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FEBRUARY 2000 Once
again our swimmers upheld the great tradition of previous squads to
become Country March past champions at last weekend’s championships.
Not given much of a chance by many so called "informed" judges our swimmers
excelled themselves and not only impressed the judges, but by all at
pool side as well . They looked great in their uniforms and marched
as one. Every one of our 22 swimmers represented the Club with pride
and we congratulate them all.
Not to be outdone their parents also excelled themselves over the weekend, especially in the "having a good time" category. True to past efforts they managed to create a few records of their own. These included: i) the noisiest party of the weekend, ii) the most people on a double bed; and iii) the club which hosted the party with the most people from other clubs. A truly great effort by all. By the way, the results of the party survey are shown in the graph on the Clubroom notice board. You make your own conclusions! Over
the past few weeks we have been handing out points score ribbons for
the October- November and November-December periods. Judging by the
number of swimmers receiving ribbons in each category this year’s overall
points score positions will be hotly contested. So far this season we
have seen a number of our younger swimmers showing continuous improvement
in their times and swimming under the progression times in the 12.5m
and 25m distances. These swimmers have been awarded certificates to
mark their achievement. They are: Amy Wilkinson (12.5m fly) Karl I’anson
(12.5m free) Wade Dyer (25m free) Holly Emmett (25m free) Leah Schlegal
(25m free) Luke Tresidder (25m free) Daniel Skeggs (25m free) David
Atkins (25m free) Casey Emmett (25m free) Karina Langley (25m free)
Letteisha Bensley (25m free) Melissa Papadimas (25m back) Terry Kidd
(25m fly) Kelly Tresidder (25m back) Connar McVey (25m breast) Whilst
the vast majority of our swimmers are registered, there are still a
few who have not yet paid their fees. Parents are reminded that no swimmer
is eligible to receive trophies or awards at our presentation night
if they are not financial. If you are not sure about this please see
Graham Kohler or check on the points score list on the notice board.
Any swimmer with a date of birth of 1 Jan 1999 is unregistered. On this
point, some parents have let us know about discrepancies concerning
their child’s date of birth or other aspect of the points list and weekly
results. A computer is only as good as the data being entered, so if
we get it wrong then we certainly appreciate it if you could let us
know. This is the best way for us to rectify our mistake, so don’t be
shy – come and tell us. Adult’s Night Out We all deserve a break from our kids now and then. Why not have yours at our annual Adults Xmas Party to be held on the 26 February (I know it’s a bit late, but it is tradition). Tonight is definitely the last night to let Wendy Dyer know if you are going, so please see her tonight. Deposits of $10 per head are required. Chocolates We are still trying to get rid of the last few boxes of chocolate frogs. These need to be moved fairly quickly so please consider taking some. We try not to ask people to do too much fundraising throughout the year and there is a $5 bonus for to the sellers for each box sold. A good way for our younger ones to earn some pocket money. Ask Wendy Dyer about taking a box or two. Markets Wendy Dyer still requires items for our Dapto Markets stall. This involves NO WORK on your behalf except to get out those pre-loved items you no longer need. It’s also a great way to clean up your cupboards and sheds. Wendy and John will arrange pick up. Our swimmers have been performing well at recent carnivals. They brought home 11 medals and 63% pb’s from Shellharbour-Warilla, and 13 medals and 44% pb’s from the SC&T Development carnival. This is a great effort from all our younger swimmers and augurs well for the future. The SC&T Championships will be held over this coming weekend at our pool and we wish all our squad the very best. Cie-Anne McKellar certainly knows how to put a dampener on the school holidays. Trying to fit as much into the holidays as possible she over did it a bit and broke a leg. Unfortunately it’s a bit hard to swim with a cast on your leg so Cie-Anne will be out for most of the season. We all wish you well Cie-Anne and hope your recovery doesn’t take too long. Just remember, swimming is great for rehabilitation. Tina Southwell and Julie Robinson would like to place an order for Club Tracksuit. However we must have minimum numbers to order. Please let Tina or Julie know if you are interested. Also, now that school carnivals are coming up you may need to get your children some new costumes. The gear ladies have plenty of Club cossies in stock at present, but they usually go quick at this time of year, so don’t miss out. HELP NEEDED: we need help to prepare the pool for the SC&T Championships. If anyone can spare half an hour on Saturday morning from 11am please come down and give us a hand. We also need BBQ cooks for Sunday, so if you can spare a little time please let Tony Robinson know tonight. Your help is greatly appreciated and all helpers are welcome at our BBQ after the championships are finished on Sunday afternoon. CLEARANCE SALE All costumes reduced by 20% while stocks last. Classic Moves Sportswear - Dapto Trade Centre, Marshall St., Dapto. |