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Dapto Swimming ClubNEWSLETTER



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MARCH 2001(No.2)

Would you like to contribute to our newsletter or website? Items may be submitted by phone 42214800 to Sandi Wooton or via email:, or to Julie Glass on42718731, email: are published once a month during the winter and fortnightly during the summer. However, the website will be updated more frequently. So be sure to check out our website on a regular basis

A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors: and Dapto Branch! We appreciate their continued support and acknowledge their contributions to our club…
ANZ Dapto, for all your banking needs – Direct enquiry’s 42611942

Next Meeting
First Tuesday in the month of April at the Club House at 7.30 p.m. Please feel welcome to come along.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Will be held in the Club House on Tuesday1st May at 7.30 p.m.

Winter Country Accommodation: Swimmers and their families who qualify for Winter Country and intend staying with the Club booked accommodation in Toronto, could you please notify Sandra or Kathy and pay a
deposit of $20.00/person as soon as possible.

Presentation Night – B.B.Q.

Friday 30th March, start at, but we are asking everyone to start arriving at 6.30 p.m. There will be a B.B.Q put on by the club, we ask that every family brings along a dessert to share. It is also a good idea to bring along your own chairs and even a fold-up table, as the chairs in the clubhouse aren’t plentiful. Also bring along some refreshments and muchies for the night. Hope to see you all there, as it’s always a fun night.

Faye Rowles was awarded the Australian Sports medal on the 6th December 2000 at a Mayoral Reception at the Wollongong Town Hall. Fourteen recipients were presented with awards from various sports. Faye Rowles and Ingrid Vanderburg represented swimming. The award includes a large medal (engraved) and a smaller replica, and an embossed certificate.
Faye was nominated by the club and by the NSW swimming (Technical Committee) Congratulations Faye!


Congratulations to our Swimmer of the Month - March 2001

Brielle Baker

For most swimmers, you will be having a break from swimming over April and then Kate and I will look forward to seeing you all back at the University pool to commence our winter program on the 7th May. We also would like to ask any of the parents that would be interested in car pooling to the University pool, could they please see me at the Presentation night.

Congratulations to all the swimmers going through to School State. Well done!

Congratulations to Ellen Wooton, Clinton Parsons, Teagan Southwell, Leisha Southwell, Alicia Vesie, & Nathan Mitchell for being selected to swim in the Brophy Shield.

Congratulations to Nathan Mitchell and Anita Sernig on being named the SCAT Open Champions. Well Done!

Congratulations to Ellen Wooton and Anita Sernig on qualifying for National. Good luck girls!


Please feel free to check out our Web page, we have included lots of new photos, and additional information for you to read. As at the 30th March, we have had 3393 people have a look at our Web Page. I believe we have had people from England and America checking out our site.

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