and Advisory Board January 1999
Officers and Advisory Board July 1998
Our Grand Family 2000-2001
Our Grand Family 1999-2000
Our Grand Family 1998-1999
Schedule and Activities for January 1999-July 1999
July 1998 Term Schedule
Membership Information
History of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls
Links to Rainbow Assemblies Around the World
Links to Job's Daughter's Sites
Links to DeMolay Sites
Links to Eastern Star Sites

Worthy Advisor's Pages

Katie Chadwell's Page
Mindy Lucas' Page
Magan Wiedel's Page
Amanda Hyde's Page
Elizabeth Imig's Page
Kendra Johnson's Page
Tara Lawson's Page
Sarah Wilson's Page
Elizabeth Imig and Amanda Hyde's Term
Lindsey Gideon's Page
Alicia Wolford's Page

Pages Just for Fun

Cookie Jar Recipe Page
Rainbow Rick's Ranch and Adoption Center
Rainbow Rick's Holiday Adoption Center

You can get a bear of your own at Rainbow Rick's

The song you are hearing is "On a Wonderful Day Like Today"

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

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Visit our holiday pages

Halloween 1998/ Thanksgiving 1998/ Christmas 1998/ Christmas 1998 page2/ Christmas 1998 page3/
New Year 99/ Valentine's Day 1999/ Patrick's Day 1999/ Easter Fun 1999/ Easter page 2/
Mother's Day 1999/ Father's Day 1999/ Fourth of July 1999/ Halloween 1999/ Thanksgiving 1999/
New Year 2000/ Valentine's Day 2000/ Halloween 2007/ Thanksgiving 2007/ Christmas2007/
New Year 2008/ Valentine's Day 2008/ President's Day 2008/ St Patrick's Day 2008/
Easter 2008/

Visit Luna Chapter 169

Luna Chapter Pages
All About Us
Luna Chapter Home Page
Luna Chapter News 2008
Luna Chapter 2008 Schedule
Tribute to Our 50 Year Members

Past Matrons - Past Patron Terms
Sue Hedges and Ervin Imig 2008
Amanda Hyde Kloke - Ervin Imig 2007
Elizabeth Imig - Ervin Imig 2006
Sharron Gilson - Allan Rolfs 2005
April Scott - Robert Attebery 2004

Our Worthy Grand Patron
Robert Attebery, Worthy Grand Patron 2001-2002

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