I Dedicate this page to My Husband
The Man in My Life


by Carol

My love for you is as wide as the plains, as deep as the sea--
My love for you is as strong as a rock,and as gentle as a summer breeze.
My heart soars with yours--
swift as the rising wind, as proud as a bird in flight.
My love for you will endure through all the seasons of your life as my love for you is forever....
"I love you."
I'm glad there's you to share "me" with!
It's so good to have someone to listen to my dreams,
to make me laugh, to let me cry whenever I need to--
someone who really cares about what I want to be and do...
But the best part of all is just knowing you love me as I am--
The same way I Love You!
I wish we could spend more time together,
I wish that our lives were more simple and that we could find a way to do all the things we love to do, and still have time and energy left over for us.
I wish we could lose ourselves in endless conversations,
long lingering kisses,and spend entire weekends doing nothing at all...
I wish there was a way for you to know how much I want to be with you.
I Love You! "

White Roses represent the purity of the love I have for you, and the unwaivering belief that we have come upon something that will only grow stronger as long as we trust in each other...

Red Roses are the passion I feel in my heart.
The fire you light deep inside of me that makes me warm with just a thought of you.....

Home Crack Cocaine Family & Drugs
Prayer A Childs Face Pray for the Children
Angels Cry The Golden Gift May You Always Feel Love
Heart of a Child My Love Special Child
Our Grandchildren Memorials Jesus Loves Me
Touch Me Kier Webrings I Belong To
Sisters of the Golden Moon Awards Apply for My Award
Sisters Of The Goldenmoon page2 Ladies of the Heart All about me and my Piece of the World
RAPE,THE VICTIM, AND GETTING HELP Elizabeth Blackwell Margaret Sanger
Mary Ann Shadd Cary In Loving Memory of Dale Earnhardt Random Acts of Kindness
Women of Strenght and Inner Beauty WELCOME AND GOD BLESS AMERICA Sisters of the Goldenmoon 3
My dedications page to Sisters Forever This is My Dedication page to Fablers O'Fortune