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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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OCTOBER 2000(No.2)

You are welcome to contribute to our Club Newsletter. ITEMS OF INTEREST (club gossip, swimming achievements, coming events, birthdays, etc.) you would like to see included in the Newsletter (and/or Website) may be submitted to Sandi Wooton via email: or Work Phone: 42214800, or by passing along items to any Dapto Swimming Club Committee Member. Newsletters are published once a month during the Winter and fortnightly during the Summer. However, the Website will be updated more frequently. So be sure to check out our website on a regular basis at
Welcome to the first swim night of the Dapto S.C. pointscore for the 2000/01 season, and a special welcome to all of those who are with us for the first time this year.
Don't forget that a successful Friday night is due to the volunteers that timekeep for us and the runners that hand out and collect the cards. Don't be shy, we may not go to everyone individually and ask for their help, but we would like to have your help anyway. Please, if you are available to help with timekeeping, running or just setting the pool up at the start, please step forward.
There are just a couple of rules that I would like to point out:
the grass area is OUT OF BOUNDS from the start of pointscore
the small pool is also OUT OF BOUNDS during pointscore
anyone using the kitchen facilities (and you are welcome to do so), please wash what you use and put it away
the hot showers may be used by the members during pointscore and after training only. At all other times they are for public use, for the disabled only.
Keep watching the notice board for coming events and carnivals. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of our committee members.
DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT OUR CAR WASH on Saturday the 28th at the Dapto Mobile Service Station! The Club Car Wash will be operating from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Next club meeting will be November 7th in the Clubroom at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Annual Registration fees: $35 Swimmers; $15 Associate Members. Registration fees must be paid before swimmers can compete at association swimming meets.
First Swimming night commences Friday the 27th of October at 6:00 p.m. and every Friday night thereafter from 7:00 p.m.
Learn to Swim classes commence at the pool Saturday, November 4th from 8:30 a.m. This is a free community service provided by the Club.
Warehouse "shop till you drop" bus trip upcoming: November 11th. Contact Tanya Bates to reserve your seat. There are still a few places left..
CLUB CLOTHING:The following items are available for purchase at Friday Night Pointscore:
Old stock club swimmers: There are a few sizes left for boys and girls (Girls: sizes 4,6,8,12,14 at $20; Boys: sizes 10, 14)
Club Swimmers: (Girls: sizes 6,8,12,14 at $33; Boys: 6,10,12,16)
Polo Shirts: Sizes 12,14, XS, S at $25
Rugby Tops: Sizes S, M, L at $55
Swimming Caps: $4 each
New Club Tracksuits may also be ordered
The following carnivals have been targeted for the Summer Season:
3-5/11/00 - Telopea (Dapto Team Away Carnival) - Venue: AIS Canberra
19/11/00 - Oak Flats
9-10/12/00 - SCAT District Championships - Venue: Dapto
16/12/00 - Illawarra Red Devils Summer Carnival - Venue: Unanderra
5-6/1/01- NSW AGE Championships (9-12yrs) (Qualified Swimmers Only) - Venue: SIAC
13-14/1/01 - NSW Age Championships (13-18yrs) (Qualified Swimmers Only) - Venue: SIAC
14/1/01- Shellharbour-Warilla Development Meet
20/1/01 - NSW Relays (Selected Swimmers Only) - Venue: SIAC
21/1/01 - SCAT Development Meet - Venue: Warilla
27-28/01 - NSW Country Regional Championships
17/2/01 - Shell Age Heats & SCAT Sprint Championships - Venue: Dapto
23-25/2/01 - NSW Country Championships (Qualified Swimmers Only) - Venue: SIAC
17/3/00 - SCAT Interclub Championships (Selected Swimmers Only) - Venue: Dapto
25/3/01 - Brophy Shield (Selected Swimmers Only) - Venue: AIS Canberra
BUS LEAVES DAPTO POOL AT 9:00 a.m. sharp Friday the 3rd of November! Swimmers, bring your own pillows & snack food (healthy, of course). See Toni for the full itinerary for the weekend.
Adult squad training commences Monday the 30th of October, Wednesday and Friday at Dapto pool 6:00 - 7:00 a.m. It's pay as-you-go at $4 a session.
I would like to congratulate my Wrigglers Squad on their continued improvement. Almost all of them are swimming a full lap or two at the end of the session. Tahlia had her first try at it on Wednesday afternoon and she made it without stopping, with beautiful arms and beautiful breathing. Well done Tahlia, and keep up the great work Wrigglers!
P.S.: We would also like to welcome Mackenzie and Emily to the Wrigglers team.


2000 - 2001

In the holidays, I went to America, as a member of the High School Cross-Country team. To get there, it was a three-hour flight to New Zealand, then a twelve-hour flight to the USA. Home was fourteen hours straight! We went to Disneyland, Universal Studies, Hollywood, Tijuana Mexico (I didn't like it), Los Vegas, LA (Anaheim) and San Diego. I had three runs and placed 1st, 2nd & 8th. I had a really good time.
Gone are the leisurely weekends filled with glamorous tales of exotic restaurants, wild parties and other assorted adventures we have all enjoyed hearing about … Now it seems it's only nappies, washing & teething problems…that's all she talks about!
WEB WORLD Visitors to our Website as of the 26th of October: 1664! Pages updated this week include Club News and Photo Gallery. Check out the new Club Photo additions! Our 2000-2001 Club Captains: Clinton Parsons & Ellen Wooton

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