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Greetings !!


Columbus,Columbus,sailed across the sea,
And found a very special land
That belongs to you & me.
Columbus,Columbus,we celebrate your day,
In fourteen hundred & ninety-two
When you sailed our way.

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian neighbors,
Happy Columbus Day to my neighbors in Mexico.

-5641 Day's Til Columbus day, 2009


Christopher Columbus had one ambition-to reach the
East and its fabled wealth by sailing West. There
were some who thought him crazy to believe the world
was round. They thought it impossible to sail "around"
a flat earth. But thinking people of Columbus' day,
and even earlier, knew that the world was round.

Curiousity combined with persistence finally brought
Columbus the answer to his dreams. The Queen of Spain,
Isabella, supplied him with money, and on August 3,
1492, Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, with three
ships, The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

On October 12, 1492, Columbus sighted by moonlight what
he thought was an island of the Indies near Japan or
China. The island, which Columbus called San Salvadore,
was actually a tiny part of an unknown world.

Columbus made several trips back and forth across the broad
reaches of the Atlantic in a continued effort to locate
lands that might be Asia or Japan. Despite his great
discoveries, Columbus died a disappointed man because he had
failed to bring back to Spain the treasures of the East.


Columbus Day Crafts

Columbus Day Recipes

Columbus Day History & Poems

Columbus Day Print & Color
W/A Few Midi's You Might Enjoy :)

Columbus Day Clip Art

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Books to Read:

Columbus Day By Vicki Liestman

Cut & Assemble the Mayflowerby A. G. Smith

Columbus Day : Let's Meet Christopher Columbus by Barbara DeRubertis

Children's Books On Columbus

Columbus Day

Columbus' ships

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

A Brief Biography

The Columbus Fleet

The Mayflower Pages

A Timeline Of Columbus' Life

Columbus And Myth In America

Columbus Day: The Voyages

The story of the Columbus Doors

Myths About Columbus (and answers to them.)

Celebrate! Holidays In The U.S.A. Columbus Day

1492: An Ongoing Voyage Library of Congress Exhibit

The Stories & Symbolism Represented On The Doors

Where Did Columbus First Land In The New World?

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Christopher Columbus

Columbus Day in Costa Rica

For Costa Rica October 12 was Día de la Raza, Race Day,
a celebration of the human race as well as Columbus's
voyages. As sentiment throughout the Americas has
changed focus in recent years, so has Costa Rica's vision
of this important date. It now embodies a celebration of all
the peoples who constitute the base of this country's culture.

God Bless America
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