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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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Winter Newsletter No 4 (August 2002)

Our Sponsors: Thank you to our sponsor: Dapto Leagues Club& Thank you to our sponsor: ANZ Bank, Dapto Dapto Branch Direct enquiries: 42611942
Any items for the newsletter can be submitted to Tara or Wendy Dyer on 42628454 or at training sessions during the week.

Our website which is updated regularly, can be located at

This weeks profile is on our Treasurer Julie Robinson
Age: 21
Favourite Music: 80's Music
Favourite Food: Thai and Mexican and anything I don't have to cook.
Hobbies: Reading and Shopping
Special Talents: Very Handy
Favourite T.V show: C.S.I and Rove
Idol: Billy
Future Goals: Stay Happy

We have our new club costumes in. They look great. The girls are $65.00 and the boys are $40.00.
Tina Southwell still has various old style costumes that are to be sold cheaply please see Tina for your club costumes.

Training Costumes
Irene Kidd has some costumes for sale, they are cheap. The club will make 10% on every pair sold. There are various styles and sizes. So see Irene if you would like any trainers.

Market Stall
If anybody has any unwanted items please contact Wendy Dyer on 42628454. John will be having a stall at the markets soon. Clean out your cupboards as now is a good time to get rid of all those unwanted items.

Winter Pointscore
There is around 14 families attending. We have been very lucky the weather has been kind to us. Thankyou to all the families attending.

WareHouse Coach Trips
This year SCAT will run two (2) coach trips to the warehouse outlets in Southern Sydney. The first is on Saturday 27th July 2002 and the second will be in October on a date to be set. It is hoped that all clubs will support these trips. Kiama Leagues Club is assisting us again with a reduced hire fee for the coaches.
Cost is $20.00 each; there are 46 seats available on the first trip. Seats will be sold on the first paid basis; first 46 people their $20.00 get the seats.

Trip 1
The coach will leave Kiama at 7am from the front of Kiama Leagues Club and pickup on the way north, Albion Park, Dapto, Figtree, Corrimal, Bulli as required. Other pickup locations can be added if required. Morning Tea and Lunch is supplied.
Please contact Ingrid Vanderburg on 42281031 or Craig or Debbie Boles on 42323238 or 0416045862.

Fundraising Update
Bus trip
Tanya Bates will organize a bus trip to the warehouses only if she has enough people interested. It will be held in late October. If you would like to go on the bus trip please see Tanys at the pool or call her on 42614656.
Childrens Clothing
As a fundraiser we will be having a
kids clothes party on the 28th September
in the club house at 10 o'clock.

Barbeque at Bunnings
We will be having a BBQ at Bunnings
at Warrawong on the 3rd August which
is a Saturday. The BBQ will run from
10 o'clock in the morning. If you would
like to help please let Wendy know so
she can put you on the roster.

Skate Night
Saturday 24th August at 5:30pm
We will be having a skating night for ALL
kids. Kids please bring friends if you want
Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an
adult.Tickets to the skate night will be $6 each.
Admission to the session will be for TICKET
You must buy tickets prior to the night from
Wendy Dyer.
Blade hire is $2 and can be paid for at the hire
On the night. We will also be having a BBQ
on the night.
The session will go for 2 ½ hours including eating.
So please veryone come and support your
swimming club.

Some good things to say when you're stressed.
· "How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"
· "Well this day was a total waste of makeup"
· "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after"
· "I started out with nothing, and still have most of it left!"
· "I pretend to work, they pretend to pay me"
· "YOU!!… off my planet"
· "Therapy is expensive. Popping plastic is cheap. You choose"
· "I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years"
· "Sarcasm is just one more service I offer"
· Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed"
· "Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
· "Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
· "Back off!! You're standing in my aura"
· "Don't worry. I forgot your name to"
· "I just want revenge, is that so wrong?"
· "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?"
· "Not all men are annoying. Some are dead"
· "Wait …. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
· "Earth is full. Go home"
· "I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert"
· "Your are depriving some village of an idiot."

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