Thankyou for this wonderful gift, from all the founders
Thankyou Moonie this is beautiful and very thoughtful of you to do.
Thankyou Sunshine, this is so beautiful
Thankyou Bethne, Happy Valentines Day to you also, this is truely beautiful.
Thankyou Purple Dragon Lady this is wonderful
Thankyou Lady Stargazer this is beautiful
I am honored to accept this award, thankyou
Thankyou Koalaghost so much you are really a sweet and wonderful sister
I won the word search in December 2000
Thankyou Welcoming Committee
I am a member of this team and very proud to be a member.
Thankyou Bethne I love this its beautiful
Thankyou Lady Passion
Thankyou Sisters of the Goldenmoon for remembering Your are all the greatest
Thankyou Pam this is beautiful. Like all your things.
Thankyou this is from my new secret sis 9-30-00
Thankyou Moon7sun. This so nice of you to do. 10-6-00
Thankyou Moon7sun this is beautiful
Thankyou Lady Sunshine
Thankyou so much
Thankyou Lady Star Gazer
Thankyou Pam I love it.You find the nicest things,you are a great friend
Thankyou Bethne this is Beautiful
I am Fairy of Belmar for the Knights of the Ring
Thankyou Lady J
Thankyou Purple Dragon Lady, this is beautiful and so are you
Thankyou Emerald Twink this is very pretty
Thankyou so much Celtic Faery, this is so beautiful