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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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Congratulations to Kaine Love who yesterday represented his Country and our Club in the World Cup events in Hobart. Kaine will also swim at the World Cup events in Sydney on Monday and Tuesday. This is a great honour for both Kaine and the Club. If you have some spare time why not take a trip up to Homebush and cheer him on.

Welcome back. We hope you all have had a great Christmas - New Year break and are raring to go again. This year promises to be very exciting with the development work going on around the pool. We will endeavour to keep you informed as much as possible.

We are now into the business end of points score where every swim is vital in gaining those extra points. Tonight you will find on the notice board the points standing for each age group in No.1 Points Score. This will be the only time this year that points will be posted, so if you feel there may be an error please see one of the recorders in the Club Room as soon as possible. Good luck for the rest of the season.

Fundraising and Social News
There are a few boxes of chocolates still to be sold. As an incentive we will require only $35 back per box so this means you can earn $5 sales commission. Great way for the kids to earn some pocket money over the holidays.

Our Trash and Treasure stall at Dapto Markets last month went so well that Wendy and John have decided to hold another one. If you have any pre-loved items at home that you can donate to the Club please contact Wendy so she can arrange a pick up time.

Our annual parents get together/Christmas in February bash will be held on 26 February at Windang Bowling club. This was a great night out last year. At $24 a head, including your meal and entertainment, it's great value. Last year we arranged a bus to transport us there and back which proved to be a highlight. Deposits of $10 are required to Wendy Dyer by 28th January.

From the Race Secretary
The following carnivals are closing soon. Programs and closing dates are on the notice board: South Coast Championships, Shell Age & South Coast Sprint Meet. Also the State Long Distance championships in Ulladulla close this week so please see Norbert Sernig for an entry card.

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