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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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Our Sponsors: Thank you to our sponsor: Dapto Leagues Club& Thank you to our sponsor: ANZ Bank, Dapto Dapto Branch Direct enquiries: 42611942

Welcome to the 1st edition of the newsletter for the New Year. News items may be submitted to Sandi Wooton by phone (42214800) or email ( Newsletters are published once a month during the winter and sometimes more frequently in the summer.
FROM THE PRESIDENTNotes from the president
Welcome into the New Year. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Not too many sore heads I hope.

As you probably know, we are back into Friday Night Point score and on our way into the busy part of the season. This week, and the next couple of weeks, we will be again asking all swimmers who are capable of swimming 50 metres, to put their name down for our handicap events which are soon to be contested: The Ernie Furbank and the Vi Schofield races.

These events are special events we hold each year. They are handicap events, so everyone, (no age barrier), can compete.

Talking about Friday Night PointScore, we are finding it harder and harder to find volunteers on Friday nights to help with timekeeping and running the cards to the timekeepers.

The same people volunteer their services each week, and I know most of them don't mind doing it, but it would be nice to have some new faces there to give the others a break. It doesn't take long and it is to the benefit of your children. The more volunteers, the better.

PLEASE, don't be shy or scared, get involved with your child's swimming, step forward and help us.

Good luck to all of those who have competed and are still to compete at the NSW State Age Swimming Championships.

Another reminder: that the grass area is OUT OF BOUNDS during PointScore nights. This is a council directive, not a club rule, so please do the right thing and stay off the grass on Friday nights.

If you are interested in swimming at local swimming carnivals, please see Julie Glass for any information regarding carnivals.

Latest club newsWHAT'S NEWS
Xmas Party
The Annual Club Xmas Party was held at Dapto Pool on Friday, 21st December. The majority of the children were entered into relays, or the Club Captain's relay. Enthusiastic parents cheered from the pool deck to see the Boys Team win yet again! A BBQ followed with plenty of nibblies and drinks, which was enjoyed by all. The highlight of the evening was a surprise visit by Santa, with his sack full of lollies for all the children. Next year Santa may need to put on his "wish list" a new pair of boots!

Chocolates, Chocolates!
There are still plenty of boxes left to sell. Please see Wendy Dyer if you would like to take up the challenge!

Market Day
Wendy Dyer & Family will be organising another market stall in support of our Club. If you have any pre-loved items you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please see Wendy at the pool.

Keep our Clubroom Clean & Tidy!
Do your part - Please wash all plates and cutlery after use and put away.

Club Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Clubroom at Dapto Pool. Everyone is welcome to attend. The next Club meeting will be February 5th.

Competitive swimming newsPOOL SIDE
For information about swimming carnivals please feel free to browse our web pages on the Internet, or see our Race Secretary Julie Glass for entry cards and carnival information. Please remember that all entries must be given to Julie before the closing dates otherwise they will not be accepted. Julie Glass can be contacted at the pool, by phone (42718731), or via email:

Reminder: All cheques should be made payable to Dapto Swimming Club.

SCATS Carnival
Dapto Swim Club entered 207 individual entries on the day and 16 relays.
Our swimmers achieved 50 P.B's at this carnival. Our medal count for the carnival totalled 22 medals: 4 gold, 6 silver and 12 bronze. The medal winners
were Samantha Bates - 1 bronze; Ben Carrick - 1 bronze; Julia Corderoy - 1 bronze; Nathan Mitchell - 2 silver; Leisha Southwell - 3 bronze, 1 silver; Teagan Southwell - 3 bronze; Ellen Wooton - 4 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze.
Congratulations to all our medal winners on a fine effort.

State Qualifiers
The following swimmers are representing our Club at the NSW State Age & Open Championships this month: Jessica Glass, Briarna Southwell, Tehlia
Vinton, Samantha Bates, Zac Iaonnou, Leisha Southwell, Ellen Wooton, Teagan Southwell, Jayne Schober & Clinton Parsons. Congratulations and good luck to all!

Country Qualifiers
The following swimmers have qualified for the NSW Country Championships: Leanne Kidd, Jessica Glass, Briarna Southwell, Jayne Schober, Teagan Southwell, Leisha Southwell, Samantha Bates, Ellen Wooton, Tehlia Vinton, Eliza Vesey, Ben Carrick,
Clinton Parsons & Julia Corderoy. Well done!

Time Trial
A Time Trial has been scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at Dapto Pool, Wednesday, the 6th of February. Entries are $2 per swim, cards should be submitted by 6:30 p.m. poolside. Pool entry fees apply.

Upcoming Carnivals:
IRD Carnival (9/2/02) closes on the 21st January. NO LATE ENTRIES! All entries must be entered on a special multi entry card, which you can obtain from Julie Glass.

Albion Park Development Carnival (16/2/02) entries close February 1st.

NSW Country Championships (22-24/2/02) entries appreciated by the 3rd of February. However, entries will be accepted until February 9th.
COACHES CORNER News from our coaches

Swimmer of the month
The swimmer of the month is Lee Scerri. Lee has been attending training regularly and always gives his best when at training. Keep up the hard work Lee.

Kate and Toni would like to congratulate Teliah Vinton, Briarna Southwell and Jessica Glass for their recent swims at state. All the girls swam well with some personal bests along the way. We would also like to wish the swimmers who are competing at State over the coming week the best of luck.

Wrigglers who train on Saturday mornings have had a time change. The time has changed from 8.00am start to 7.30am start. This new time starts this week 12th January.

All children who took the 100 x 100 challenge on New Years eve: your sponsorship money is due. Those who missed the challenge will be relieved to know that we have been able to reschedule another time to repeat the challenge - so keep getting those sponsors. Remember, all the money you raise helps your club!!

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