We are not just skin. We are not just bones.
Our essence is spiritual,
Our bodies merely the vessel for our being.
Each person is an invisible spiritual dweller
in the human experience, continuing to unfold
as a spiritual being even after the transition
called death.
This life on earth is only a precious fragment
of all that God has in store for us.

This was my fathers badge, he wore it proudly. Thankyou Princess Chaia
My Father was born on December 13,1927. He died from pulmuniary problems complicated by arthritis and asbestos exposure. He served in the UNITED STATES NAVY on a destroyer.He was a volenteer fireman and first aid. He was president of the fire dept. and president of the first aid squad, and president of his PBA local. He was a very highly decorated police officer for 25 years. He put his life on the
line many times. He was in the Pacific campaign. He was a very loving Father and Husband. His family meant everything to him. We miss Him.
Dear Daddy:
I never told you this, I assumed you knew. I'm so sorry I never said it. I'm so proud to call you my father. You were the well from which I got my strength. You were such a wonderful father. You had strength and will-power that was amazing. Many people would not have fought for life the way you did. You endured so much pain in your life. Sure, once in a while you would complain, it was your right, but you
never gave up. You fought pain and suffering every day and never let the outside world know.
You regimented yourself, you had to just get to moving and keep moving. You went to work everyday suffering more pain than most people know in a lifetime. You were highly respected by everyone for the man you were. You looked out for those in your family and those in your charge, your fellow police officers. You were lucky enough to have done something you loved, being a police officer, fireman, first-aidman. You had a gift for helping people, though we, your family, may not have realized it at the time. As is
usually the case, we took you for granted. As a father you were tough. But I always knew you loved me, though I never heard you say it. You instilled your high values for life and fellow man in your children, along with your sensitivity (which you hid well). You were always there for us, emotionally, and gave us what you could. You always made sure, as kids, we had a dollar in our pocket, food on the table and clothes on our backs. You instilled a sense of responsibility in me towards family, job and finances. I will always walk with my head held high and take pride in calling you my father. I like to think that my best qualities I got from you.
I love you Daddy, and I always will.
Until we meet again!
Love Peggy
Dear Daddy,
I was so very proud of you and all your accomplishments in your life. Your presense in this world was the most precious thing to me, and when you left this world,I never thought that I would miss you so much, as I do now. I was the oldest and the closest to you. The day you died a little piece of me died that day to. You were one of the fairest men I had ever had the pleasure to know, and ever will. You were the pride in my life and you were my father. You were the bravest man that I ever knew, you would put your life on the line for people you didn't even know especially if it was a child that was hurt or in some kind of trouble. Your family always came first and everyone knew it. I loved you soooo much that it hurt when you left us, even though I knew that you would be healthy
and happy with our LORD up in heaven. I think that your funeral was the hardest thing that I had ever had to go through in my life, but you would have been so proud of the way your peers and collegues handled your funeral. With full honors. You had an honor
guard at your viewing and a police onterronge to your resting place and the police presented mom with the American flag. I know that you were watching with a great big smile on your face. It was the way you always wanted it. Now I know that you are my own personal guardian angel up in heaven. I know when you are around because I smell roses and something the cologne that you always wore. Oh the memories how they came flooding back, summers, Christmas, the beach,the black cased radio and so many more. I miss you will all my heart. I know that someday we will meet again. I look foward to it. I love you and always will Dad.
Until we meet again, and we will.
Your loving daughter,

"George W. Martin, Sr,"
(August 20, 1928 - December 30, 1995)
George's Father was born on AUGUST 20,1928, He was in the UNITED STATES NAVY and served on the USS INDIANA. He was a civil servant for the old signal corp, as a cabinet maker. He took flying lessons when he left the
navy. He was a tradesman, one of the best carpenters that I have ever met. He liked to hunt, and go crabbing, and fishing.
My name is Kellie Martin, I'm Carol's sister-in-law. George W. Martin Sr. was my dad and he still is. He is my angel now looking over all of his family
members. He was a very special man. He loved life on life's terms. A family man he was, but like all people they have to leave us. He was taken away from
his family because God needed another angel. I could tell alot of his stories and I will to all his grandchildren and his great grandchildren that never got a chance to hear them from him. I was his tag I always went places with him, me with my soda, him with his can of beer. He called me "tag" which is now part of my email address. His favorite line was ships were made of wood and man was made of steel. I wish he was made of steel so he would still be here today. He also said "it was a dark and stormy night said the captain to the sailor the boy stood on the burning deck feet full of blisters burnt his pants up the back now he wears his sisters." My mom tells me I have a lot of his traits. She sees them in me now that he is gone and I feel very blessed to have them. If you have lost a close family member my heart feels for you. Life is too short. Live it today cause you don't know what tomorrow will bring you.
(Carol, thank you. Love Kellie)
My father-in-law was a truly wonderful man and I miss him more than anyone knows. He was always very good and kind to me. He was one of the best carpenters that I have ever known. He was a virgo and a perfectionist. Next to my own father, he was a father to me in every sense of the word. I will never foget him and the way he treated me. I loved you dad I hope that you always knew that.
Love you dad

"Michael S. McNulty"
(January 18, 1962 - February 21,1998)
My brother-in-law was born in January 17, 1962.
Hi its me, Kellie, again. My brother- in- law Michael S. McNulty passed away on Feb 1998 after a sudden illness. He was only 36 years old. He left behind a
wife (my sister, Carol's sister-in-law Kathy). She was 6 months pregnant with there first child, a baby boy that he knew he was having. He carried around with him a picture from a sonagram that showed it was a boy and said to people you want to see my son. He was a very special man. He played football for Villanova College in Penn. Michael just started his own business when he left us. His organs were donated to other people, that is what kind of man he was. His son is doing great he is now 20 months old and is just like his father in more ways than you can think of. Always teasing people. Mike had a way of teasing people. He liked his alias name "Tom Detterman". Now his son is Tom Detterman Jr. He is an angel now, someone to look over us. Life goes on and we here are left to pick up the pieces and to put one foot in front of the other. (thank you Carol)
My brother-in-law was a real sweety and I tuly cared about him. He was a wonderful man and I know that his presence in this world is truly missed. He was so happy when he married my sister-in-law Kathy. When he found out that he was going to be a father, he was so proud. Now he has a beautiful son and I am sure that he is his son's guardian angels. I loved you Micheal and was very proud that you were my brother-in-law.
With the fondest memories and love
Michael, Jr. (born after his father died)
