

"Our Angels"

Come meet our grandchildren, we have 6 1/2, they are our pride and joy

These are my son Sean's children. They are Jesse, who in this picture was 10, David 3, Jacob 4, and Christopher 2 1/2. Jacob has the red hair, David has the brown hair and Chritopher has the blonde hair, and the biggest on is Jesse. He live in California with his mother and we get to see him every summer. We have custody of the small children and plan on adopting them.

My Son's oldest Son, who lives in California with his Mother, I get to see him every summer. His name is JESSE and he is 11 years old. It's really strange My Son and Jesse have the same birthday 10/29.

This is My Grandaughter Ireland Rae she is 6 yrs. old and a real knock out I think (but then I'm prejudice) and her brother Eric James who is 18 mos. old and they are going to have a brother or sister in April,2003!

They are the greatest children and the light of our lives. They are all beautiful, intelligent and just plain great kids. Grandma and Pop-Pop love you guys very much. Stop back often as I change the pictures often and I will have a new addition in April of 2003.

Bubbles Script by

Home Crack Cocaine Family & Drugs
Prayer A Childs Face Pray for the Children
Angels Cry The Golden Gift May You Always Feel Love
Heart of a Child My Love Special Child
Our Grandchildren Memorials Jesus Loves Me
Touch Me Kier Webrings I Belong To
Sisters of the Golden Moon Awards Apply for My Award
Sisters Of The Goldenmoon page2 Ladies of the Heart All about me and my Piece of the World
RAPE,THE VICTIM, AND GETTING HELP Elizabeth Blackwell Margaret Sanger
Mary Ann Shadd Cary In Loving Memory of Dale Earnhardt Random Acts of Kindness
Women of Strenght and Inner Beauty WELCOME AND GOD BLESS AMERICA Sisters of the Goldenmoon 3
My dedications page to Sisters Forever Coming Soon