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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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MARCH 2000(No.2)

Well, it's hard to believe but the season has finished already. It seems to go quicker every year. maybe it's because the footy season started earlier this year. Anyway it has been a very good year in the water for the Club. On the representative level we have seen Kaine Love put in his usual outstanding efforts, culminating in his selection in the Australian Team for the current World Short Course Championships (4x200m)
Also putting in an outstanding effort has been Julia Corderoy who won several medals in a International Southern Cross meet held in Sydney earlier in the season.

Congratulations to Ellen Wooton, Michael Wells and Anita Sernig who will be leaving on the 7th of April to compete in Nationals in Perth. Good luck and good swimming.

On the local scene all of our swimmers have been performing well over the whole season with several gaining medals for the first time. A prime example of how persistence eventually pays off was Tara Dyer's silver medal in the recent 800m event at the Regional Carnival at Unanderra a few weeks back. Those who were at Warrigal's carnival will never forget that epic relay win by our boys 10 Years and Under team!

On a Club level we have attracted many new members this year, which is a great sign for the future. We are currently seeing a "changing of the guard" with a number of our older swimmers dropping out, but with many new faces the Club will continue to be strong. With the confirmation of the pool being heated our numbers are sure to grow.

On the pool heating, it was a bit disappointing to learn this will be delayed until winter 2001, but this delay will ensure that we will have the best facilities available on completion.

Don't forget our AGM on Tuesday 9 May, starting at 7:30 pm. Please consider taking up a position on the Committee. As a number of our longer serving committee members have indicated that they will not be standing for the new committee, it is vitally important that new people put up their hands for positions. If you are concerned about your child's interests in swimming then please make sure you attend.

A reminder that Presentation night is on 31 March (2 weeks tonight). It's at the pool commencing at 6:30 pm. we will supply a BBQ and soft drinks free to all members. Non-members are asked to pay $2 if they wish to have a BBQ.

The draw for a stereo system will be made on the night. The number of entries for each swimmer is equal to the number of swims they have had in No1 Points Score throughout the year.

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