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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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DECEMBER 1999(No.1)

Christmas is approaching faster that most of us care to acknowledge and with that in mind Swimming club will wind down with a sausage sizzle party night on the 17th ofDecember. On the party night there will be two relays and the final of the Ernie Furbank handicap event. The relays will be the Captains relay, and the club captains will be approaching swimmers about that, and the Christmas relay which you can enter by nominating your team to Graham Kohler, with times.

On a more important note. The heating of Dapto Pool appears to be at risk of not going ahead as scheduled/promised. The club has done as much as it is able politically and it is now up to the members of the club and the people of Dapto to get behind the issue. The club is asking that everyone write to members of the Wollongong Council, particularly George Harrison and Mark Yates to voice your support for a heated pool in Dapto. The club will also be attending the next Council meeting on Monday the13th of December and the more bodies in attendance the more powerful we will appear. Everyone is asked to meet in the foyer of Wollongong Council at 5pm on that day dressed in club gear if you have it. Bring your neighbours, friends, extended family members, whoever you can find. On that day Toni's junior, intermediate and senior squads will train in the morning rather than the afternoon so they can all be at the meeting. So start writing letters, faxing councillors anything you think of that will help get our heated pool off the ground.The deadline is Monday 13th December. Relevant home addresses and phone/fax numbers are attached to the newsletter.

The bus trip from Hell was very profitable with approx $1500 dollars raised on the day. It's amazing how quickly so few people can raise so much money simply by going shopping. The company was fun, the shopping was great however the transport on the day turned out to be Cinderellas pumpkin and even that kept breaking down, needing jump starts, pushes and a mechanic! For a first effort Tanya, you did a great job and you survived! Congratulations.

Anyone with any trash or treasures at home they want to donate for Wendy Dyer to sell at the Markets on Sunday 12th be sure and contact her to arrange a delivery time.

The Swimming club will be running a beer raffle over the next two weeks and tickets for that will be available tonight at point score. Make sure you get some to sell or buy yourself. It will be drawn on the !7th December at the Christmas party.

Congratulations to Kane Love on his recently set Shortcourse record in the mens 17-18yrs 100mts freestyle.

What young swimming club couple are currently on a fact finding mission on training programs at the Hotel Sahid in Bali. I wonder how much they’ll learn over there?


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