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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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JUNE 2000

WELCOME to the first Newsletter of the Winter Season.  We hope you have enjoyed your break (those of you who have had one), and are all fighting fit and ready for an exciting new swimming season. 

ITEMS OF INTEREST  (club gossip, swimming achievements, coming events, birthdays, etc.) you would like to see included in the Newsletter (and/or website) may be submitted to Sandi Wooton, via:
Email - or
Work Phone - 42214800, or by passing along items to any Dapto Swimming Club Committee Member.  Newsletters will be published once a month during the Winter, (fortnightly during the Summer). However,  the Website will be updated more frequently.

FROM THE PRESIDENT A warm welcome is extended to all members as we step into a new swimming season. The club has already held it's AGM for the 1999-2000 year and a new committee has been elected, with some changes. Our thanks go to outgoing committee for their work throughout the year. Especially president Keith Oehm, who has been our president for many years, but decided not to stand for re-election this year. Like Keith, Secretary Roz Schober and Chief Recorder Graham Kohler also decided not to stand for their respective positions. The good news is that they are all still on the new committee.

The Annual General Meeting was held on the 9th of April.  A big thank you to all of the outgoing Committee.  We really appreciated your dedication and hard work, all of  which has contributed  towards making Dapto Swimming Club one of the leading Clubs in the district!  Well done team! 
NEW COMMITTEE 2000 - 2001:

President:      Norbert Sernig
Secretary:        Sandra Neall
Treasurer:   Cathy Nicholls
Race Secretary: Tina Southwell
Recorder:  Micheal Southwell
Publicity Officer:  Sandi Wooton
Additional Committee:   Toni O'Brien-Fulcher, Keith Oehm, Faye Rowels
Gear Steward:   Tony Oldroyd
Social Secretary: Wendy Dyer
Learn To Swim: Tom Sullivan
Team Manager:

Roz Schober

Clothing Sales:  Tania Bates, Julie Glass, Lyn Parsons
Referee:         Faye Rowels
Starter:  John Negendahl 
Assist Recorder: Graham Kohler, Tina Southwell, Julie Robinson
Chief Judge:    Lyn Healey
Chief Timekeeper: Chris Neall
SC&T Delegates:  Keith Oehm, Micheal Southwell

There have been some great results from our swimmers over the last couple of months. The following are some of the highlights: Congratulations to the following swimmers who competed in the PSSA and CHS Championships in April.
PSSA: Cody Morrow, Briarna Southwell, Samantha Bates (12th-11yrs girls 50m breast), Julia Corderoy (Girls all age physical disability: 7th-50m free & 10th-50 back).
CHS: Jayne Schober, Corinne Glass, Kieran Sernig, Clinton Parsons, Matthew Morrow (11th-12yrs boys 200m free, 12th- 100m free & 100m fly), Leisha Southwell (8th-12yrs girls 100m fly), Anita Sernig (4th-girls 17/18yrs 100m back, 6th-50m free, 7th-100m breast, 8th-100m free) & Ellen Wooton(1st-girls 14yrs 50m free, 3rd-100m back, 4th-100m free, 6th 200m free, 10th 100m breast).

Three of our swimmers, Michael Wells, Anita Sernig, Ellen Wooton with assistance of coach Kate Negendahl, competed at the Australian Age Swimming Championships at Perth just before Easter. The swimming was great, with all performing well, achieving personal best times, despite the expected case of nerves that one would get at this level of competition. They are already looking forward to Nationals next year in Melbourne.
Ellen really enjoyed the disco, although we heard she had to send Michael back into the "mosh pit" to retrieve a lost shoe! 

Julia Corderoy and Anita Sernig competed in the Pacific School Games.  Julia anchored the NSW 4x50 multi-disability girls relay team, winning gold in the event.  Well done Julia!  Anita achieved gold as part of the NSW 18-19 yrs girls 200m freestyle relay team, and also picked up 3 individual medals, a silver in the 100m back, bronze in the 50m free and 50m back.  Great results Anita!

Four of our Senior Squad members competed in the recent 2000 Olympic Selection Trials at Homebush: Kaine Love, Michael Wells, Kate Negendahl & Anita Sernig. They all swam terrific and did our Club proud! Kaine progressed through to the Men's 50m fly & 200m free semifinals, achieving 14th place in both events!

These are the  SWIMMING CARNIVALS Dapto Swimming Club will be attending during the Current Winter Season:

June 4: SCAT Winter Meet: Beaton Park
July 7-9: NSW Country S/C Championships: Tuggeranong
August 5-6: NSW Open S/C Championships: Warringah
August 13: Wollongong Winter Meet: Beaton Park
August 26-27: NSW State Age S/C Championships: Warringah
September 3: SCAT Development Meet: TBA

THE RACE SECRETARY emphasizes all $ $ must accompany Race Cards, and be handed in to the Race Secretary before the Carnival deadlines (usually one week before the event officially closes). Please see Tina Southwell our new Race Secretary for the purchase of Race Cards ((02) 42611851) or if you have any questions.

QUALIFYING TIMES  for Winter Country, State and Open Events - a link will be created to the NSW Swimming Site as soon as these details are available. Printed copies of the Qualifying Times will also be made available.

Congratulations are in order for four members of our Dolphins Squad: Leisha Southwell, Louise Meurer, Ben Carrick & Leanne Kidd. These swimmers have all advanced to our Junior Squad. Keep up the hard work and enjoy your new squad!

Tadpoles Squad welcomes two new members Erin & Yvette. We hope that they are settling in well and enjoying their new adventure.

We would like to congratulate eleven of our squad members who have been chosen in our District Squads for 2000. They are Kieran Sernig, Corinne Glass, Leisha Southwell, Briarna Southwell, Ben Carrick, Matthew Carrick, Michael Neall, Brendan Neall, John Neall, Anita Sernig & Ellen Wooton. Congratulations on your selection and we hope that you learn something new from your sessions and enjoy meeting new friends and coaches.


"Hi, my name is Campbell Alexander Fulcher. I made my big splash into the world on Tuesday, the 2nd of May at 9:40a.m. I'm 54cm long & weigh 9lbs. Mum said I have a cute face but the worst toes she has ever seen on any baby. But my Dad said I'm just cute all over. I would like to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who came to visit me in hospital & for all the cool presents. My Mum loved all the flowers. And when I grow up & can read, I look forward to reading the 142 cards that people have sent. Mum & Dad said I'm really lucky to have so many nice people around me. I guess I will see you around the pool soon for lots of cuddles. Bye…" Campbell

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