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WEEK 4: April 21, 2001
Due to inclament weather (they do say April showers bring May flowers), the outdoor portion of the final weekend of Survivors was cancelled. This however did not deter everyone from coming together with their families and friends for dinner and to hear the votes read.
At 6:00 PM on Saturday, April 21, almost 30 people gathered to share a meal, hear about Survivors, watch the footage from the opening weekend, and celebrate the event and those who participated. Each participant was awarded a T-shirt, 2 evangelism cards, and a D.O.G. (Dependent on God) tag to remind them of the event.
Then the votes were read...
All of the Survivors had at least one vote. Two Survivors tied for second with three votes each. And one Survivor received the most votes.
And the person voted by their peers as the Ultimate Example of Christ was...
TIM VANCE. His Grand Prize was a music CD and Left Behind the Movie from WNZR, a free T-shirt from Clothesline Christian Clothing, and a gift certificate to Gospel Supply Shop.
Second place participants were ISAAC FRAZIER and JOSH SHENNABERRY. They were awarded a music CD and a backpacker's first aid kit.
Though there was only one Ultimate Example, everyone walked away winners by learning what it takes to be Christian Survivors. We thank God for the opportunity to hold this event and ask the Spirit's continued guidance now and always.
Check back for Survivors Reunion information and for a chance to be apart of a Summer or Fall Survivors 2.