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Home About Us Belgorod region today History of Belgorod St.Ioasaf Sights of Belgorod Welcome to Russia! Genealogy Services Links
The Belgorod Hotel
The Belgorod Hotel

When you come to Russia for the first time, you'll be in for a big adventure. And if you decide to hire a guide, you'll get even more out of your visit.

We assist travellers arriving to Belgorod by air, rail, and buses. Realizing that your visit may be a once in a lifetime event, we strive to do our best to make your time here exciting, fulfilling, comfortable and safe.

We can offer you a whole range of tours, excursions and tourist services:
  • meeting you in the place where you arrive to Belgorod (an airport, railway station and so on), transport services, transfers and so on;
  • accommodation in the best hotels of Belgorod;
  • sightseeing tours and excursion programs in Belgorod , the towns of the Belgorod region, (to know more visit please the section Welcome to Russia;
  • skilled guides, translators, interpreters and escorting you during your travel;
  • reservation of airplane and railway tickets to any point of the world;
  • holding business meetings, seminars, conferences, symposiums
  • Belgorod guides are 15 EUR per hour, plus expenses.
  • To know more about costs of hotel, cars and others please see the page Our Prices
"Plus expenses" means transportation, meals, museum/theater entry costs. There are no big surprises with this. Simply, as the guide is assisting you, the guide should not have to take money out of their own pocket to show you around.

How It Works

  • First, send us an email and tell us about your expected visit. We'll give you some ideas on what to see, how long you should stay, etc:

  • After you decide on your trip, it is time to make your guide arrangements. We'll develop a program meeting all your requests special for you and co-ordinate it with you.

  • You need not to pay in advance at all.
    We don't take payments for a hotel and other services offered by other organizations. You will pay them here by yourself. And you will pay us only for our services (guides, excursions, car, tickets reservation and so on) here in Belgorod.

  • Prior to your arrival, we can work out an itinerary on how to manage your time, or you can just decide after you arrive what you want to do. You have ultimate flexibility when you hire a guide service like ours, and you are the boss. Where to go, what to do, how long to stay at a particular place, or whether to skip a destination or switch a day to see it - it is all up to you. To get started, write us an email at:

We designed and maintain this site in co-operation with Programmist Ltd. Company, Belgorod, Russia.
Programmist Ltd.

The full range of English/Russian translation services is provided by Programmist Ltd. Company, Belgorod, Russia.
About us Our Services
Programmist Russian Translations offers you a variety of English-Russian translation services.

Programmist Russian Translations is located in Belgorod, Russia.
The company has been in translation business since 1992 and has regular customers both in Russia and in the USA, Canada, Singapore and other countries.

Programmist Russian Translations has a small but dedicated team of professionals. We all are Russian native speakers. This is the most important reason why we do translations only in these two languages.

Programmist Russian Translations provides :
  • high quality translations made by translators that are professionally qualified, native speakers and specialists in the area of the material they translate,
  • confidentiality,
  • guaranteed timely delivery by e-mail,
  • the most competitive prices
Programmist Russian Translations uses the system of double control for increasing the quality of translations:
  1. every translation is made by a translator that is both an excellent linguist and a professional in the area of the material of translation,
  2. all finalized translations are reviewed by another skilled specialist in the same area.
Programmist Russian Translations is always ready for co-operation with you.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our services, the real professional services.

Programmist Russian Translations is open to discuss all technical issues, including the most competitive price solution.
Programmist Russian Translations specializes in:
  • Translation of historical documents or documents written in old Russian grammar
  • Genealogical translations
  • Tourism
  • History, Military History
  • Culture
  • Website translation
  • Technical documents and manuals
  • IT Hardware & Software
  • Private and business correspondence
  • Marketing and advertising materials
  • Scientific texts
  • Software localization
Contact Information
Programmist Russian Translations
308023, Russia, Belgorod, Studencheskaya Str.,28
tel. +7 4722 344 249
e-mail us
* * *

We work in close co-operation with State Archives and also with several big military history archeological groups that work in Belgorod region and have a lot of information of Soviet and German troops that took part in the famous Kursk Duga battle.

So we can offer you:
  • Finding your relatives, friends or ancestors missed in the Belgorod region
  • Searching for information about the place where your ansector lived or was killed during the World War II
  • Finding any other information concerning your relatives or friends in Central Russia
  • If you are interested in some kind of genealogical researches, please see the Section Genealogical Services
In you are interested, please feel free to contact us:
308023, Russia, Belgorod, Studencheskaya Str.,28
tel. +7 4722 344 249
e-mail us
Home About Us Belgorod region today History of Belgorod St.Ioasaf Sights of Belgorod Welcome to Russia! Genealogy Services Links

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