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WEEK 2: March 16-17, 2001

Issachar (left) and Naphtali (right) awoke to blustery temperatures and snow covered camps. A blazing fire was the number one priority right out of bed.

Issachar tries to keep warm.

Left: Both teams break for the Lunch Challenge.
Right: Overnight snows blanketed the woods.

Both teams worked to stack wood and burn brush while the snow continued to fall.

Sleet fell while the sun shined as Naphtali & Issachar shared their favorite moments at the Affirmation Council.

Four youth and six adults were present for the second weekend of Survivors. Like the previous weekend, following an opening prayer, the participants had just minutes to grab their personal gear and group gear and start off to their campsite. Neither team had any difficulty finding their site this time. Both had fires going within minutes of their arrival.

Friday night began with an informal Affirmation Council to review the time since the last Survivors. After the debriefing the teams were issued an evening Team Challenge--capture the flag. The teams played three rounds. The first was called a draw after neither team captured their opponent's flag after 30 minutes. The second and third games went quickly. Laura managed to seize Issachar's flag to bring Naphtali a win. Tim managed to singlehandedly capture all four members of Naphtali's team to bring a victory to Issachar.

Having learned from the previous weekend, most participants brought suffecient clothing and sleeping gear to stay warm through the night. Everyone awoke to a blanket of snow that had fallen over night and was continuing to fall. Both teams worked throughout the morning clearing and burning brush, and stacking wood.

The Blindfold Challenge

The morning work project was interupted by a Team Challenge. Isaac and Tim had to lead their blindfolded teammates through a series of challenges by using only verbal commands. Naphtali proved more receptive to instuction and perserveared to win the challenge.

The Lunch Challenge

At 11:15, the groups broke their fast with communion. This was followed by a luncheon Challenge. Each person had to draw a number to find out what their lunch for the day would be. Their options were various exotic fruits (horn melons, papaya, uniq, pepinos, mangos) and 2 candy bars for 2 lucky drawers. The teams returned to their sites after lunch for devotion and free time.

At 1:00 the teams competed in their second Reward Challenge of the day: Bible Trivia. In this challenge, each participant had to answer several trivia questions about the Bible by choosing from four choices or true/false. Issachar showed far superior Bible knowledge and one the challenge and the reward: cheeseburgers.

Naphtali and Issachar went to Affirmation Council together to recap the weekend and to vote. The votes will be revealed at the final Affirmation Council on April 21.

Who will be the Ultimate Example? Check back soon to find out!