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WEEK 3: March 23-24, 2001
Issachar and Naphtali merged to form a new tribe: Manasseh. Left: Dixie and Tim work to get a fire built. Right: Josh and Josh work to put up a tent.
Partipants kept warm during the evening challenge.
Left: The team toasted their successful merger with marshmellows.
Right: Clearing trails was part of the morning work project.
Creating better drainage was another part of the morning's work.
The team learned the value of sharing during their Lunch Challenge.
The participants voted for their exemplary teammate at Affirmation Council.
Four youth and six adults were present for the fourth installment of Survivors. Issac and Tim were selected to represent the two tribes as ambassadors. They were driven back to the woods to deside which site the combined tribes would occupy. Both ambassadors argued the merits of their sites and were unwilling to give-in. A coin toss in Tim's favor brought the newly merged tribe together at Issachar's site.
The teams accepted the merger and location graciously. The team decided on a new tribe name: Manasseh. New ties were formed as members of Naphtali paired with members from Issachar to prepare the campsite.
Manasseh met together at Affirmation Council to begin the evening and participate in their first Individual Challenge. The group played a game called "Manhunt," similiar to hide-and-seek but in the dark. Tim and Josh were the only pair to allude detection by hiding under the roots of a tree along the creekbed. The evening concluded with a marshmellow toast to celebrate the merger.
At 2:00 AM, tribe members in one tent were awaken by strange sound and a sudden crash against their tent. High winds had lifted one of the other tents and thrown it over on its side against their's. The tent had been empty, set-up only to let dry.
The next morning, everyone was given free choice of their Work Project. Dixie, Josh, Laura, Issac, and Miriam worked to clear the trails around camp. Juston, Tim, and Josh Funk helped dig a trench and picked up five barrels of glass. Jon and Charles worked to create two waterways to aliviate standing water in two places.
The morning projects were interrupted by an Individual Challenge. Each of the youth participants were give two minutes to look at a box containing 30 different items. Then they had four minutes to write down as many as they could remember. Josh remembered 15, Tim 18, Miriam 19, and Issac won with 20. His reward was going first during the Lunch Challenge. The Lunch Challenge involved choosing two identical items for lunch then sharing them with another person.
After time for a short nap and journaling, the group reconvined at the main area for the afternoon Individual Challenge. In this challenge, each of the four youth participants had three minutes to collect firwood. Once they collected wood, they had to build a fire under a rope so that it would burn through the rope. In order to light their fire, they had to light a candle from a tiki torch 10 yards away. Keeping their candle lit proved to be a challenge in itself. The race was close the entire time. Each player had to re-think their original strategy as the strong winds proved to be uncooperative. After four close calls, Tim finally pulled through to win the challenge. His reward, a large cheese pizza which he graciously shared with the rest of the tribe.
After the challenge the team broke camp and returned to Affirmation Council to affirm one another and vote.
Who will be the ultimate example of Christ?
Check back soon to find out!