"Have You Ever Seen the Face of a Child"

"Reflections Of A Mother"

I gave you life,
but cannot live it for you.

I can teach you things,
but I cannot make you learn.

I can give you directions,
but I cannot be there to lead you.

I can allow you freedom,
but I cannot account for it.

I can take you to church,
but I cannot make you believe.

I can teach you right from wrong,
but I cannot always decide for you.

I can buy you beautiful clothes,
but I cannot make you beautiful inside.

I can offer you advice,
but I cannot accept it for you.

I can give you love,
but I cannot force it upon you.

I can teach you to share,
but I cannot make you unselfish.

I can teach you respect,
but I cannot force you to show honor.

I can advise you about friends,
but cannot choose them for you.

I can advise you about sex,
but I cannot keep you pure.

I can tell you the facts of life,
but I can't build your reputation.

I can tell you about drinking,
but I can't say "No" for you.

I can warn you about drugs,
but I can't prevent you from using them.

I can tell you about lofty goals,
but I can't achieve them for you.

I can teach you about kindness,
but I can't force you to be gracious

I can warn you about sins,
but I cannot make you moral.

I can love you as a child,
but I cannot place you in God's family.

I can pray for you,
but I cannot make you walk with God.

I can tell you how to live,
but I cannot give you eternal life.

I can love you with unconditional love all of my life
... and I will.

~ Author Unknown ~

Have you ever seen the face of a Baby when it goes through withdrawal because it was born addicted?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they live in one dirty place after another because all of the money the parents get goes to drugs ?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when there is no food to eat because all the money the Parents have goes for drugs ?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they have no where to live but in a big box and people walking by keep looking at them ?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when there are strangers where they live and them and the Parents are getting high and they don't know what will happen next, if they will get hit or laughed at?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when their Parents are comimg down from being high and they are abusive to the Child?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they are left alone with no food and nothing to drink because their the Parents are out looking for their next high?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when you try to explain to them that Mommy and Daddy are sick and it is not their fault?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when the Child welfare agency comes and takes them away from their Parents?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they have to go to school with the same dirty clothes on and no lunch and the other Kids laugh and make fun of them?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when Thanksgiving or Christmas comes and they see everyone else getting gifts and clothes and they have nothing because Mommy and Daddy spent the money getting high?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they wake up on Christmas morning and there is nothing there not even a tree and they think that they were bad, that's why Santa didn't come?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when the Police come to arrest one or both of the Parents and get taken away?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they are crying because Mommy or Daddy has left them alone for a long time?

Have you ever seen the face of a Child when they are so scared they can't move and just sit there and cry?

      Well I have and it's the saddess thing in the whole world.

      The next time you see a little Child think about these things and give them a friendly smile.

      Make them know that you understand and that you care. Do something kind for them so they know that there are kind and caring people out there, that not all people are like the people that they HAVE to be around.

      I do believe it takes a village to raise a Child and make them feel safe and secure. The Children are our future and what are we teaching these Children to be when they grow up? They need to know that the world is not like the one that they have to live in and that they can make a difference and we can help them see this.

      Some of the Children have the protection of Angels and others have Angels that cannot get there in time.
      The LORD will save all the Children whether here or up in Heaven.

      All the Relatives need to help to save the Children and help to get them out of that environment for good.

      That's what I did and I'm glad that I did. I don't want any medals or pats on the back, just to see them smile with love in thier eyes instead of tears. That is enough for me, and it should be enough for you too.

      Carol Martin

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