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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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June 2002
Our Sponsors:
Thank you to our sponsor: Dapto Leagues Club& Thank you to our sponsor: ANZ Bank, Dapto Dapto Branch Direct enquiries: 42611942

June 2002: News items can be submitted to Tara or Wendy Dyer by phone 42628454 or at training sessions during the week.

From the Presidents Desk
As advertised, the Dapto S.C held their Annual General Meeting during May, and in doing this has elected the new committee for the 2002 - 2003 year.
First of all, my thanks to the outgoing committee for there help throughout the past 12 months.
Welcome to the new committee and we look forward to another successful year.
The major changes in the committee is that Julie Robinson has come as Treasurer, taking over from Kathy Nichols who did not seek re-election due to moving house. It is good to see though, that Cathy has remained on the committee.
Race Secretary has also changed hands, with Julie Glass not standing for re-election, as she is also moving house. Tina Southwell has moved into this position.
The publicity role has been taken over by a joint venture this year, Wendy and Tara Dyer will be dealing with publicity and the newsletters, please forward any items that you have to Wendy or Tara.

Just to mention that NSW Swimming has appointed the Dapto S.C the right to host the N.S.W Country Regional Championships early in 2003. More news on that later.

A Welcome to our new Committee.
I'd like to introduce you to our new committee:
PRESIDENT: Norbert Sernig VICE PRESIDENT: Chris Neall SECRETARY: Sandra Neall TREASURER: Julie Robinson RACE SECRETARY: Tina Southwell CHIEF RECORDER: Chris Neall PUBLICITY OFFICER: Wendy and Tara Dyer SOCIAL SECRETARY: Wendy Dyer ADDITION COMMITTEE: Cathy Nichols, Michael Southwell and Toni Fulcher TEAM MANAGER: Yvette Oldroyd CLOTHING PERSON: Tina Southwell

Getting To Know Your Committee:
Each edition of the newsletter we will be getting to know one of the new committee members. We will begin with our President, Norbert Sernig.
Age: Over 40
Favorite music: Most music
Favorite food: schnitzel
Hobbies: Mostly sport
Special Talents: Haven't got any
Favorite TV show: All Saints
Idol: John Newcomb
Future Goal: Keep building up the club.

A Big Thank You
A big thank you goes out to Tory Toyota and Norbert Sernig for donating our new photocopier. It is for club use only. It is not a toy so children are asked not to play with it.
Another big thank you goes out to Cathy Nichols. The club would like to thank Cathy for all her hard work over the last few years it was greatly appreciated.

Annual General Meeting
Will be held in the clubhouse on Tuesday 4th June. All are welcome to attend.

Parent's night out.
The food was excellent, the company was good, music was a little loud, but a great night had by all.

Accommodation For Winter Country.
Accommodation has been booked in Griffith from Wednesday 10th until Sunday 14th July.
The cost will be $36 per person per night. The rooms have tea/coffee making facilities and a fridge. The motel has a BBQ.
Families wanting to stay with the club will need to pay a deposit of $20 to secure their booking.
This needs to be paid to Sandra Neall. Sandra can be contacted on 42618423

Upcoming Carnivals
SCAT winter meet 28/7/02 at Kiama Pool and Wollongong Winter meet 25/8/02 at Beaton Park. Anyone interested in doing these carnivals please see Tina Southwell at the pool or you can contact her on 42611851.
Anyone wishing to enter carnivals must have entry cards and money to Tina by closing date on the programme. If you have any questions PLEASE don't hesitate in contacting Tina.
Programmes for upcoming carnivals will be posted on the outside and inside notice board. If you need one please see Tina.

Winter Point score
Winter point score will commence on Sunday 16th of June at 9:30am. Please see Wendy or Tara Dyer if you would like any more details.

We are having a pie drive. The pies are from Betta Maid they are great to stock the freezer with, and they taste good too. If you have not received an order form please see Wendy. I also have heaps of boxes of chocolates left to be sold. So anyone who is willing to help with those it would be great to.

Masters in New Zealand.
On March 25th I flew out of Sydney for the World Masters Championships. By the afternoon I had registered and looked over the QE II Stadium. It was a new pool but the complex was behind schedule and was being built around us as we swam.
Next morning was the 200 Breastroke and I was first so nervous - talking to anybody at a thousand words a minute. I finished with a PB and 16th placing. The afternoon was the 400 Freestyle where I finished 28th, my best and worst swims over in the first day. Day 2 was the 200 Backstroke a PB and 21st place. Now the worry was off my back with the hard swims over - 50 Breastroke followed with a PB and finishing 23rd. The last day was the easiest with 100 Breastroke another PB and 19th placing. A great meet in the largest city in the South Island where everybody (including High school Students) worked very hard to put it all together. There were 2377 competitors, 9483 entries from791 swimming clubs from all over the world. Ages ranged fro 25 - 92 years. The meet started on the 23rd March and ran for 8 days and also included diving, synchronized swimming, water polo as well as 3km open water swim.
Easter Friday we caught the Trans Alpine across to the West Coast and started 17 days of touring the most spectacular landscapes.
Lynn Healey.

Coaches Corner
See Toni next week for the delivery of the parkas.

Congratulations to Tara Dyer and Clinton Parsons who have recently completed their Level 1 coaching course.

Swimmer of the Month
CONGRATULATIONS to Alexandra Kennedy for consistent hard work and always trying hard. Keep up the great work! Well Done!!

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