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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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JUNE 2001

Our Sponsors: & Dapto Branch Direct enquiries: 42611942

Welcome to the June edition of the newsletter. News items may be submitted to Sandi Wooton by phone (42214800) or email ( Newsletters are published once a month during the winter and fortnightly in the summer. However, our web site may be updated more frequently. We are located on the internet at:


HELP NEEDED: Dapto Swimming Carnival
Our Winter Carnival is just around the corner: Sunday June 24th. Carnivals are major fund raising events for the Club, and to be successful we require lots of helping hands an the day! There are many ways you can help: Setting up/taking down our tent, BBQ duties, serving goodies to officials, timekeeping … to name just a few! Don't be shy, it's a great chance to get to know other families in your club. Come on Team, let's all get together!
BRING A PLATE: To All Club Members - please bring along a plate of sandwiches, savories, or a dessert on the day. As the hosting club, we are required to supply the "goodies" for this carnival.
Club Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Club Room at Dapto Pool. All are welcome to attend. We encourage you to come along and join us, it's a terrific way to become involved in your club! Next club meeting: July 3rd.
Our Social Secretary, Wendy Dyer will be organising the following fund raisers this season: Pie Drive & Market Stall. If you have any pre-loved items you would like to donate for the Market Stall please ring Wendy on 42628454 ASAP. More on the Pie Drive soon!
South Coast & Tablelands Swimming Association is organising 2 Warehouse Bus Trips this season to outlets in southern Sydney. The 1st is scheduled for Saturday the 30th June, & the 2nd will be in October on a date yet to be set. It is hoped that all Clubs will support these trips. The cost has been set at $20 each. For more information on these excursions please contact Craig or Debbie Boles on 42323236, 0416042862, or email:

For information about swimming carnivals please feel free to browse our web pages on the internet, or see our new Race Secretary Julie Glass for entry cards and carnival information. Please remember that all entries must be given to Julie before the closing dates otherwise they will not be accepted. Julie Glass can be contacted at the Uni Pool on Wednesdays and Fridays, by phone (42718731), or via email:

This was a great carnival for the Club and it's swimmers!
19 Swimmers attended the carnival with 138 events entered. We achieved 72 P.B's on the weekend including 4 medals:
· JESSICA GLASS swam 100% P.B's on the Day (7/7 swims) and she had a virus (so from now on I'm injecting her with a virus before carnivals!)
· BRIARNA SOUTHWELL also qualified for State in the 100m backstroke and CLINTON PARSONS for the 50m Breast Stroke. No swimmers qualified for Country, but a lot came mighty close!
Official Results will be posted to the Web soon. Congratulations to all swimmers who attended this meet!

The following carnivals are targeted for the current season:
· 24 June: Dapto Swimming Carnival - Kiama Leisure Centre; Entries closed
· 1 July: Swimlords - Kiama Leisure Centre- Entries close 16 June
· 13-15 July: NSW 2001 Winter Country Championships - Toronto - Entries close 25 June
· 5 August: SCAT Winter Meet - Kiama Leisure Center
· 26 August: Wollongong Winter Meet - Beaton Park
· 15-16 September: NSW 2001 Winter State Age Championships - SAC

Date for your diaries: Dapto Swimming Club's summer carnival has been scheduled for the weekend of the 3rd & 4th of November.
Ellen Wooton has been selected in the Illawarra Academy of Sport's scholarship program, as a member of the Academy's Sydney Water Elite Swimming Squad 2001-2002. Congratulations Ellen!

Congratulations to our Swimmer of the Month for June: Michael Neall. Well done Michael!

Congratulations to Brendan Neall for moving up to the Dolphins squad!

An important note from your coaches: Many swimmers have been arriving for training late. It is extremely important for your development as athletes to be ON TIME!



Once again the weekend was a great success both in and out of the pool. The accommodation was great and the kids made us proud once again in their behavior and swimming. We went down there with no expectations as they have only just got back into training, but on the day some of them surprised us all.
As far as the parents are concerned, some families were able to make an early start on the weekend, and did so with a few quiet drinks, in anticipation of a good weekend. We didn't have to be at the pool until mid-day the next day, so sleep-ins all around. We met up with everyone at the pool and the day progressed slowly. We arrived back at the Sundown motel each following one another, like the blind leading the blind. After many U-turns we finally
arrived back, I believe the quote of the trip was "Doesn't everything look different in the dark!", well that was Kevin's excuse for getting us all lost. We all had a meal together in the bistro that evening and then the ladies joined Lyn for a bit of her ever-so-popular cheesecake slice, whilst the men remained behind at the bar wetting their whistle. The kids
congregated in different rooms having fun making popcorn and watching TV until lights out was heard around the compound. The coach and the kids were
finally in bed! So out came the parents for a few quiet ones. Wendy & John Dyer were the lucky hosts of the drinks that evening, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, some more that others! If there was an award for laughing Tanya Bates would have taken it out (snort,, snort), once that lady gets started there's no stopping her, except of coarse for not being able to breath. Finally silence fell upon the compound around 12.30 am. The next day we were greeted with ice an inch thick all over the cars, the temperature
falling down to -3 degrees, all the kids were chartered by various parents to the pool, whilst most of the mums stayed behind and packed. The day went
quicker than expected and all got away by 4.30 PM. The weekend can once again be chalked up to a great weekend away, and a great time to get together as friends who enjoy each others good company. Thank you to all the families that came away with us and congratulations to all the kids, you made us proud once again. Keep up the good swimming.

Leisha and Teagan Southwell will be representing their School at the State Cross Country Championships this season. Congratulations girls!
Happy Birthday to the following swimmers celebrating birthdays this month: Wade Dyer & Mathew Carrick.

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