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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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DECEMBER 1999(No.2)

Christmas is just about here. Tonight is the last pointscore for 1999 and we will return on Friday 7th January 2000. Next week is the Christmas Party, with a free sausage sizzle for everyone, even the parents. Alcohol is okay, but is BYO and in moderation. All families are asked to bring a dessert and nibblies on the night. Something to sit on is always a good idea too.

Club Captains will be talking to swimmers about the Club Captains Relay for next week and nominations for the Tresidder Family Relay are also being called for. These can be given to Graham Koehler and must contain 10 swimmers and times.

From the Recorder: It is essential to the smooth running of the Point Score that entry cards are into the club house no later than 6:50. Any cards handed in after that time may not be included in the evenings events. This is necessary so that the carnival runs on time and we don't all end up still in the water at midnight.

Cards can be purchased in bulk from the clubhouse and filled in at home, which saves time when you arrive, and handed directly to Tina or placed in the tin.

On a happier note, Congratulations to Melanie and Daniel Skeggs on the arrival of their new baby brother. It's a very important job being a big brother or sister.

Happy birthday to Ashleigh, Kieren, and Tara, and anyone else who has recently celebrated a birthday.

Anyone interested in attending a "gentleman's golf day" at Calderwood on Sunday 19th December should see Trevor Bates or Tony Robinson. This is apparently an annual event and something they are hoping to turn into a tradition.

Parents are reminded that the small pools are closed on Friday nights after 7pm and you are asked to make sure that your children do not swim in them. There is no Life Guard on duty and therefore no one to supervise. The Swimming Club only has use of the 50m pool.

Everyone is reminded about the Council Meeting on Monday night. Yes the funds have been approved, but the proposal still needs to be voted on. Show your support and attend on Monday night.

Congratulations to Julia Corderoy on yet another great achievement. Julia has been selected to swim at Pacific School Games. Your achievements are a credit to you and your hours of training and dedication.

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