Winter Newsletter
no.3 (July 2002)
Sponsors: &
Dapto Branch Direct enquiries: 42611942
Any items for the newsletter can be submitted
to Tara or Wendy Dyer on 42628454 or at training sessions during the
This weeks profile is on our secretary Sandra Neall.
Age: 37
Favourite Music: Anything but rap
Favourite Food: Mexican
Hobbies: Reading
Special Talents: Speed in which I can spend money
Favourite TV show: Better Home and Gardens
Future Goal: Get fit
Idol: My Grandfather
From the Race Secretary.
Sladem Carnival
38 swimmers attended this carnival at Homebush on the 25/5/02.
Samantha Bates, Ben Carrick, Lauren and Ryan Hanson, Matt Jones, Brendan
and John Neall, Ashley Robinson and Lee Scerri all swam 100% PB's on
the day. Ben Carrick was our only medal winner with a silver and bronze.
Well-done Ben.
Congratulations to Eliza Vesey, Ryan Hanson, Brendan and Michael Neall
who qualified for country at this carnival.
Kiama Carnival
9 swimmers went to the Kiama Carnival on the 8 -9/6/02. A total of 16
medals were won at this carnival with Evan Ahilas winning 1 gold and
1 bronze, Lindsay Gannon 1 gold and 2 bronze, Leanne Kidd 1 gold, Brendan
Neall 2 bronze, John Neall 1 gold and 2 bronze and Michael Neall 1 gold,
2 silver and 3 bronze.
Congratulations to Elise Kidd who qualified for country at this carnival.
Congratulations to the following swimmers who will be representing
our club at this years Winter Country Championships at Griffith in July.
Eliza Vesey, Ryan Hanson, Brendan Neall, Brianna Southwell, Samantha
Bates, Elise Kidd, Leanne Kidd, Tehlia Vinton, Cameron Bridge, Michael
Neall, Ben Carrick, Grant Peters, Leisha Southwell, Teagan Southwell,
Kelly Nichols, Lee Scerri, Zac Iaonnou
and Ellen Wooton.
Best of luck to you all.
Upcoming Carnivals: Where When Closes
Winter Country at Griffith Griffith 12 - 14 July 2002 Closed
SCAT Winter Kiama 28th July 2002 17 - 7 - 02
State Open SAC 10 - 11 Aug 2002 29 - 7 - 02
State age SAC 14 - 15 Sept 2002 2 - 9 - 02
Please see Tina Southwell if you have any questions about these carnivals.
Training Costumes
Irene Kidd has some costumes for sale. They are cheap. The
club will make 10% on every pair sold. There are various styles and
sizes. So see Irene if you would like any trainers.
Please, Please, Please
Would any families please take some chocolates. I have plenty
of them. Please see Wendy if you would like to help. Please remember
that all the money raised goes to the children.
Thank you Wendy
Market Stall
If anybody has any unwanted items please contact Wendy Dyer on
42628454. John will be having a stall at the markets soon. Now is a
great time to get rid of all those unwanted items.
Winter Pointscore
Winter pointscore has been on for 2 weeks now. It is going really
well. There are about 14 families attending, if anyone would like to
join in come down to the pool on a Sunday morning at 9:15 and join in
the fun.
Things you don't really need to know but are interesting:
·There are 336 dimples on a regular golf ball
·A polar Bear has black skin. Its fur is not white but actually
·Elvis had a twin brother named Aaron, who died at birth, which
is why Elvis' middle name was Aaron: in honor of his brother. It is
misspelled on his tombstone.
· Stewardesses is the longest word typed with the left hand
· Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and
· Marilyn Manson had 6 toes on one foot
· Women blink almost twice as much as men
· The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy
dog" uses every letter of the English language
· The names of all the continents all end with the same letter
in which they start.
· TYPEWRITTER is the longest word that can be made using the
letters on only one row of the keyboard
· The word racecar and kayak are the same whether they are read
left to right or right to left
· American Airlines saved $40,00 in 1987 by eliminating one olive
from each salad served in first class
· The electric chair was invented by a dentist
· Vatican City is the smallest country in the world with a population
of 1000 and a size of 108.7 acres
· "I am." Is the shortest complete sentence in the
English Language
· No president of the United States was an only child.
· Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite
· The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing
· A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes